Parents Rights Day of Action
This Friday confront radical human rights doctrines with peaceful protest
The tweet below from Shannon Douglas says it all:
Take a day off this Friday and keep your kids home from school. Talk to them about the difference between accepting and celebrating. Tell them about Canada’s inclusive cultural heritage, that Canadians are among the most open and accepting people in the world. Discuss the LGBTQ, explain that accepting and welcoming gender non-conforming people into schools and communities is not the issue becuase Canadians welcome everyone. But Canadians do not force each other to celebrate things. In the Canada I know, that once was, citizens stood for the right of all Canadians to celebrate whatever things they wished, but no one from that recently lost Canada would have imagined that the celebration of any one thing, above the multitude of other things, would one day be made mandatory.
Today, raising objection concerning the age-appropriateness of aspects of the LGBTQ movement manifesting in schools and public places where children are present, gets answered by aggressive well organized loud-mouthed, sometimes violent, bullies bent on the radical remake of the society. That this movement defies all norms and standards of decency, while insisting on access to pre-pubescent children regardless of what their parents may think, should be enough to introduce a little pause for thought. Why not make this Friday the day to pause and reflect on the state of our Canadian society.
Here’s a website with more info.
Thanks for reading.
There are now two ways to support Woke Watch Canada through donations:
1) By subscribing to the paid version of the Woke Watch Canada Newsletter for - $5 USD/month or $50 USD/year
2) By donating to the Canadian School Board Investigation fund, which is raising money to expand Woke Watch Canada’s research and investigation into dysfunctional Canadian school boards.
"The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are". David Icke
Keep up the resistance. As Charles Dickens once said, "A very little key will open a very heavy door."
Ironically, because my children are withheld by the other party, aided and abetted by the School Board's complicit and active role in defying court Orders (which they have done in a discriminatory fashion for years), they are in violation of the Charter and Human Rights of both my children and the paternal family and have obfuscated all reasonable request for access and information time and again. This time using the School Act as a defense of deplorable actions! I have written the Ministers in charge a brief summary of my concerns and intend to take further action to mitigate the extreme depravity for both my children, who are my "pride and joy" NOT theirs for indoctrination and posturing - manipulated as pawns for adult cause celebre, and identity politics.
I look forward to exercising our civic right to protest this radical left ideology thrust upon children in the name of pseudo science and religion in our public schools under the auspices of "the woke." I hope more and more Canadians realize what is going on under this government is wrong and that we are the change and are not served by inaction.
Just because something is made law does not guarantee or mean it is morally right and true!