Inouye probably had more going on than being bullied and the brunt of racism (which I don't doubt) but I'm sure there is more to the story. With Singh, what is often missed is the sexual abuse he experienced (from a sports coach) and the psychological damage that causes. Much like kids growing up with alcoholic parents or other abuse situations.....and then these people get into positions of authority, which unless addressed, CAN be a recipe for disaster. The "racism" card may just be the acceptable public justification for venting vengeance and anger, when in reality, the sexual abuse may have been the actual reason for it.
A very informative and articulate article which I enjoyed reading. I did find the comparison between Singh and Inouye to be an unrealistic stretch of the imagination. Of course Singh as a minority would carry the scars of childhood racism as many do, but not all such victims turn out to be psychopaths like Inouye. Singh has always impressed me as a very benign individual with quixotic political beliefs who enjoys the limelight of tilting at socially impractical windmills. Although he is no Bob Rae he certainly is no malevolent, sadistic psychopath.
Very interesting. I had never hear of the Kamloops Kid. You have hit Singh's personality on the money. We should all be thankful that his chances of ever becoming Prime Minister re remote because I believe he would be more dangerous and destructive than even Trudeau from everything from race bating to unrestrained spending.
Most equivalent would be the case of Inouye and Laith Marouf, the racist who's business received half a million dollars from the Federal Government to promote "anti-racism." Marouf's calling Jews "bags of human faces" is in the same category as Inouye's "dirty scum," for starters. At this point, Singh hasn't condemned Marouf, which is troubling but typical of the double standard of so-called "anti-racists," but to put Singh in the same category as Inouye, only the second Canadian hung for treason, is hyperbole, like the NDP leader calling truckers "white supremacists," it's ad hominem and a gross false equivalency.
Hey Mark, you’re an idiot and a fascist. While I will admit that this is the best written piece I’ve seen from you, it’s also extremely troubling. Shit like this inspires real violence, please stop.
Please spell out how anything in this essay inspires "real" violence. (As opposed to fake violence?) As the author ably points out, Singh (along with Trudeau) has repeatedly portrayed those with whom he disagrees as "dangerous" and beyond the pale of political decency, which is genuinely dangerous since it promotes political violence. Nothing in this essay comes close. There is certainly no indication of fascism (a term whose meaning you don't seem to understand) in it.
Inouye probably had more going on than being bullied and the brunt of racism (which I don't doubt) but I'm sure there is more to the story. With Singh, what is often missed is the sexual abuse he experienced (from a sports coach) and the psychological damage that causes. Much like kids growing up with alcoholic parents or other abuse situations.....and then these people get into positions of authority, which unless addressed, CAN be a recipe for disaster. The "racism" card may just be the acceptable public justification for venting vengeance and anger, when in reality, the sexual abuse may have been the actual reason for it.
A very informative and articulate article which I enjoyed reading. I did find the comparison between Singh and Inouye to be an unrealistic stretch of the imagination. Of course Singh as a minority would carry the scars of childhood racism as many do, but not all such victims turn out to be psychopaths like Inouye. Singh has always impressed me as a very benign individual with quixotic political beliefs who enjoys the limelight of tilting at socially impractical windmills. Although he is no Bob Rae he certainly is no malevolent, sadistic psychopath.
Very interesting. I had never hear of the Kamloops Kid. You have hit Singh's personality on the money. We should all be thankful that his chances of ever becoming Prime Minister re remote because I believe he would be more dangerous and destructive than even Trudeau from everything from race bating to unrestrained spending.
Most equivalent would be the case of Inouye and Laith Marouf, the racist who's business received half a million dollars from the Federal Government to promote "anti-racism." Marouf's calling Jews "bags of human faces" is in the same category as Inouye's "dirty scum," for starters. At this point, Singh hasn't condemned Marouf, which is troubling but typical of the double standard of so-called "anti-racists," but to put Singh in the same category as Inouye, only the second Canadian hung for treason, is hyperbole, like the NDP leader calling truckers "white supremacists," it's ad hominem and a gross false equivalency.
Hey Mark, you’re an idiot and a fascist. While I will admit that this is the best written piece I’ve seen from you, it’s also extremely troubling. Shit like this inspires real violence, please stop.
Please spell out how anything in this essay inspires "real" violence. (As opposed to fake violence?) As the author ably points out, Singh (along with Trudeau) has repeatedly portrayed those with whom he disagrees as "dangerous" and beyond the pale of political decency, which is genuinely dangerous since it promotes political violence. Nothing in this essay comes close. There is certainly no indication of fascism (a term whose meaning you don't seem to understand) in it.