0ver 600 years since the first Europeans set up communities in Canada and just what have the natives accomplished, other than moving from tents to dwellings not very much. Everyone needs to realize that to move forward requires educating the masses and reducing the harm that drinking and drug addiction brings to all including of course the reserves and those that continue to live in squalor.

The settlers as we non natives are called can only do so much if very little to improve conditions this is obviously the responsibility of the so called record keepers the Chiefs & band elders who need to stop the incessant whining and "oh woe is us " attitude and get off their butts and figure it out themselves.

Here we are millions upon millions of $ later and not one murdered child has been discovered so stop calling this a genocide which is so ridiculous and I might add repulsively offensive to those poor suffering millions worldwide who actually went through one, and if you do not think this is the case then I would suggest you simply ask an Auschwitz survivor from the nazi death camp what they think of this or a survivor from the Pol Pot regime, the Katyn Forrest in Poland, Russians from the Gulag and you will very soon have an answer.

At the end of the day it is time to put up or shut up and stop blaming others for what amounts to your lot in life, if you are not happy about it then have the gumption to do something about improving yourself as countless other billions of people have done before you.

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Most shocking to me is the genocide lie which all federal MPs endorsed October 27. No evidence of any murder or intention to murder. Only evidence of Aboriginal Industry deceit.

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Agree entirely. The Conservatives fell for the lie, which showed me how they cared more for bogus virtue signalling than questioning the narrative. By stating Canada had committed genocide, where is the investigation of who the culprits are? I see this as a dangerous exercise as enshrining genocide means that Canadians are racists, possibly white supremist-all the jargon Jagmeet Singh spews out. It legitimises his attack on Canada and Canadians and attacks our history and national pride. It is Marxist driven.

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Thank you for your message which I appreciate please feel free to use my information

Peter Wraight

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James, the reason we are getting an almost weird and bizarre defensive-aggressive behavior from a once Enlightenment Ascendancy is its interface with the roll out of an Indulgence driven culture and economy that has abandoned disciplined needs, wants and the responsible agency that went with it, in favor of fantasies of desire and the irresponsible disinhibition necessary to realize them, posing as 'liberation'. This has gutted the responsible mechanisms of The Enlightenment, transferred the real control of social governance to the public relations, marketing and sales apparatus, incorporated the once rebellious humanist tradition into the system of social administration, and above all, all but destroyed the old socially mediated means of socialization

The result has been unprecedented conformity from mass populations who have had most of their autonomous existential software removed, leaving them in an immature, unstable and insecure state where all the former character building and mentorship mechanisms have gone, leaving them stripped naked and left to the mercies of the proud sponsors. At a fundamental level, this is causing a particularly painful and chaotic annihilation, where nothing really works, except the massive propaganda apparatus that paves the road to hell not in the next life, but the legacy being left to our descendants.

The people who were most immediately and drastically impacted by the collapse of internalized and disciplined governance and self governance, have been those who for any reason got disconnected from the only mechanism left that provided some disciplined purpose and productive values of any kind; i.e., the workplace. The other defense mechanism of religious communities quickly succumbed to the Faustian deal that consumer societies offered. Orderly and disciplined family life evaporated as did the authority of its adult progenitors.

Life fell apart in welfare communities and that was compounded by the cultural parallelism and isolation of remote indigenous community cultural head burial in the face of modern times, which meant a rapid reduction to toxic pulp that leaked dysfunction into everything it touched.

The once humanist trained but now postmodernist reprogrammed apparatchiks whose fantasist perception-based relativism is a subjective intellectual denial of responsible objective truth building, found themselves in charge of this terrible mess they couldn't clean up, so they have adopted the strategy of propaganda Reich minister Joseph Goebbels after the catastrophe of Stalingrad. He couldn't change the situation, but he could ride it down by reconstructing defeat into the perception of victory and normality, which is what the Woke are now doing.

But as things got worse, the game became exponentially more difficult to maintain, which meant increasingly drastic behavior, because even the smallest defeatist doubt had the potential to unravel into regime disaster. That is where the Woke are now. They are quite literally riding the tiger, so there is no room for tolerance, or debate, or for that matter, any opposition or doubt at all.

More, as time has gone on, the disease has worked its way right through the social system. All it needed was just extra time (a couple of decades) to acid burn off the existential fat of the more privileged and now the top brass too are exposed to the same fundamental tissue damage and organ failure of the people at the bottom end, who now languish in the valley of the shadow, or should I say the garbage dump of history. The near collapse of the financial system in 2008 demonstrated the collapse of responsible governance at the highest level, as did the successive scandalous exposes of the Panama and Paradise Papers. The success of fossil fuel and allied free market lobbies in obfuscating anthropogenic climate change and stymying necessary reform meant all the slightly easier options have gone and our children will reap the whirlwind. And they got away with it for 50 years.

The callous indifference towards the future indicates the likelihood that no one really believes there is one, but the words for saying that are unspeakable, as they were in Germany, particularly after Stalinigrad.

The whole regime has acid burned all the critical infrastructure that it was supposed to be stewarding for its successors.

It isn't just The Woke who are in trouble with broken and irresponsible governance at both the individual and collective levels, and like the Warner Brothers Coyote, the once progressive elect of history just cannot afford to look down and admit that they have walked over a cliff....and will go to any lengths to make sure that no one does.

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