Hi I‘n really disappointed that there isn’t ANY emphasis on declining reading, writing and arithmetic in our schools within your ranks. Student achievement is abysmal yet nobody in education- unions, Ed leaders and now parent groups like this - never discuss these issues publicly. It’s ironic that your organization is devoting so much energy examining content of teacher workshops and ideological issues, because that is exactly what unions and our Ed leaders prioritize as well. You are acting like them.

Schools are places of learning. The fact that more and more kids are falling further and further behind, transcends all divisive issues, and calls those who teach our children, into account. Why waste so much time preaching to likeminded folks? You are playing into the hands of the unions. A more effective approach might be to increase your support by scrutinizing falling literacy and numeracy rates, because THAT is something which ALL parents can get behind, and will catch unionist interests off guard.

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What I am most concerned about other than the topics mentioned, is the constant rewriting our history with aboriginal people, perspectives woven in which makes blatant out lies. Our children are being indoctrinated into a false narrative about our great country without truth and fact. Canadians have to endure land acknowledgments which attacks and erode our sovereignty. More and more kids don’t want to go to school because of these divisive policies Canadians have had enough. If aboriginal people are truly a foreign entity why are we allowing them to indoctrinate our children?

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