Shannon, kudos to you and other heroes you list above. The movement is growing.

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Oh, and that Globe and Mail editorial is just terrible. Poorly written, poorly thought out, poorly argued and very incomplete in its study of a very complex issue. A real disappointment to see the intellectual decline of what once was a decent paper.

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After reading this dreadful pandering editorial (remember who's funding MSM these days) I am encouraged by the overwhelming critical comments from their readers. The G&M will go the way of The Telegram for underestimating both the intelligence and resolve of their readership.

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I cant positively commit to writing them to complain about it, but I am slowly composing some sort of written rebuttal. The editorial is rich with possibilities for refutation.

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That is a great comment. What can you say? That editorial was sophomoric.

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Shannon, your article is the voice of optimism and hope. Although no fan of Maxime Bernier, he does make a valid point about the post pandemic madness that has infected our schools and other public institutions. Glad hand politicians have accepted the trans-activist narrative that imposing these morally and socially repugnant ideologies on children is the gateway to inclusivity. Parents know better and have become very vocal and actively are pushing back. Thanks to your efforts and those mentioned in your article, the tail may soon stop wagging the dog.

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I am delighted that parents are now protesting in Surrey where I live. As Shannon writes, ÈThursday night, parents led by Amrit Birring of the Freedom Party of BC, and the Surrey, BC School Board clashed and parents, expecting to be shut down, brought street protest tools into the board room. When the mic was cut, they raised the bullhorn to be heard as the board turned their backs and exited the meeting room." I hope this is just the beginning.

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Thanks Jim, you do your part.

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I have emailed about this and have been ignored. How is a ‘Canadian’ newsletter coming out of nancy pelosi’s San Francisco?

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We are Canadian. Substack is American.

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You are in San Francisco yet claim to be woke watch CANADA! How do you know so much about Canadian wildness from California and the most lib city in the whole corrupt USA

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Shannon thanks for lighting the way brother

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