I am deeply gratified that James Pew makes reference to me in his article, as I am unaccustomed to journalistic support.

James writes: “I can’t imagine things are easy for Jim McMurtry.”

They aren’t. No job and effectively cancelled for life as a teacher. But I’m also blessed, for both James and I, who met online three years ago, have stood for truth in a dystopian time, as have countless others who grace this online publication.

Things aren’t easy for me but I am happy where I find myself: alongside James and slowly making a difference.

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Thanks Jim. You are doing great things for Canada. I’m with you 100%!!!

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I'm very thankful for people like yourself as well, Jim. I sincerely doubt that these agregious wrongs will be officially recognized and put right in our lifetime, but hopefully future generations will be able to look back and learn from these witch trials. I do see the tide beginning to turn - a little bit. Much of that is due to the courage exhibited by yourself and others who have been so horribly wronged. I sincerely hope you can derive some small measure of encouragement from that at least.

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Grave Error is an important book and all Canadians should read it. You cant have actual reconciliation without truth, and any activity designed to stoke resentment rather than advance truth is bound to have negative consequences.

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Thanks for this, James. I really appreciate your efforts at "denialism".

I've been following this clown show (not just Carleton, but the whole T&R gong show) ever since the "graves" and I'm familiar with every name on the bingo card. I've written about this silly new way we can all be deniers in some form or other. It's just part and parcel of the rest of this woke madness where words can mean whatever you want them to mean.

Anyway, keep up the good work - it's nice to know there's at least a bit of sanity remaining in this country.


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Thanks Ken, much appreciated!

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I am one of those who says no. I cringe at work with every email concluding with the testament and prayer to land, and when I walk my dog, the little orange hand prints on cars or gates or windows the virtual signalling ange shirts hanging in windows - also cringe at the vast acceptance of falsehoods.

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"Truth and Reconciliation should be renamed to something more reflective of what it actually is: Lies and Reparations. All at tax-payers expense of course."

Exactly. Everything the ndp and the woke touch turns to dross.

Fine article - cheers!

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Few people know that the original name of the NDP was the Socialist Party , which is the same party that introduced the 'free' healthcare system we are abused by today.

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Truth and Reconciliation are a WOKE driven movement that does NOT reflect what most Canadians believe nor want their tax dollars to fund.

Our indigenous population needs to **RECONCILE** the fact that they lost the war (land war) ...and they were allowed to live ...and they were elevated from the Stone Age through our education system.

No Indian wants to go back to their past yet they don't appreciate all we've given them.

They love OUR medicine, OUR education, OUR music, OUR dress, OUR food etc. etc.

T&R has done nothing but driven up racism and continues to keep Indians from getting by on their own steam due to how lucrative victim narrative has become.

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Lies and Reprations. Good one! How bout T&RDS?

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Thanks kindly, Jim. If you haven't already seen it, you might enjoy Cory Morgan's (Western Standard) rant: https://rumble.com/v5h6cw1-there-will-be-no-reconciliation-without-truth.html

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James as a fellow contrarian, critical thinker and fact/truth seeker I thoroughly enjoyed this essay and your thoughts and opinions mirror much of what I think on this matter too. I have done a fairly deep dive reading all the 'Bingo' card authors materials as well as the excellent work by Michelle Stirling and Nina Green.

Recently I had University of Regina Prof. Sean Tucker see some of my responses on my friend Frances Widdowson's FB posts on the Powell River & IRS debacle. He private messaged me and for about 10 days attempted to school me on the 'accepted narrative' re IRS. He demanded I read his links which I did, however he flat out refused to answer any of my pointed questions re proof of genocide/mass murder etc or review articles by Nina Green & Michelle Stirling on factual counter claims made to the 'shockumentary' Sugarcane. Finally he blocked because I did not come to his sympathy/ideological party...lol. Tucker in my opinion earned the grade to be an Uber Clown like Prof Sean Carlton. Keep up the great work James !!

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Well said James Pew

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Thank you Jim for the Real Truth as so many are afraid of being labelled a denialist or considered a racist when in fact we only seek the Real Truth with a new government Leadership that wants the same outcome! Until then the lies and money will flow and reconciliation a pipe dream! Bravo to you, and thanks again!

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Truth and Reconciliation is just another grift by those expertly qualified and experienced in defrauding the public. Their success, it must be acknowledged, is aided and abetted by the complicity of political fools which without which would have no traction.

"One lie has the power to tarnish a thousand truths". Al David

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Amen! I couldn't care less about the Calls to Action either. I loathe people telling me what to think so thank God for those on the bingo card.

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