So U Guelph now has a 'students of colour' lounge...DAMN ,how the hell did that happen ? Thanks for the depressing piece I guess and yes, his granddaughter is the sad result.

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To the commentators above, I want to clarify that I am (Mrs.) Marni M. Alexander, the white widow of the late Honorable Lincoln Alexander. His life and legacy serve as a testament to the belief that the color of one's skin should not dictate one's potential. Lincoln firmly believed that every individual, regardless of race, is capable of achieving their highest potential through education, hard work and dedication to serving humanity.

He never sought special treatment; instead, he emphasized the importance of putting in the effort and contributing positively to the community. Lincoln's vision extended to all races, religions, and lifestyles, recognizing that everyone deserves acknowledgment for their sincere efforts.

In his inaugural speech in Parliament, he made it clear that he did not want to be viewed solely as a representative of the Black community. Rather, he urged people to evaluate individuals based on the quality of their thoughts and actions, not the color of their skin. If we understand Black history as a vital part of Canada’s narrative, we must focus on the potential for progress that lies within each individual, rather than limiting ourselves to the notion that success requires special treatment.

Moreover, when discussing social issues, it is crucial to back claims with credible sources. For instance, while it may be stated here that "over 70% of Black children in America are raised by single mothers, often with limited education," such assertions should be accompanied by verifiable proof. This approach not only enhances credibility but also elevates the discourse beyond mere alarmism, instead setting an example and allowing for a more constructive conversation about challenges and opportunities that exist for all people.

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Another fine essay. The amount of race based ( bait) is not doing the targetted historical groups any good. Does create victimization and blame elsewhere.

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I have heard about “‘students of colour’ lounges, places from which white students are prohibited so as to provide a ‘safe space’ for others where they are protected from ‘microaggressions.’” The inherent idea is that white students are more harmful to them than those of their own race. Of course, statistics show the leading cause of death of a young black is from another young black man. Young black men are ten times more likely to die from homicide in the U.S. than white youth.

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