What ever happened to simply learning to read, print/write and learning how to count?

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Very disturbing, to say the least. Are parents aware that their children are being exposed to this garbage?

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At my local community centre there is a "youth board," advertising activities for youth. Seven out of the ten posters advertise gay, lesbian, and transgender social activities at the centre, like a Pride Youth Night and LG2S etc. gatherings and "celebrations." There are no social activities advertised specifically for the general population of boys and girls except for an art club. The rest of the posters are for job training, and homework help. This emphasis on alternative sexuality is everywhere now. It's cool and in fashion to be non-binary, etc., and it is promoted for youth. For schooling in general, after reading this article, I'd recommend private school if it can be afforded, or homeschooling for kids.

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Just unbelievable. For 4 and 5 year olds?? Please please please bring back fairy tales of old where the white knight saves the princess. This race and identity garbage is disgraceful indoctrination!

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When I read this kind asylum grade gibberish, pity & sadness at its intellectual & moral disfigurement gives way to visceral disgust & outrage....which when I have calmed down, resolves into contempt for once respected educational stewards, but now despised ideological pimps, who corrupt a generation of children who are totally at their mercy.

They will not be forgiven for this.

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Pedophile's are clapping their hands in delight at this lot of nonsense, I am retired so all my kids & grandkids have gone through school but I would very strongly advise every young couple today to yank their children out of the school system and educate them at home because there for sure is going to be a lot of very confused learners who will be like ripe fruit for sexual perverts.

Along with this type of schooling add the garbage adds on TV on top you know the ones that show women kissing women & men kissing & groping men and just what do you think the result of that is going to be. Have people even seen the cartoon drawings for these children that will be presented to them showing boys on boys giving BJ,s and girls going down on girls that is pornography, these people need to be locked up for life and kept far far away from vulnerable young minds and let me tell you any teacher willing to put young children through this needs to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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Didn't notice much "reading, writing and arithmetic" in those lessons! Sheesh...

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This is psycho-drama being led by unqualified people and directed at way too young children. What are they going to do if a kid starts crying - call it a learning moment? What if a kid does not want to participate or laughs at another kid acting cross-gender - is that okay or will they be ostracized? This is the delivery of complex ideas by amateurs to people who are far to young to understand (particularly the boys by the way, as their brains will be lagging behind in ability to navigate the required social interaction and will be seen to be as such - another opportunity to appear stupid? If boys revert to normal physical bonding, will that also be okay or do they have to be as verbal as the teachers demand?). This "kindness" will be confusing and unsettling, which I suspect means it is operating as intended. Full points and encouragement for the kids that demonstrate the sought for behaviors, not so much for others.

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With this sick indoctrination the "education" system will be turning out a lot of neurotic kids focused on imagined grievances around skin colour, sex and other immutable characteristics. It's child abuse. And since when did teachers's unions get to set curriculum and create lesson plans.

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Disturbing. Parents in the dark for the most part.

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Wow Chanel great article but wow seriously let kids be kids

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