What an extraordinary article. There is so much to wax poetic about it it. I like this quote best: “One does not feel safe to challenge ideas regarding policy related to the indigenous people of Canada. We have created a mythical narrative related to our overall national history, and we are all to blame.”

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PP as the next PM knows that changes with The Indigenous in Canada MUST happen. Let us hope that the articulate ideas expressed here will be part of that inevitable change.

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Does he? His party brought the motion to declare Canada a genocidal country. He has avoided any discussion of FN issues and any association with any side of any indigenous issues so far.

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No, the Conservatives did not bring that defamatory motion, NDP MP Leah Gazan did. But nearly as bad, PP and his entire caucus voted for it as did every other MP present.

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Jack, you are correct in the sense that they sat on their hands and let the motion pass without objection. This declaration of 'guilt' needs to be reversed.

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The Genocide vote must be reversed. BUT HOW?

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In the present climate of overt stupidity it will be a difficult task to replace "non" with "common" in front of "sense". Lord grant me the serenity to accept that which cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be changed and the wisdom to know the difference.

“He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once.".....Albert Einstein

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Excellent article!

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I greatly appreciate these articles. Thanks so much..

I was GREATLY disturbed by the "Truth and Reconciliation" commission. Before I knew anything about it, I was struck by how Orwellian it was for a government to strike up a panel with "Truth" in the name. The inquiry head was hand-picked because he had the "right" ideas (and foregone conclusions) about the issue.

Instead of "Truth" we have gotten lies. Instead of "reconciliation" we have gotten division. I think relations between indigenous peoples and the rest of us Canadians are FAR more tense, negative, and fractious than they were before the government decided to "fix" things for us all.

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Great overview and article.

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I’ve said many times that there were a small number of triggers that could push Canada into a low-level Civil War situation. Loss of trust in our Legal System is close to the top of the list of likely triggers.


The Supreme Court of Canada just declared war on Religion and Churches, and this will not end well. It will not be the sort of battle you’re most familiar with. It will begin and end with attacks by Lone Wolves. Initially they will be few in number, but my guess is that some small event could cause their ranks to increase fairly dramatically.


The extreme Left-of-Centre appear to be encouraging some sort of conflict. Divide and Conquer strategies will have no impact what-so-ever on Lone Wolves, and the numbers will not favour the Elites. The Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP both know that time is not on their side. It will be ‘interesting’ to see what happens as the next Federal Election approaches.




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Hi Alison;

People who hold elected office are enormously afraid of standing up to the Indians. They are aware of their unfettered power. They can block trains, burn down churches, obstruct pipelines all without consequences from the police or government. It will take strong individuals with demonstrated public support to turn this well-funded 'ship' around. It is a very dangerous situation.

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I want to repeat here a post I put up yesterday on Hymie Rubinstein's blog, because we need to be able to transfer our collective finger from the proximal to the fundamental causes of Woke unsustainability, not just in relation to indigenous affairs, but their impact across all platforms of the means of social reproduction and administration....as part of a much larger system wide unustainability, because their regime context and modus operandi are exactly the same and do the same kind of damage to everything they touch, whether existential/social/cultural or ecological.

It is not that proximal cause is unimportant, That is where one goes to critically unpick the regime status quo in 'tactical' detail. But it needs to be placed within a larger 'strategic' view that elevates criticism from front line contests within a limited theater of operations, to the larger ebb and flow of not just a campaign, but the overall war effort.

The power of Marxism was in no small measure created by its ability to pivot seamlessly from the larger understanding of historical forces and class struggle, right through to local strike action and political agitation. We must be able to do the same.

Read on....

The awful truth is that it isn't just that indigenous social infrastructure has crumbled into dysfunctional shards. The rest of society is following in its footsteps. It is just that the indigenous one wasn't traveling particularly well at the beginning of this dismal exercise and has gone down like a barrel of shit.

The dominant society had a bit more fat in the system to keep it going for a bit longer and is collapsing more slowly, as the underlying structures give way in a welter of bizarre outbursts and implosions of governance. This is not just a matter of a troubling tendency for speed dating with agents of the devil. It is a general crisis that very likely cannot be resolved because the system of the Indulgence Capitalism that rolled out in the 1950s and 60s was never sustainable on any of its platforms, either social/existential/ cultural, or ecological.

The Woke tertiary industry public and private 'softspeakers' are every bit as much part of the regime administration as their 'hardspeak' heavy industry counterparts. They speak the same jewel wasp methodology where colonized consciousness with all its ordinary escape instincts nobbled, is the main product of the overall enterprise. Concrete goods and services are now reduced to the symbolic iconogography of fantasy engineering.

We are inside the most successfully totalitarian organism ever constructed, made all the more devastatingly effective because its privatized nature goes straight under the normal defensive software filters that identify authoritarian and despotic governance. It isn't just that indefinite exponential goods and services expansion within a closed planetary environment is impossible, but the social/cultural/psychological 'adjustments' necessary to make it happen aren't either, because they cause exactly the same kind of damage and residualization to the critical infrastructures that hold them up.

The tragedy of the commons has become a catastrophe.

And the system of social reproduction and administration (OK, 'family') is in the same dire straights as the natural world. The big move away from a disciplined culture of needs and wants in favor of fantasies of desire-made-real, in order to 'liberate' demand/consumption from 'repressive' restraints, was accomplished by deregulating the social economy and privatizing moral accountability. Civil rights were decoupled from responsible adult agency to become 'human rights' and fantasizing became so real that increasingly no one could determine the boundaries of knowing imagination and unknowing delusion.

Academic postmodernism became a logical regime genre where fantasy IS reality. 'Narrative' that once relied on evidence based reason becomes asylum grade rationalization and faith based'. Truth becomes perception in the same way debate becomes sloganeering; in the same way logical cause and effect becomes arbitrary but psychologically compelling perceptual association.

Publicrelationsmarketingthink becomes indistinguishable from academicspeak.

The new totalitarians have been wildly successful, but the price has been to reduce the commons to chaos that is only masked by the ongoing and absolute control of consumer driven behavior. Human beings cannot live by goods and services alone, which right now is all they have; you know, third generation consumer warriors and producers whose original conversion of war production run by military machines to bomb enemy infrastructure with explosive ordinance, has been reconfigured into production war run by marketing machines to bomb civil society with goods and services ordinance. The mess left is exactly the same.

The now bloated late modern household is overrun with goods and services inventory, but it is an existential bomb site, where everything is falling down, insecure, often toxic and in the absence of workable templates, dysfunctionally improvised and makeshift, where no one makes it out as an adult.

And indigenous society gets the 95% proof version....

Color and movement,

dances and dust,

didgereedooing* ‘till it all goes bust,

debauched by welfare and idle hands

can you stand me a drink to return to my lands?

for dreams are my waking

and waking my sleep

As I lift up my spirit And swallow it neat…

till I drown and I drown

to the end of the town

with the end of the world at my feet….

*Didgereedo: An Australian aboriginal base note drone vibrato woodwind instrument

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This Woke Watch article is excellent. This Indian Act separation of Canadians needs to end. I handed my attached article to Pierre at one of his local rallies. So far I haven't had a reply.... not even a simple acknowledgement. Sooner or later politicians have to speak out on these critical issues. Also the October 27,2022 motion by Leah Gazan declaring Canada a GENOCIDAL nation needs to be rescinded. We 'settlers' built this country into what it is today and nobody benefits more from it than the Indigenous folks with whom we share the land.


In August of 1969 Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau said, “ Indians should not feel that treaties last forever, they should become Canadians as all other Canadians.” And the 1982 Constitutional Amendments did not include the right to self-government for the Indians.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Jean Chretien both understood that the very idea of a “Nation to Nation” relationship was the road to chaos and anarchy. Evidently Mr. Trudeau didn’t impart this knowledge to his son. He is on record as saying that a ‘nation to nation’ relationship with the First Nations people including the Metis is something that should be understood and formalized.

According to recent polls 70% of Canadians disagree with him.

Clearly, many (perhaps most) First Nations members in Canada see themselves as a ’Nation’ and if it were left only to Justin Trudeau and his close supporters that is exactly how he would deal with them. And for all practical purposes this is pretty much the way he deals with Canada’s First Nations people already.This leaves the majority of Canadians out of this picture. The question that must be asked is when has the current prime minister ever pitched this idea to the voters and why is this issue not being addressed in an open and honest way? It is fundamental to the future of our country.

Canadian Indians quite regularly refer to themselves as a Nation, however, the response from almost every elected official is stony silence. The only Minister of the Crown with whom I have had an extensive discussion about the impossibilities of a ‘nation to nation’ relationship with the Indians was Minister Bernard Valcourt. That was back in 2013. He was remarkably open to discussing a difference of opinion. At that time I had been teaching young First Nations students at the high school and college level and I had a real sympathy for the kind of lives they lived on some of the remote Reserves.

Since then not one elected representative that I have contacted has been willing to even reply to questions about a ‘nation to nation’ relationship.That includes Marc Miller, Justin Trudeau

Anthony Rota, Victor Fedeli, Greg Rickford and others. This is especially true of the local mayor and councilors. The very words ’Indian’ or ‘aboriginal’ have them looking for the exit.

When are elected members representing Canadians at all levels going to address this critical, national issue? When are they going to speak up for Canadians? When are they going to stand up and declare that this concept will render Canada unmanageable? What is it going to take for this conspiracy of silence to end?

As far as I can recall Mike Harris was the last major elected official in Canada to make it clear to the Indians that he was not going to deal with them on a ‘nation to nation’ basis. The future of Canada depends on more people like him stepping up and taking charge of this great country.

Robert Lawrence

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Why do you figure elected representatives are so loath to discuss any of these issues?

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Hi Greg: Good question. I think it is up to the PC party to get this matter back on the floor and reverse this false declaration of blame. The vote was an irresponsible, overreaction to fake information about mass graves at residential schools. There has been no proof that any of it is true; please read the research done by Nina Green and others. Her work has been widely distributed to all levels of government.....and ignored.

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