My name is Mark Paralovos. I am running for ward 1 and 5 in Guelph for school board trustee. You can find my views at and you can watch my daily show at (rumble, youtube and odysee and bitchute).
Let's get to the questions.
1) Radical Gender Ideology - including Queer theory and the tenets of transactivism - along with divisive race essentialist ideas like Critical Race Theory, and other academic theories found under a postmodern umbrella - like postcolonial theory (where white Canadian children are referred to as "unwelcomed settlers"). Do you support these ideas? Should children be taught through a lens of these approaches?
I believe strongly that kids should be kids. All activism including transactivism should not be allowed or tolerated in school. Confusing children about gender is not helping anyone and certainly not helpful for public education.
The CRT lens which talks about "settlers" is also not solving racism in any measurable way. We should scrap the ideology and focus on reading, writing and math. Sexual identity can't be worked through in a class setting and trying to teach it class wide does more harm than good.
Children should not be abused by faulty logic and exercises that back up victim mentality. No identity politics in education. Period.
2)Do you think white children at PDSB are either white supremacists or unwelcome settlers?
This is a racist lens that has no place in a school. Children should be treated individually without bias in every interaction. Children who are instructed in this way are being used as political pawns to be used by politicians to further their agenda. It is not acceptable.
3)And do you think it is acceptable to socially transition a child to the opposite gender at school without the knowledge of parents?
Absolutely not. There is no excuse for such vile and damaging behaviour. This is abuse.
4) The Toronto District School Board is supporting an after school basketball program that excludes white children. Would you support such a program at PDSB?
There is no excuse for racist behaviour coming from a public education board. This is openly racist and should not be tolerated. All students should have access to all programs offered by all public schools in Ontario. Race based purity tests were something out of the 1960's and had no place in our society. Until our current government forced it. I am fully against this racist garbage.
Find out more about my thoughts about this important educational issue at my website:
My name is Peter Wallace. I am running for the position of a school board trustee for the Trillium Lakelands District School Board in Ward 7. The TLDSB covers the City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario and some surrounding northern areas. I have developed a shared public policy platform on K-12 education for any school board trustee candidate in Canada who wishes to embrace it, either fully or in part, on a website at The platform calls out the damage being done in our schools by "woke" ideology in all its forms including CRT and gender ideology. I would ask the voting public to support school board trustee candidates in upcoming municipal elections who support the Blueprint for Canada (or similar) platforms. We are running out of time to fix public education in this country.
My name is Mark Paralovos. I am running for ward 1 and 5 in Guelph for school board trustee. You can find my views at and you can watch my daily show at (rumble, youtube and odysee and bitchute).
Let's get to the questions.
1) Radical Gender Ideology - including Queer theory and the tenets of transactivism - along with divisive race essentialist ideas like Critical Race Theory, and other academic theories found under a postmodern umbrella - like postcolonial theory (where white Canadian children are referred to as "unwelcomed settlers"). Do you support these ideas? Should children be taught through a lens of these approaches?
I believe strongly that kids should be kids. All activism including transactivism should not be allowed or tolerated in school. Confusing children about gender is not helping anyone and certainly not helpful for public education.
The CRT lens which talks about "settlers" is also not solving racism in any measurable way. We should scrap the ideology and focus on reading, writing and math. Sexual identity can't be worked through in a class setting and trying to teach it class wide does more harm than good.
Children should not be abused by faulty logic and exercises that back up victim mentality. No identity politics in education. Period.
2)Do you think white children at PDSB are either white supremacists or unwelcome settlers?
This is a racist lens that has no place in a school. Children should be treated individually without bias in every interaction. Children who are instructed in this way are being used as political pawns to be used by politicians to further their agenda. It is not acceptable.
3)And do you think it is acceptable to socially transition a child to the opposite gender at school without the knowledge of parents?
Absolutely not. There is no excuse for such vile and damaging behaviour. This is abuse.
4) The Toronto District School Board is supporting an after school basketball program that excludes white children. Would you support such a program at PDSB?
There is no excuse for racist behaviour coming from a public education board. This is openly racist and should not be tolerated. All students should have access to all programs offered by all public schools in Ontario. Race based purity tests were something out of the 1960's and had no place in our society. Until our current government forced it. I am fully against this racist garbage.
Find out more about my thoughts about this important educational issue at my website:
My name is Peter Wallace. I am running for the position of a school board trustee for the Trillium Lakelands District School Board in Ward 7. The TLDSB covers the City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario and some surrounding northern areas. I have developed a shared public policy platform on K-12 education for any school board trustee candidate in Canada who wishes to embrace it, either fully or in part, on a website at The platform calls out the damage being done in our schools by "woke" ideology in all its forms including CRT and gender ideology. I would ask the voting public to support school board trustee candidates in upcoming municipal elections who support the Blueprint for Canada (or similar) platforms. We are running out of time to fix public education in this country.
What a great resource and platform. I'll be sending it to all the people running for SB trustees in Langford, BC.
Thank you
Power to the people! Power to parents... or Ottawa Red Rose Tea Party?
It can be a difficult, sobering, profoundly honest & humbling moment to discover that perhaps 'the enemy' is right.....
What powerful, important writing!