Another brilliant article, Nina, exposing the hypocrisy behind the Residential School genocide hysteria. I find that most of these indigenous activists share a common thread of negative experiences in their background in which they employ scapegoating and hyperbole to minimize and explain through a victim hood defense. One must keep in mind that such transparent posturing would be powerless without the complicity of sycophantic politicians anxious to capitalize and exploit any topic with a political correctness potential. Gazan and her cohorts would not have a political soap box to expound their hateful and mendacious rhetoric had our juvenile PM simply followed the legitimate mandate provided by Canada's legal system and allowed the RCMP to do their job at Kamloops and expose the costly fraud of unmarked graves. But of course, in hindsight, that would not have been "respectful" to the sacred indigenous knowing's.

"A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation." ~ Adlai E. Stevenson

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There seems to be no shame in abusing Canadian history, so Leah Gazan goes to town —.even though “the only person in her direct family tree who went to a residential school was her great-grandfather, John LeCaine (1890-1964), who learned skills there which enabled him to live a very fulfilling life.”

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It's about as true as orange shirt story.....

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Good analysis. Its always better to live in gratitude rather than resentment.

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Awesome research, so she should be charged under her own bill.

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Yet another wannabe Injun, or is it simply an MP grandstanding for votes in either case she is a bloody liar and can not be trusted.

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The NDP are rotten.

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Excellent research...Leah Gazan is a grifter looking for attention and wanting to destroy any Canadian who questions her made-up past. I think she should spend some quality time with Buffy Sainte-Marie and reflect on her fake credentials!

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Excellent amount of research! Thank you.

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A bunch of people should send this substack to all MPs/senators, in gov't right now.....

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Oct 8·edited Oct 9

Nina Green herself has done so, StellaMaris, even before this appeared here. I think to a list of journalists as well. The trouble is, one has to assume that those recipients would have fairly strict filters on their incoming email and they probably have bulging spam folders where things get lost. We can only hope that SOME, at least, end up reading Nina's research, and/or passing it on.

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The legislation being proposed by this woman is the absolute worst piece of tyrannical terrorism ever introduced in the Canadian Parliament. What a disgrace.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

Thanks and a great drill down to unearth the fable with which this politician is trying to gaslight us hoi polloi into believing she has a personal reason to float such a draconian Bill for debate in Parliament. She is trying to play on the old chestnut of sacrificial aturism, so often used by the Left to try and sway public opinion.

“When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehoods and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can only be restored by the terrible lessons of catastrophe. “ Frederic Bastiat.

The hoax about the graves found at the sites of residential schools is truly a cautionary tale about the power of a lie. Expect this hoax to have an extended shelf life because it is of such depth and extensive involvement that its exposure would expose the culpability and stupidity of the ranks of numerous present-day politicians and their supporters

This misguided politician in just so typical of the socialist NDP mindset. In Canada, reparations have been paid to First Nations for almost two decades under the somewhat misleading heading of Reconciliation. The expansion of reparations has been driven by developments in the judicial process, especially the use of class-action lawsuits and the instructions for Justice Canada to negotiate rather than litigate.

The damage is likely to continue as long as the 2019 “Litigation Guidelines” remain in effect because they lead to politically inspired negotiations rather than a thorough examination of claims in court. Since Trudeau came to power in 2015 the use of the legal process as a tool to provide reparations has led us present state of affairs with regards to reparations and not reconciliation. 😒

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Excellent research. Bravo for uncovering another pretendian.

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Great research.

But they'll never give up this lie now. Too many union members get a paid holiday to celebrate the lie.

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