I sure hope you are wrong, we need a change, from my sky view of other school boards its the Trustees who are not voicing parents concerns and or taking them seriously, Trustees at my board except for 2 of them just take what the Board Administration says as gold. We should just call the public system a failure and move on, let parents take the $13500 GSN funding and seek their own private school system of choice.

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The contrast that various "equity" and populist social justice advocates draw between equality and things like merit and responsibility rests on misguided reasoning to begin with. It reflects a complete misunderstanding of traditional appeals to equality and justice and ignores the enormous academic literature on the topic.

For those interested in better understanding the flaws in "equity" arguments, and in having better tools for confronting them directly, I wrote about it here: https://ronadinur.substack.com/p/there-is-no-real-difference-between

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The myth of Lemmings jumping off cliffs is a relatable parable to the mass intellectual suicide that has been occurring in public education, if one substitutes values, common sense, reason and educational basics, for Lemmings. The fear of social ostracization has become a compelling motivator to seek the protection of the herd even when the flock is heading directly for the cliffs. It is encouraging to see the Ministry of Education start to extract their heads from the sand and recognize that radical surgery may be the only treatment to control the debilitating cancer of Wokeness currently plaguing our institutions of learning. Let us be optimistic that, "talking the talk" will also include "walking the walk" and that it won't be a question of too little too late.

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Excellent excellent article

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Maybe it is time to reduce the number of school systems in Ontario from four to two. The Catholic school system is publicly funded and is required to buy in to the DEI agenda thus compromising its Magesterium.

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Too little too late. The ministry of education let school boards become infested. We need a major clean up: charter schools, schools choice, classroom transparency for parents. We need to bring back meritocracy and excellende, flush away DEI far-left progressives.

Another big one is allow anyone with a bachelor in a subject to teach it, after minor training. Unions and faculty of woke ed. will no longer have the monopoly.

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Great but depressing article. I used to work for the Peel District board when the only danger to student achievement was the career ambitions of various superintendents and principals. Adding the DEI agenda is a further disaster and will no doubt trigger an exodus from this once excellent system.

I don't see how the deterioration could have been any worse under an NDP government.

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