Many children had bad experiences at residential schools, but many reported positive experiences. TRC Commissioner Littlechild said that if not for his 14 years at residential school he would have ended up as a drunk on skid row. No child was murdered or secretly buried at the schools, and to suggest that Canadians should be forbidden to say so is exactly the kind of absolutism that the daughter of a Holocaust survivor should fight against, and not argue for.

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Brian; I like the wisdom of your comments. The Residential School story has turned into a total farce and a hotbed of outright lies. The Trudeau government is largely to blame and the First Nations opportunists continue to use it as an unending source of money. In my high school days I shared some classes with a few gifted Residential School students. They said the 'Res' school was the best place they ever lived.

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I live in Ontario and work in a childcare. I also have some Meti ancestry, as well as other European ancestry. I have thought about this. I will not be wearing an Orange shirt today. I would like more information and jump on the bandwagon. I want honesty without emotions. I would like facts without critical race theory and revisionist history. I am not saying that there were bad things that happened in the past. Yet, I know that Canada has a rich history, that we can all be proud to be Canadian. Let us stop being a country that is seen as bad under ideals initiated, approved and followed through by the United Nations Agenda 2030. Let us be Canadians and stand glorious and free. United we are strong.

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The color orange is just another cultural appropriation, in this case borrowed from Holland's Royal Family, to bolster their victimhood status. Since my wife is Dutch, I will proudly wear my orange shirt today displaying the message , "every Dutchman matters".

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Those stories about the bodies of Natives being buried in graves right across Canada were obviously false.


What that did though was to a large extent hide the stories about ABUSE, often Sexual Abuse, at the Residential Schools.


Not in every instance, but in the majority of cases, the culprits were Catholic institutions.


The fire that burnt down St Anne’s Church in Toronto recently was suspicious, given its proximity to an Afro-Indigenous encampment, 2 ½ blocks North on Gladstone Ave. Was the Anglican St Anne’s Church mistaken for a Catholic church ???





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I work at a school in BC and will not wear an orange, pink, pride, or any other social justice t-shirts.... my body is not a billboard to further their agenda.....

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Well said, Stella.

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Yes Lisa I like your wisdom and attitude. We are being told (sometimes aggressively) what and how to think on many fronts. We had better tread carefully. People are concerned about their physical autonomy and yet will not look at alternative narratives and media like this one to have a mind of their own. Canada ironically is a beautiful Country despite our governments and the shallow woke mob. 🇨🇦From Calgary

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Any attempt to limit 'free speech' is playing with fire. Even if Leah's motivation is honorable it has dangerous consequences. Her desire to label someone's words as 'hateful' may very well extinguish the opportunity, or indeed the obligation, for me to shine the light of truth on a subject. The day the MPs sat on their hands rather than object to Leah's 'genocide' motion was a fatal failure by all elected members.

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I will not be celebrating any part of these lies. There was no genocide, if anything the biggest genocide is happening now, has been happening since the Bio weapon Covid was released. Now that is real genocide.

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Dig them up. DNA will tell who they are.

Of course, there is no one there.

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Good lord stop this bullshit before it goes any further, I absolutely agree that there was a genocide oh yes indeedy there was and it was between the warring tribes of Indians NOT with the so called colonials, History records it they killed each other and what is more they continue to kill each other off today, they are doing it to themselves.

Want to stop that, quit drinking, quit doing drugs, get a job, educate yourselves, clean up your own mess we didnt do it.

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NDP MP Leah Gazan’s bill to label Canadians as genocidal, passed creating a division greater than anyone expected within Canadian society! If her main objective was to get justice for aboriginals it has had the opposite effect! Labelling Canadians genocidal that fought and died fighting Hitlers Nazi Genocidal machine and their offspring is the greatest injustice of all! Today she wants to pass another injustice upon Canadians by laying charges against people that question the out right lies presented regarding the Kamloops graves that do not exist! Calling freedom of speech, hate speech in the process! She is a disgrace not only as a MP but to every Canadian that gave so much to make a wrong, right! These kind of accusations and actions promote more hatred rather than compassion, harmony and the possibility of reconciliation now or in the future without the truth being told and the label of genocide removed once and for all!

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Not merely woke virtue-signallng but, worse yet, woke censorship. No!

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Bill C-413 is an obnoxious affront to freedom of thought, and by logical extension the freedom of expression.

The core issue is the tensions between Enlightenment principles of investigation and the written compilation of facts and history and oral traditions of storytelling that are passed down through the generations.

Indigenous activists are inserting some incredulous stories into the dialogue that have come from the oral storytelling. (See: infants burned alive or children awoken in the night to dig graves near apple trees.)

I surmise that the temptations of Indigenous activists to stifle or ban those who speak against the oral history is based, at least in part because investigation may undermine the knowledge keepers and oral story tellers.

Having said that, I have profound respect for Chief Derek Nepinak. He challenged the oral history that stated people were buried in the basement of his local church by overseeing the excavation of anomalies found at the site by ground penetrating radar. Nothing was found and while it may be tempting to gloat, we should acknowledge the hunt for truth and the acceptance of the results. Isn’t that what we all want?

Truth is a partner of Reconciliation. We can’t have Reconciliation without the Truth. Bill C-413 is designed to hide the truth.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your response to Ms. Gazan's proposed Bill was bang on. I wish I was a courageous as you. Sometimes the truth does hurt.

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Social norms today are not what they were 50 or 100 years ago. Much of what we now consider abuse was common disciplinary practice a generation or two ago. Corporal punishment comes to mind. Strict discipline prevailed as much in first nations residential schools as in one-room schoolhouses or the boarding schools attended by the sons and daughters of the privileged. Sexual abuse, and I hasten to state that I in no way condone or excuse that repugnant practice, saddly was also rife in prestigious boarding schools.

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LEAH GAZAN ... "Stupid is as stupid does".




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I have also wondered about sexual and physical abuse of some of the children from the residential school system. Thank-you for your perspective.

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Those stories about the bodies of Natives being buried in graves right across Canada were obviously false.


What that did though was to a large extent hide the stories about ABUSE, often Sexual Abuse, at the Residential Schools.


Not in every instance, but in the majority of cases, the culprits were Catholic institutions.


The fire that burnt down St Anne’s Church in Toronto recently was suspicious, given its proximity to an Afro-Indigenous encampment, 2 ½ blocks North on Gladstone Ave. Was the Anglican St Anne’s Church mistaken for a Catholic church ???




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