I taught at a residential school and was never told to suppress language or culture. I taught Handicraft and students modelled animals in clay or in plastics developed outline cutouts to be glued to work boxes. We went camping and I taught them basic drill as used by the police or firemen. The community asked me to run an election for them to chose an educational representative. When we left we were asked to board our indigenous trustee's daughter while she went to nursing school. I entered 3 craft items in a major school competition, 3 firsts. The whole Residential school movement is riddled and fraught with willful ignorance and hypocrisy.

I agree entirely with this article.

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What a great article. These observations are unassailable. .

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I also ran a maintenance program for 3 years on a west coast reservation. During this time, from a white man's point of view, I suffered cultural, emotional, financial and psychological abuse. I desperately needed a job at that time. There was a double standard practiced between myself and indigenous workers. I am owed thousands of dollars which I could never collect because the reservation came under Federal governance.

Because I talked openly about my experiences during the course of normal open discussion I was let go from my position as town crier." The City has decided to terminate the position of town crier in light of the discovery of 215 graves in Kamloops and the 94 articles of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission" quote of Mayor.

The termination of the position was announced within hours to the Canadian Press. Within 3 hours of release I had concerned E mails from the East coast and within 24 hours from around the World. I have also been denied normal recognition when heading up a major City parade..

As a builder I was asked by an indigenous Councilor to give an opinion of turning the now defunct residential school into Band offices . Based on my experience of Provincial and Federal educational buildings I stated that the school buildings would make excellent offices with high ceilings to contain forced air heating and stairs were wide with a shallow rise. amid much hulla baloo and stone throwing it was duly demolished.

I could give more detail, you name it and I probably experienced it. Canada is in a sorry state.

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Books and Bullets do NOT equate when installed between your ears.

" Educating a people presupposes their continued existence".

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The "narrative of Canada as a genocidal enterprise" is sadly true. Cultural genocide has been done onto the First Nations and onto the French Nation of this country. It has become fashionable to recognize the genocide against First Nations as they do not have real power in Canada. However, try to evoke the genocide against the French Nation in Canada and you will trigger an onslaught of hate and insults. Admitting that there is an intense desire of English Canada to erase the French from this country is the thing that still to this day cannot be admitted by any English speaking Canadian. It is however true and every historical detail tells the story... from the KKK in Saskatchewan to every law banning French in many provinces and many other historical facts like the hanging of Louis Riel (Chef of the Métis Nation). Québecers have struggled for centuries against the two forces wanting to erase them: The catholic church and the canadian government. We have succeeded against the church with our Révolution Tranquille during the 60s-80s period. We have tried to succeed against the canadian government through our two referendums (the last one was stolen by canadian fraud). We will never stop our efforts and Canada will have to recognize our desire to live as a Nation within Canada and stop its genocide against the French Nation. Our right to have bill 101 and have French language as the only official language in Québec was fought against and still is to this day. We will also have our Bill 21 and our right to build the wall between religion and state.

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