Thank you Michelle for a very informative presentation. I wasn't aware of the 2023 moment of silence, which, of course, adds more insult to the existing national injury trauma. That people are easily mislead is an important lesson of history that is readily forgotten. Equally true and applicable is the proverb that the fish rots from the head down, a metaphoric warning of the danger of poor leadership which both Canada and the US have been suffering from. The inexcusable ignorance of our Parliamentarians and vainglorious PM, to unceremoniously indite and convict our country of the heinous crime of genocide, without the slightest bit of investigation or evidence, is a blatant violation of the "Rule of Law", and a mockery of the most important founding principles of our country. In our condemnation of this collective ignorance, let us not forget that every person elected to Parliament must swear an oath of fealty to Canada, a pledge now more honored in the breach than in the practice.

"To control a people you must first control what they think about themselves and how they regard their history and culture. And when your conqueror makes you ashamed of your culture and your history, he needs no prison walls and no chains to hold you." ~ John Henrik Clarke

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Thanks for the video link. I definitely plan to watch it later.

A few typos to search and replace: Red Dear to Red Deer. Mass Mom-Graves to Mass Non-Graves (in name of pdf file). scene’s to scenes. becuase to because. “They’re entire time” to Their. Repetition of below in final sentence.

I'm in a rush too this morning.

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I am going to suggest that you adopt the indigenous moniker, "woman with eye of eagle". Sorry, but Kemosabe has already been taken.

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Well shoot, you’ve all but doxed me, revealing my indigenous name like that! (And in case you hadn’t already guessed, my middle initials are O.C.D. : )

– ˈaɪ ˈəv iɡəɫ

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Kudos to Michelle Stirling for that great presentation. Her dedication to the truth, her hours and hours of research, and her compassion must be acknowledged. I hope the audience was large. I couldn’t see how many people were in the room, but I presume it was also livestreamed or is being shared after-the-fact, as James has done for us.

(BTW, I’m chagrined to note that I used the word “truth” above with some hesitation; it’s been sullied, that word. I wonder if we can ever take it back?)

Something I found interesting when watching the Q&A that followed Michelle’s talk: The third questioner seemed quite convinced that the Kamloops band had apologized for “misleading Canadians about the graves.” The questioner (Kevin Schulthies, at 1:10) didn’t name the sacred covenant, but that’s obviously what he was referring to. I suspect he hadn’t read the covenant itself, but was influenced by Terry Glavin’s suggestion in the National Post that “It may be the closest thing to an apology that Canada’s Roman Catholics are likely to hear.”

The covenant was obviously conceived as a means to heal divisions between the Church and the Band by acknowledging past cooperation (and to ensure ongoing support from the Church!), but it takes some determined reading-between-the-lines to find an apology from TteS in the document. Certainly not an apology to Canadians generally or to Canada, nor any admission of any “misleading” on the band’s part. So it’s interesting that that was the take-away of that one conference participant.

Something else that emerged from Michelle's talk was that apparently very few attendees were aware of the House of Commons having passed a motion in 2022 recognizing the IRS as genocide. Gosh.

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