Ottawa school board silences and slanders parents who question gender ideology
Calls for the removal of an unhinged radical progressive trustee
“Apparently, in the eyes of the Ottawa school board, viewpoint diversity is not important when it comes to matters of sex and gender.” - Julia Malott
On March 7 2023, Trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) rudely interrupted and cut short Nick Morabito, a concerned father who was respectfully voicing concern regarding the OCDSB policy of allowing any individual who chooses to identify as female to share bathroom and change room spaces with his 12 year old daughter.
Mr. Morabito was 35 seconds into his delegation to the board when Trustee Kaplan-Myrth cut his microphone, ignored his request for an explanation, and called a two minute recess. Referring to Mr. Morabito and the 35 seconds where he was permitted to speak, Kaplan-Myrth told the Ottawa Citizen the next day, “There is no way to frame it other than transphobia.”
This is a trend we are seeing at school boards across the country. A parent or teacher concerned with something linked to the alarmingly enthusiastic embrace of gender ideology by the provincial ministries of education and Canadian school boards, is either silenced during a delegation (and later called a trans-phobe), or otherwise subject to some form of backlash (including being called a trans-phobe) simply for sharing their views and expressing commonly held concerns - in most cases the Human Rights Code is invoked as justification for infringing on the free speech rights of parents and teachers.
Below is a video posted to Twitter showing Mr. Morabito’s speech being cut short:

Look at what Chanel Pfahl discovered shortly afterward:
Reporting for True North, Sue Ann Levey had the following to say:
“If a deputant (most often a parent) doesn’t follow the right progressive script, he or she is shut down, canceled, intimidated and treated as if they are hateful and intolerant. I’ve seen it repeatedly south of the border and now, as parents start to speak up, here in Ontario.”
March 8th, the day after the board meeting, the OCDSB released a statement saying “Individually-held beliefs or feelings of discomfort are not a justifiable reason for discriminating against trans and gender-diverse community members.” In all such similar cases, the Ontario Human Rights Code is the excuse given for classifying as discrimination, the concerns of parents like Mr. Morabito.
Regular Woke Watch Canada contributor Shannon Douglas has applied to delegate at the next OCDSB meeting on the 28th of March. I asked him what he plans to bring up when addressing the board. At the top of Shannon’s list is calling for the censure of Trustee Kaplan-Myrth and requesting the board provide a written apology to Mr. Morabito for the gross infringement of his right to speak freely when advocating for his daughters, and for the slanderous remarks made about him in the media by Kaplan-Myrth.

Trustee Kaplan-Myrth comes across as abrasive, belligerent, extreme, and uncompromising in her progressive positions. Below is a video of an unhinged interview with Kaplan-Myrth, where Bill Carroll, host of The Morning Rush on CFRA 580 AM, had to hang up on her as she raged about Covid and masks:
A petition to remove OCDSB school board trustee NILI KAPLAN-MYRTH was set up on shortly after the March 7th board meeting. Signatures are growing by the second. When I began writing this, there were 2254 signatures. Three hours later, right before I hit publish, they were at 2491!
Below is a frantic tweet from Kaplan-Myrth losing her cool on for allowing a petition to go forward that calls for her removal for slandering a parent in the media:
Referring to Kaplan-Myrth’s media comments which slandered Mr. Morabito as a transphobe, a great point is made in the petition’s description:
“Not only has this action on her (Kaplan-Myrth) part generated a tremendous amount of anger in the community towards the school board, it opens up the school board to being liable for slander and defamation because her comments were inaccurate and out of line.”
The situation in Ottawa is reminiscent of another in Waterloo where a teacher was similarly silenced and slandered for daring to question a consequence of the unquestioning embrace of gender ideology in schools. That teacher has subsequently commenced legal action against the board.
Carolyn Burjoski, a teacher of 20 years, had her freedom of expression violated at a Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) meeting on January 17, 2022. She was silenced by WRDSB chairman Scott Piatkowski during a presentation in which she expressed concern for some of the sexually explicit age-inappropriate books included in WRDSB school libraries. Chairman Piatowski made comments in the media that Carolyn was transphobic and claimed the content of her presentation engaged in hate speech.
Carolyn is working with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), and has since filed two lawsuits. The first is a $1.7 million defamation suit filed on May 4, 2022, which addresses the slanderous comments made about Carolyn by Piatkowski during the January 17th board meeting and in the media afterwards.
The second filing is a request to the Superior Justice to undertake a Judicial Review of Piatkowski and the board’s decision to expel her midway through her January 17th delegation, and of allegations that same delegation was contrary to the Ontario Human Rights Code.
More information can be found on Carolyn Burjoski’s website.
Here is a comment from Carolyn’s lawyer, Jorge Pineda:

A person that has recently come on my radar is Julia Malott. Julia is a trans woman who was referred to by Shannon Douglas in last week's Gender Wars report as “a rising spokesperson for free expression and advocate for open dialogue about trans issues.” Julia published a response video to the OCDSB situation involving Mr. Morabito. The following are a couple great quotes I picked out:
“So much of what is going on right now has very little to do with transgender people, and is instead a lot of bad ideas that arise from the equity movement’s obsession with the celebration of gender identities. The good news is, you can respect transgender individuals and push back against this ideology at the same time.”
“I came to realize that while a very small minority of people are truly looking to eradicate transgender rights, the vast majority who raise criticism of gender policy are loving and caring individuals who hold no disdain towards my existence.” - Julia Malott
Below is Julia’s video - (429) Censorship at OCDSB School Board Meeting - YouTube

I’ll leave it at that for today. I’ll be monitoring the OCDSB situation and will update these pages as the story develops.
Thanks for reading. For more school board analysis from this author read, Black radicals who lie about racism
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I don’t get why a female doctor is so keen to slander parents for imaginary trans-phobia when they (the parents) don’t want teenage boys to see their adolescent daughters naked. The Covid phone interview reminded me of the shrill angry feminist of yesteryear but then why the embrace of trans activism, which hurts women and girls?
Nili Kaplan-Myrth is a dangerous kook who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children.