Jan 9, 2023Liked by James Pew, Woke Watch Canada

Fantastic use of quotes from leading free-speech truth tellers. As a teacher also facing a mindless woke mob and dismissal, I find inspiration in Peterson’s counterattack. The political left has lost its sanity and is perverting regulatory bodies.

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You should find inspiration in Peterson's counter. But the political left has not "lost its sanity". They have been driving their particular agendas by using the Courts and professional associations since long before you were born, I'd suspect, given that you seem to be the offspring of a McMurtry who was an arguably progressive Attorney-General of Ontario === i.e. if you are that McMurtry. Don't forget to demand the names of all lawyers associated with your "cancelling" and say the magic word COLLUSION with respect to your own cancellation and with contempt for the collusion demonstrated by Murray Sinclair and friends at/of the TRC.


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Juden Peterstein is a chameleon.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by James Pew, Woke Watch Canada

Yep. Peterson is excellent.

Those psychologists aren't fit to shine his intellectual shoes.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by James Pew, Woke Watch Canada

Hear, hear and gather in solidarity for your "Free Speech" is being cancelled by the woke!

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by James Pew

While I’m neither a fan nor a foe of Jordan Peterson, I object to the College’s demand that he submit to re-education. Re-education! – Do they even hear themselves?

As a side note, I think JP’s supporters are making a mistake by scheduling their protest at noon. They should instead take a page from Peterson’s own playbook and hold the protest at 8 a.m., to keep ‘counter-protest’ numbers to a minimum (the woke won’t show up that early; it’s a tactic Peterson claims to use when he speaks at campuses in the US).

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by James Pew, Woke Watch Canada

I found this conversation with Joe Rogan and Brett Weinstein on the situation with Jordon Peterson interesting:


This episode with Ontario Psychologist's Association is only worsening Canada's international reputation. This witchhunt stinks as a political operation and is as bad/corrupt as having bank accounts frozen. There seems to be no bottom to this.

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Jordan Peterson posted a document online that detailed a number of the complaints made against his conduct.

Published Jan 06, 2023 •

His incendiary remarks about climate change, whether or not overweight people are attractive and gender dysphoria, have landed him in trouble with the Ontario College of Psychologists — the professional body that regulates the behaviour of clinical psychologists.

Leave the planet

The first complaint of 2022 came on Jan. 5. Peterson had suggested that a world population of 9.5 billion was sustainable; a commenter on his post said that overpopulation was a threat to the ecosystem.

Peterson tweeted: “You’re free to leave at any point.”

The complainant, whose name and title are redacted — though by Peterson or the college is unclear — suggests that this was an inducement to suicide.

“It is against every ethical standard and best practice of the U.S. National Association of Social Worker’s Code of ethics to make light of, encourage, joke about, or reference the topic of suicide in a manner that is not grounded in safety, prevention and evidence-based therapeutic intervention,” the complaint notes.

When Peterson was notified of this complaint, his response was that he was “simply not going to spend the hours and days required to undergo the unbelievably stressful process necessary to respond to this formally.”

“So no, I am not going to defend myself. Do whatever you want.”

Children’s Aid Society and Freedom Convoy

During the convoy protests that rocked Ottawa in February 2022, the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa warned parents who might be arrested to make sure that they have proper care for their children, and Ottawa’s then chief of police said social services was looking to have children removed before any police action.

In response, Peterson, who was a vocal supporter of the Freedom Convoy, tweeted: “Why, exactly? By whom, exactly? Sent to where, exactly? And for how long, exactly?”

"children removed" how, exactly? Why, exactly? By whom, exactly? Sent to where, exactly? And for how long, exactly? Think this through, Canadians. This is a bad decision. https://t.co/y2eFWbumoM

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 18, 2022

The complaint noted that, in some cases, psychologists have a mandatory duty to report child abuse or neglect to the authorities. Peterson’s remarks “undermine public trust in his judgement as a mandatory reporter,” the complainant said. “The professional maturity and willingness to act in the capacity of a mandatory reporter is an important ethical component of the psychology profession.”

The Joe Rogan Experience

In January 2022, Peterson appeared on the podcast hosted by Joe Rogan, a comedian and the former host of the reality show Fear Factor.

A few different complaints stemmed from this appearance.

“As a Psychologist, I am appalled by Dr. Peterson’s behaviour and the impunity with which he feels that he can pontificate on areas well outside of his areas of competence,” one complainant wrote.

The complainant cited Peterson’s comments about the environment and nuclear power, his views on ornithology, that “poor people have too much to eat,” that Japanese cars rust easily, and several other views on the use of monkeys in research, free trade agreements and capitalism.

“He is embarrassing to and undermining of the profession,” the complainant wrote, adding that Peterson’s appearance on the podcast also raises concerns about Peterson’s mental health.

“There is ample evidence — in the hour I reviewed — of his being disinhibited, tangential, circumlocutory, and grandiose,” the complaint said. “I have spent many an hour with unwell clients and if any of them had make these statements, I would have been speaking with their psychiatrist about their stability and need for potential admission.”

In his response, Peterson says, “I stand by what I said on the Rogan platform.”

Butts, Trudeau and Poilievre

In February 2022, Peterson had an acrimonious exchange with Gerald Butts, in which the psychologist called Butts, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s former principal secretary, a “stunningly corrupt and incendiary fool”; Butts responded with legal threats.

In one tweet, which has since been deleted, Peterson writes “Your also a prik.” This prompted a Twitter user to tag the psychologists’ college in Ontario wondering whether Peterson’s tweets comply with professional conduct standards.

Another complaint, this one made over the telephone, and summarized in notes from Feb. 9, noted that Peterson had spoken of Trudeau and Butts in “unprofessional, embarrassing, threatening, abusive and harassing” language.

The caller is “embarrassed to be in the same college,” and “concerned about clients under his treatment and also in the public domain that he is feeding misinformation in general,” the summarized notes indicate.

“If I did one tenth of the stuff he is doing people would be all over me,” the caller said.

In his response to the college, Peterson said he and Butts have since been in touch and “have come to an amicable and mutually agreed upon settlement with regard to consequences and further actions.” Peterson said he deleted his comments and the two will not comment on each other’s posts “for a number of years.”

He also said he believes Butts’s “political comments are fair game.”

The document Peterson posted also includes other tweets that are implied to have been of concern to complainants. Among them, his declaration that Trudeau is a “puppet” and a retweet of Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre, in which Poilievre demands the reopening of businesses, and Peterson says “drop the damn masks and the idiot rules and get on with life.”

A Sports Illustrated plus-size model

In May, Yumi Nu graced the cover of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit edition.

Peterson weighed in: “Sorry. Not beautiful,” and argued that “such images” are “cynical manipulation by the oh-so virtuous politically correct,” and attempted to argue that there was a “conscious progressive attempt to manipulate & retool the notion of beauty, reliant on the idiot philosophy that such preferences are learned.”

“Why is he still registered with you. He is hateful, racist and and a misogynistic bully,” said one complaint.

Another said that “Jordan Peterson used his ‘doctoral’ position to attack a woman in the public sphere.”

“This is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible behaviour. You, more than I, would have documentation on eating disorders, self harm etc. among Canadian youth.”

Elliot Page

In June 2022, Peterson was suspended from Twitter for violating the social media site’s rules against hate speech. In a tweet, that has since been deleted, Peterson said Elliot Page “just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician.”

This prompted complaints about his conduct.

“His views are antithetical to what is currently accepted regarding gender studies and the treatment of gender dysphoria,” says one complaint. “He has failed to advocate for the autonomy and dignity of transgendered persons, does not meet his responsibility to the public to teach according to evidence-based practice, and promoted the idea of allowing patients to suffer with dysphoria rather than treating them with the accepted methods of treatment.”

Another complainant said, “(Peterson’s) flagrant disregard for the welfare of individuals or his community is a stain on psychology in Canada.” Such comments, the complaint said, would “trigger disciplinary actions in other roles in the medical community.”

“As such, he is alienating members of the public who may require services from other psychologists or physicians,” the complaint notes.

Peterson responded by saying his view is “first do no harm,” and that he believes the doctor in Page’s case — and “perhaps in most such cases” — violated this principle.

“I would like to point out that this objection on the part of the ICRC veers dangerously and precipitously close to the precipice of political, rather than ethical or professional objection.”

Peterson’s response

In two lengthy responses to the college, contained in the document Peterson posted online Thursday evening, Peterson said he takes his “ethical obligations on the social media communication front — and, indeed, on the public communication front — with great seriousness,” and he has already changed his social media strategy in a way that’s “very similar” to what the college proposes.

“I have consciously and carefully surrounded myself with people who have helped me monitor what I am doing and who provide me with continual feedback as to the appropriateness of the tone and the content of what I am purveying,” he said.

He noted that in a YouTube video, he enlisted Gregg Hurwitz and Jonathan Pageau to interrogate his behaviour on YouTube, and debated his approach “with a number of Canada’s foremost journalists.”

He said he has since modified the “tone of my approach.”

In a separate response, Peterson, referring to himself in the third person, said he is “not in the least convinced that the actions of the College are anything other than self-serving, instrumental, injudicious, prejudicial and politically motivated.”

“Dr. Peterson is not going to agree that he has in fact done something inappropriate, or that the manner in which he governs his social media operations and corrects whatever errors might be made in the pursuit therefore is inadequate or insufficient.”

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This is woke nonsense.

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One must distinguish between the content of the tweets and the reaction of the governing clinical psychological association to them.

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I don't think any of it was that bad. My interpretation is far more generous than yours. What is there to gain from imposing a condition where professionals are more likely to self-censor out of fear of woke retribution, than speak their minds freely on any topic that comes up in the course of a conversation, like on the Joe Rogan podcast. The implication is that the public is a bunch of nit-wits who need some third party to step in and mediate the public discourse, because they are too stupid not to somehow hurt themselves from bad Jokes made by Jordan Peterson. I don't buy any of this nonsense. Most commentators are of the mind that this is politically motivated b/s.

One more thing. The comment about leaving, could just as easily be saying leave the planet (and set up shop on mars, Elon Musk-style). It is an ungenerous exercise to graft a suicide connotation on to where one doesn't exist.

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My interpretation when I read the “leaving” comment was “commit suicide.”

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Oh come on Hymie you are a nicer guy than that. Don't you think Peterson does enough good in the world to be extended some generosity of spirit in how we interpret his words? Assuming the worst is something the woke ones do.

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James, please point out where I said that Peterson should be in any punished by his professional association for his often intemperate remarks.

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I realize you haven't said that, but my view is that anything short of a full condemnation of the OCP comes from ungenerous interpretations of Peterson's words. I just saw Brian Lilley's report and he seem to echo the same thing, and also that everyone needs to get behind Peterson. I really think its one of those moments where there is no question what is right. This is a highly illiberal overt political attack, we can't let this stand.

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PETERSON (tweeted): “You’re free to leave at any point.”

RUBENSTEIN: My interpretation ... was "commit suicide".

Your interpretation is irrational. It is an example of the "Is - Ought" fallacy of moral misreasoning, made obvious by David Hume in the 18th century.

Just because, quote "Every human IS capable of committing suicide.", it does not logically follow that, quote "Some human being OUGHT TO commit suicide.", which was your irrational "interpretation" pace David Hume.

I've enjoyed YOUR posts at C2C Journal, on the bogus "discovery" of unmarked graves at Residential Schools, ever since a priest recommended them to me in August of 2021. You're a very good regurgitator of facts. But YOU'RE not so good at interpreting them.

For example, when the priest recommended YOUR posts to me, I had already listened to Murray Sinclair's CBC presentation of June 1st, 2021, read Roseanne Casimir's letter of May 27, 2021 and, finally, read Dr. Scott Hamilton's report entitled "Where are the children buried?" at The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation site. The second group of satellite images footnoted in the written report was excellent in terms of both proof and interpretation of his written document. You also showed part of Hamilton's written report and a photograph of him in your 2nd (if memory serves) C2C piece. But you didn't correctly interpret that Report of Hamilton either, similarly (but conversely) to your misinterpretation of Peterson's quip.

The reason that I have all-CAPPED the words YOUR and YOU'RE above is because it is highly unlikely that Jordan Peterson would "Twitter" to Gerald Butts, requote "YOUR also a PRIK." [Feb. 2022] after tweeting, requote: "YOU'RE free to leave at any point." [Jan. 25, 2022] to the subject of the first complaint you mention. Say what you will about Peterson. But he is not so bad at spelling that he could confuse YOU'RE (You are) with YOUR (possessive determiner) between January and February of 2022. So somebody may have faked that tweet.

And since you have proved on the C2C written record that you have read Dr. Hamilton's Report, you should return to page 15 of his "Where are the children buried?" report (to the TRC of 2015). Read it again. The first long paragraph of page 15 cites the Kamloops presumed cemetery at the bottom of the paragraph. At the top of the paragraph, Hamilton mentions the 2nd so-called "discovery" site at Marieval in Saskatchewan --- a well known Roman Catholic Church graveyard. And halfway down the first paragraph Hamilton mentions the St. Eugene's cemetery adjacent to a golf course near Cranbrook B.C., which was the 3rd so-called "discovery". The band Chief at Cranbrook categorically asserted that the "discovery" was of a known cemetery where wooden grave markers had burned.

In sum, no one was "discovering" anything that First Nations People and the 3 Truth and Reconciliation Commissioners hadn't known of at least 6 years prior to the alleged "discoveries". The law calls those sorts of bogus "discoveries" FABRICATING EVIDENCE (no incitement to commit perjury) contrary to Section 137 of Canada's Criminal Code. So instead of repeating yourself on Substack and regurgitating what some of us have read at legacy media websites, why don't you write a complaint to the RCMP and to your local parliamentarian in Manitoba about First Nation's fraud artists. Fabricating evidence in order to defraud citizens is 2 actual criminal code offences.

And that, my friend, is the correct interpretation of all your residential school research. It is also the correct interpretation of both complaints against Frances Widdowson and the McMurtry school teacher in British Columbia. People have colluded in order to have them "cancelled". The beauty of saying the word "collusion" is that it converts an IS proposition for everyday Canadians [e.g. I have reasonable grounds to believe and do believe that there IS collusion in relation to the complaint made against me!] into an OUGHT proposition for every so-called "impartial" Officer of The Court. That is because it is the DUTY of officers of the Court to satisfy themselves that there is no collusion in relation to Judicial proceedings and to dismiss such proceedings from "Courts" --- even suspected cases of collusion, since they are the Achilles heel of an otherwise "perfect" Court system.

In conclusion, Professor Rubenstein, you should be writing short complaints to the Manitoba RCMP and to your local parliamentarian, in Manitoba, rather than lengthy regurgitations of previous material facts at/upon your substack --- whether those facts concern either Jordan Peterson or residential schools. You have proved collusion to the functionally illiterate substack "masses" so do likewise with those who have the DUTY to either prevent or punish such criminal offences. Heck! The Law itself gives you the authority to actually lay that information before a Court Justice in Manitoba according to Section 504. of The Criminal Code of Canada. I'd pay money to see such a complaint, although I'd never pay money to reread your previously asserted and misinterpreted facts at/upon your substack.

Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne

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The thing is, it's not anything clinical that is complained about. None of these complaints come from his former patients. They're all from people who disagree politically with what he says. Actually, I think there might be something positive if his license is cancelled, it would prove many of his points about free speech and compelled speech. I wouldn't think a court would uphold this, but you never know about courts these days, the latest prospect for the U. S. Supreme Court could not even define what a woman is.

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