Is it possible to fight a propaganda war without turning into the very kind of loathsome Machiavellian liars you are fighting? Can you defeat three-word slogans with well-argued essays? I don’t know. I hope so. Our armories need to stockpile more pieces like yours to fight with. Thank you.
And some people use that fuel to attack other equally undeserving groups. Where did that fuel come from? A good upbringing? Generally no (antisocial personality disorders only account for a small percentage of such haters) how do we imagine the young survivors of the current IDF operations will turn out? Happy, not traumatized, loving their good neighbours the children of light?
You know the lies and propaganda are working when the everyday people feel justified to join angry woke mobs. Look at the educational indoctrination both near and far. It’s not the first time in history when mobs of people committed vicious and sick things against the few. Strong leaders are needed who speak truths rather than appeasing groups. Conservatism is the new counterculture!
Haaretz is a curious case of a Jewish newspaper in Israel that is owned by a Nazi's family living in Germany. Naturally, it was cited to me as the only good source on Israel back in University, and naturally I was bewildered as I dug a little deeper. It's not the first time Haaretz has done this either. Thank you for the article
Ratio of extreme opinion to receipts is low, but lots and lots of loaded language (hence “extreme”). Also Dershowitz is not exactly a credibility enhancement.
Not being a member of the Baruch Goldstein fan club, my personal opinions are at variance with the author. I do find your words, "Chilling, Disgusting and Shameful" appropriate descriptions for the current genocide being waged by Israel, against the Palestinians. The current casualty list reads as follows:
• Killed: at least 22,835 people, including more than:
• 9,600 children
• 6,750 women
• Injured: more than 58,416, including at least:
• 8,663 children
• 6,327 women
• Missing: more than 7,000
Thanks to the fortitude of South Africa, the charge of genocide will soon be adjudicated by the International Criminal Court and as the saying goes, "let justice prevail or the heavens fall".
Categorically untrue. The PMH is generally regarded as a reliable source, with an approach that is typically conservative. Consult PROOF, Seth Abramson’s SubStack, where extensive examinations of both the reporting around Oct 7 casualties, as well as the Al-Ahli Hospital bombing. Both of these pieces are available without paywall.
In the 1970 Black September conflict between Jordan and the PLO, Arafat claimed that Jordan killed 25,000 Palestinians. Other estimates say the number is between 2000 and 3,500.
If Arafat was telling the truth, then Jordan should have been charged with Genocide of Palestinians. Jordan, too, should be taken to International Criminal Court.
If Arafat was lying about the number of casualties, then it shows us the Palestinian attitude about truthfulness in reports of wartime deaths.
You are so deluded that you don't even recognize that your sardonic use of a Yiddish expression to imply that your detractors are all sinister and conniving Jews instantly discredits you as a malicious crank.
You're free to think whatever you want, but lies are eventually going to get exposed. It's like you didn't read the post and just typed this up. Mind you, ZERO combatants. LIES LIES AND MORE LIES. Kudos on your ability to ignore facts and rely on the ICC while ignoring Russia/Ukraine, Syria, Yazidis, Kurds, etc. No Jews, no genocide, right?
No, wrong. The Young Turks committed a horrendous genocide against the Armenians in 1915 which has been said to have inspired the Germans in WW11 in their genocide against the Jews. Since then genocides have occurred in many other countries throughout the world. If you are at all curious about the ultranationalist Jewish members of Netanyahu's cabinet, like Smotrich and Gvir, google their idol, "Baruch Goldstein" and the massacre of the Cave of the Patriarchs which occurred in Hebron in 1994, for some insight.
Im quite aware of the toothless MINORITY you're bringing up. Should I emphasize the fact that they are a minority? How about countless massacres that occured in Israel at the hands of genocidal Palestinians that are bred from birth to hate Jews? How about suicide attacks? Knifings? Maybe you should Google some more. And ignoring every single atrocity happening, Syria, Nigeria, Darfur and so on and focusing solely of Israel/Jews should be an indicator to YOU that something isn't right. Why such disproportionate focus on Israel. Why is Ukraine all but forgotten? You think on that. If you come up with some insight, do share. You'll probably say some more nonsense, so it'll be safe to ignore. Critical thinking has left the building. Completely erased the meaning of the word genocide when actual Hamas says we want to eliminate Jews, this is what we want. Fully ignoring it yet assigning that to Israel. Delusional. Reread the post again. Maybe it'll help with your critical thinking.
Wasn’t it you who asked if a commenter had even read the article? And here you are, squawking without reading. I know you didn’t read them because I posted an hour ago and those articles will take you 4-5 hours to read BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL FACTS, all the way down.
Once again: doing your homework for you.
Oh and BTW your decision to toss an insult as you go suggests the level of discourse you might offer will be sub par. But I’ll give you another chance after you do your reading.
I could not find the JP article by search due to a pay wall. The link should work or you can copy and paste the title into bing. Here it is again, highly recommend.
Is it possible to fight a propaganda war without turning into the very kind of loathsome Machiavellian liars you are fighting? Can you defeat three-word slogans with well-argued essays? I don’t know. I hope so. Our armories need to stockpile more pieces like yours to fight with. Thank you.
Some people are full of frustrations and anger in life, and hating Israel and Jews give them an outlet to vent their anger and frustrations.
And some people use that fuel to attack other equally undeserving groups. Where did that fuel come from? A good upbringing? Generally no (antisocial personality disorders only account for a small percentage of such haters) how do we imagine the young survivors of the current IDF operations will turn out? Happy, not traumatized, loving their good neighbours the children of light?
You know the lies and propaganda are working when the everyday people feel justified to join angry woke mobs. Look at the educational indoctrination both near and far. It’s not the first time in history when mobs of people committed vicious and sick things against the few. Strong leaders are needed who speak truths rather than appeasing groups. Conservatism is the new counterculture!
Essential. This is among the most valuable of the many, many essays I've read since October 7. Thank you for this.
Haaretz is a curious case of a Jewish newspaper in Israel that is owned by a Nazi's family living in Germany. Naturally, it was cited to me as the only good source on Israel back in University, and naturally I was bewildered as I dug a little deeper. It's not the first time Haaretz has done this either. Thank you for the article
Ratio of extreme opinion to receipts is low, but lots and lots of loaded language (hence “extreme”). Also Dershowitz is not exactly a credibility enhancement.
I suggest you look over some facts:
Substack articles are not facts.
You are unfamiliar with the award winning curatorial journalism of Seth Abramson. It’s ALL facts. That’s what he does: PROOF
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain
Facts are facts which is why they need substantiation with references, not conjecture. Learn how actual research is done.
Not being a member of the Baruch Goldstein fan club, my personal opinions are at variance with the author. I do find your words, "Chilling, Disgusting and Shameful" appropriate descriptions for the current genocide being waged by Israel, against the Palestinians. The current casualty list reads as follows:
• Killed: at least 22,835 people, including more than:
• 9,600 children
• 6,750 women
• Injured: more than 58,416, including at least:
• 8,663 children
• 6,327 women
• Missing: more than 7,000
Thanks to the fortitude of South Africa, the charge of genocide will soon be adjudicated by the International Criminal Court and as the saying goes, "let justice prevail or the heavens fall".
These are Hamas casualty numbers.
Do not believe Hamas, a terrorist organization.
Hamas makes up casualty figures for propaganda purposes.
Categorically untrue. The PMH is generally regarded as a reliable source, with an approach that is typically conservative. Consult PROOF, Seth Abramson’s SubStack, where extensive examinations of both the reporting around Oct 7 casualties, as well as the Al-Ahli Hospital bombing. Both of these pieces are available without paywall.
In the 1970 Black September conflict between Jordan and the PLO, Arafat claimed that Jordan killed 25,000 Palestinians. Other estimates say the number is between 2000 and 3,500.
If Arafat was telling the truth, then Jordan should have been charged with Genocide of Palestinians. Jordan, too, should be taken to International Criminal Court.
If Arafat was lying about the number of casualties, then it shows us the Palestinian attitude about truthfulness in reports of wartime deaths.
Proof of the author’s point. Elegant.
Mazel Tov, Goy !!!!
You are so deluded that you don't even recognize that your sardonic use of a Yiddish expression to imply that your detractors are all sinister and conniving Jews instantly discredits you as a malicious crank.
‘more’ than 58,416? Perhaps you mean 58,417? Or 18?
You're free to think whatever you want, but lies are eventually going to get exposed. It's like you didn't read the post and just typed this up. Mind you, ZERO combatants. LIES LIES AND MORE LIES. Kudos on your ability to ignore facts and rely on the ICC while ignoring Russia/Ukraine, Syria, Yazidis, Kurds, etc. No Jews, no genocide, right?
No, wrong. The Young Turks committed a horrendous genocide against the Armenians in 1915 which has been said to have inspired the Germans in WW11 in their genocide against the Jews. Since then genocides have occurred in many other countries throughout the world. If you are at all curious about the ultranationalist Jewish members of Netanyahu's cabinet, like Smotrich and Gvir, google their idol, "Baruch Goldstein" and the massacre of the Cave of the Patriarchs which occurred in Hebron in 1994, for some insight.
Im quite aware of the toothless MINORITY you're bringing up. Should I emphasize the fact that they are a minority? How about countless massacres that occured in Israel at the hands of genocidal Palestinians that are bred from birth to hate Jews? How about suicide attacks? Knifings? Maybe you should Google some more. And ignoring every single atrocity happening, Syria, Nigeria, Darfur and so on and focusing solely of Israel/Jews should be an indicator to YOU that something isn't right. Why such disproportionate focus on Israel. Why is Ukraine all but forgotten? You think on that. If you come up with some insight, do share. You'll probably say some more nonsense, so it'll be safe to ignore. Critical thinking has left the building. Completely erased the meaning of the word genocide when actual Hamas says we want to eliminate Jews, this is what we want. Fully ignoring it yet assigning that to Israel. Delusional. Reread the post again. Maybe it'll help with your critical thinking.
Who exactly gave out those exact figures you're speaking about? Then I might ask, did you even bother reading this article?
Here ya go, bud. Doing your homework for you.
A couple of substack articles are hardly 'PROOF', go back to your hole.
Wasn’t it you who asked if a commenter had even read the article? And here you are, squawking without reading. I know you didn’t read them because I posted an hour ago and those articles will take you 4-5 hours to read BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL FACTS, all the way down.
Once again: doing your homework for you.
Oh and BTW your decision to toss an insult as you go suggests the level of discourse you might offer will be sub par. But I’ll give you another chance after you do your reading.
I skimmed the articles & there is no source references. Again, hardly proof.
lol. Al Ahli article lists 100 references. Curatorial journalism, everything is sourced.
Bored w you Blair, moving on.
Blair, a wise man always thinks twice before speaking once. I would encourage you to pursue the path of a wise man not a "wise guy".
Salaam Alaikam !!!
I could not find the JP article by search due to a pay wall. The link should work or you can copy and paste the title into bing. Here it is again, highly recommend.
The fog of war is blindness. Case in point:
Tried repeatedly to read but all I get is the Microsoft app and no way to navigate to the JP article. Can you provide a more direct link, thanks.