The Alan Kurdi story is a lot more complicated than the picture. His father was a coyote. Transporting people across the water. He overloaded the boat to make more money. He had a life jacket. He didn’t give his son one. And when the boat capsized he abandoned his son to save himself. The boy drowned at sea, not on the shore. The photographer positioned the dead body of the boy strategically for maximum impact. EVERYTHING IS NOW A LIE.

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Love the Paul Bloom book! I think it should be required reading for every teacher, doctor, social worker, HR person, parent - basically every human.

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Another very well written article. If things go slack in the field of medicine, you are well versed to become a journalist. Would be interested on your take of those lacking empathy, the sociopath and psychopath who masquerade amongst society.

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Great empathy can interfere in parenting. There are times when we must act dispassionately or even insensitively with our children. We want them to act a certain way, not become self focused or narcissistic. The above article is really worth reading.

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