Promiscuity is higher in black community and culture. The absence of a good father figure is damaging to the development of a male child. Most men in prison are fatherless.

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"fatherlessness remains at least a viable third explanation"

not if it is highly correlated with race - then it's the same as the second explanation, with one extra step

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Cops out. No real analysis or solutions.

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Such wise words: “What we do know is that, in the United States, young black and American Indian men commit more violent crimes than other ethnicities.  Making it taboo to say the truth is not going to help black or American Indian communities who have to deal with the consequences of this.”

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1) GOOGLE 'Average IQ by Country'.






3) Fell free to ignore the obvious if you so choose, but according to the US ARMY that was been studying the issue of what makes a good soldier there is a clear and obvious Genetic link between lower IQ Scores and a tendency to violence.


.In fact there is a Federal law in the US that prohibits any branch of the Military from even accepting an application for employment from someone until after they have completed an IQ Test.


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Having a father or father at home should be encouraged where there are young children, especially boys, at home.

Too many welfare schemes encourage fatherlessness because welfare payments would be reduced or eliminated if the father's income was included in family income.

So there is a financial advantage to not have a father at home for low-income families.

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Crime and race seem to correlate for most areas. I recently listened to a newscast from Sudbury ,Ontario where they reported on 'use of force' arrests in that mid-sized city. Blacks were involved in 9% of arrests while they are only 3% of the population and native Indians made up 11% of arrests while forming less than 5% of that population. No matter how much money they are given it never seems to improve the stats. Endlessly troubling and enormously expensive for the taxpaying 'settlers'. (I should add that CBC Radio made it very hard to get a copy of this newscast.)

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Mar 5Edited

The 8 safest countries re: crime rates: ​Iceland​ Denmark​ ...​Ireland​ ...​New Zealand​ ...Austria. ...​Singapore​ ...Portugal​ ...Slovenia​

The 8 most violent countries re: crime rates:: Venezuela Papua New Guinea Afghanistan Haiti South Africa Honduras Trinidad and Tobago

Figuring out why some countries are safest and some are the least safest would be very useful. What I found on a general level was this: Safe countries tend to display high levels of wealth, social welfare, and education. Additionally, safe countries typically have effective criminal justice systems and governments that maintain very healthy relationships with their citizens.

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"Inherent" or not, the fact and pattern exists everywhere, and it's not even close - US, Canada, Caribbean. 20 times more likely to commit interracial violence against whites in the US, 60% of the murders, and even black women are as likely to commit murder as white males. Explosive anger and poor impulse control are factors. We will never be able to separate nature from nurture entirely, and it's probably large helpings of both.

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