You’ll never undue the poison all of that "professional development" has left behind in the minds of teachers and admin. Like ever fad that comes through education, they just move on and never admit they we're wrong. So the ideas remain.

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The individual is the ultimate minority. If we are ideologically motivated to only help "minorities" at school boards, then we must recognize each student has an intersectional identity of visable and invisible identities. So the boards are morally bound to help everyone. You cannot tell by looking at a child all their risk and protective factors. That's a simple solution to a complex problem. I wholly agree with the author. Keep up the great work at exposing this lunacy.

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Nice. It think for profit businesses, that are performance and efficiency driven, eventually realize the social toxicity of Robin De Angelo's ideas, and are forced to abandon CRT toxic ideas eventually. In the public sector, I am not so sure, but thanks for giving some examples here of how it may be waning, a bit.

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Amazing how so many academics and so called smart people have their heads screwed up, not so smart after all eh smarty pants. Yet on the other hand we have our average person of normal background living an ordinary life who knew all along what the problems are with any people from any race who do not perform well in civilized society. My father like many old timers from past generations summed this up in a heartbeat with the old saying "You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink"

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Totally agree. Its not really new, either, that academics and supposed 'intellectuals' have been behind some of the deadliest ideas in history. The Smart People are amazingly stupid, often enough.

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The more you do the more likely you are to be grounded. Anyone with ideas who put them into play knows ‘huh, some of my ideas don’t work. Best I move cautiously next time.’ Academics never really feel the pain of implementing a stupid idea. Their pain is downloaded onto their students. So the hands on types grow smarter faster than those who talk for a living.

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Race has nothing to do with student learning; it's culture that counts.

Sadly there are people at the PDSB whose existence depends on exacerbating and exploiting racial conflict so I'm not hopeful for change.

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Igor writes: “Not all black kids need extra help and special programs, and a lot of non-black kids do need those things.” What about having more focus on less intelligent kids or less attractive kids or single-parent kids. They do less well. Schools should focus on individuals. CRT puts us in arbitrary groups.

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