Canadians will have to decide if facts matter - yes or no. The country can continue to pretend to believe a story that is not true - as the B.C. Law Society is doing - or return to a place where we believe established facts. It is a choice. Turkey, for instance, has decided to tell itself that the Armenian genocide never occurred. Canadians , on the other hand, are being told by their government and other institutions that they must believe that a genocide, which did not happen here - did. It is a simple choice. So far, Canada is following Turkey’s lead

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Being Canadian means always having to say, "I'm sorry". Canadians tend to be overly polite and do not normally challenge authority. No one in my family circle has any interest in this and when I try to bring it up the response is typically, "get over it Dad". Current events seem to elude the younger generation and many of the older generation to. How else to explain the disinterest and apathy to what nonsense the government has perpetuated.

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There could be a fourth group, which I'd say I fall into: those who think there were abuses and evils mixed into the residential system, just like any system or organization created and run by human beings, and that one should be able to recognize and acknowledge those without pretending that every negative narrative is true or that residential schools were an unmixed good. Black and white versions of history are rarely true.

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So what's the difference between discipline experienced by children in any boarding school anywhere and residential schools? I worked on over 300 TRC hearings and I will state that in 99.9 percent of the cases the "abuse" that was described was exactly what I experienced as child in school in the 60s. A ruler on the hand for using my left hand. Stood in the corner for being disruptive. Why is there something heinous or different about how the residential schools were run? Based on what I heard I would say there isn't. we have just chosen to interpret those "harms" somehow differently, and even flying in the face of facts that prove conclusively otherwise.

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Corporal punishment was the norm in the 1950's. The rule at home was if you got the strap at school you would get it at home that night. Every good Christian family followed the biblical rule, "spare the rule and spoil the child". Well there were very few spoiled children during that time. One of the most familiar sayings then if you were disobedient was, "do you want me to knock you into the middle of next week." And yes, we were all told how good we had it, which was probably true. But still, I think all the baby boomers of that generation should be entitled to some of that Res School money.

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my thoughts exactly. I am sending my cheque request sans evidence.

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its different because the Indigenous people are untouchable , that is why, they are 'sacred'... So no one should have abused them!

With that being said their reserves are full of abuse, do you ever hear about their culture? do they marry, who marries them? why do they drink so much. I have heard that their own abuse children and don't even provide them with the basics of life?

Who are these people, they surely needed God and that is what I think would have benefited them. But somehow they are pawns in the scheme of things. And I feel that they should be more vocal.

Why don't they produce anything? If they are the 'caretakers of the land' if they were here immoral times?

Why don't they have production of the Buffalo like the Italians, with cheese milk..etc..

why are they not farmers? yet they are being made to be superior than us, with Land Acknowledgment etc... who are these people that they should be treated like they are superior and untouchably.

I am glad that Buffy Ste Marie, was stripped of the order of Canada.. she was actually American and Italian roots...and went on to hoodwink the population on her sad state of affairs of Indian heritage. cry me a river!

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History will prove that this is just complete bullshit it was all about the money

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Indian Day School false story have also an astronomical impact on taxpayers money. Just look at Indian Day School Claims Administration (https://www.classaction.deloitte.ca/en-CA/indian-day-school-claims-class-action/): unbelievable. It's one of the rare easily available report of what our civil servants who supposed to work for taxpayers did and dit not to waste our money. Each month they published their report on compensation amount. You won't believe it, but I calculated that we paid 7,8 billions to roughly 158 000 students who had the 'the chance' to attend indian day school. This amount include 18 700 case unsettled yet, witch I attributed the average amount paid to others. And those who had 'the chance' to attend both residential school et day school are entitled to both compensation. The amount included 200 millions to 'healing', 115 millions to Deloitt and 65 millions to lawyers. As we can expect, any of the claims paid are subject to personal income tax.

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that's just a drop in the bucket. the 2024 contingent liabilities report states something amounting to $2 trillion in claim settlements (thanks for that, Jody) in the next decade. 20 billion in 2024, 75 billion in 2025, and on and on. It's never fucking ending. with $115 million going to Deloitt is there any wonder the BC law society, for instance, toes the grave hoax line? no, there is not. There is big big money in native claims.

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A Munk Debate between you and Jon Kay would be interesting.

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I hear ya. As for Jon Kay, I am a HUGE fan, I can't overstate how much I appreciate his contributions (and those of Barbara too) but I gotta say I am def getting more of a woke vibe form him of late (too much times spent in the GTA arts and literary circles?) and agree that his acceptance of some of the narrative is a little too much.

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NFB just released a new "documentary" about residential school 'survivors'. Based on testimony from two people who were small children at the time. Very reliable. It's called "we were children" and it's eye-rollingly bad

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Articles are still claiming thousands of children disappeared at residential schools and are buried in unmarked graves. This one from the Spring 2025 edition of "BC Bookworld," on page 10 in the article "What John A. Macdonald didn't see coming" about Indigenous author Carol Anne Hilton's new book, claims that "literally thousands of unmarked graves of children who died at residential schools have been recovered." https://abcbookworld.com/.../03/SPRING-WEB-version-2025.pdf

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About time. Also about time that our indigenous population stopped finding new natives to wrong moreiney from Canadians. How many generations will pay reparations

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Today, the Premier of British Columbia has, for the second time, punished a member of his NDP party for telling the truth. These cases are so blatant that you should check the details and publish it as widely as possible.

In the first case, he fired a cabinet minister.

The second offender was not only telling the truth, but was thrown out of Caucus for pointing out that there is such a thing as objective truth.

Both cases are inexcusable, but today's is more than just lying or not telling the truth. He is a politician, after all. This was an attack on truth itself; something you fail to emphasize enough in your energetic criticisms. It has been a distintcive perhaps the worst, feature of Woke from before the name even emerged.

Check it out.

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"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

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Terry Glavin, even though he wrote an NP article on the graves issue, cannot bring himself to say in public that Casimir said "mass graves," even though it's plain that she did in May, September and December of 2021. Not sure what category that puts him into.

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"Was there EVER a real “Pride Movement”? Was it all just establishment financed astroturf from the very beginning? It sure looks that way.

As DOGE cuts continue to run their course and many of these agencies and NGOs are eventually defunded, I predict we will see a rapid decline in younger people identifying as LGBT. I also predict that most of the pride parade activity seen every June will fade and that trans activism will mostly vanish outside of a handful of crazies. The Pride movement was never grassroots. It was a fabrication; an illusion conjured into existence through the sheer power of government cash and NGO manipulation."



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My 3 part covid truth series podcast reminds people of what happened, so we do not forget and never fall for it again. They are trying to do it again with different fake flus right now, if they think people will go for it they will pull the trigger again with the laws already on the books. Hundreds of millions of chickens are getting killed right now, destroying the food supply because, government agents are using the fake PCR tests on the chickens giving false positive results, and the farmers do not resist the corrupt federal government for fear of what the government will do to them.

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


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