Enough of this bs on these graves, this shit needs to stop, all renaming of roads and towns needs to stop, no point in changing a name to a name that no one can pronounce.

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This podcast explains what is happening, the weaponization of American Indians working for globalists:


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Some things I see he loses credibility on a few talking points:

1. IRS was totally voluntary children who were essentially homeless who had no where to go went to IRS. Gov tried to shut them down in the 1940s but the need was too great. Also Chiefs wanted more IRS to be built in the late 50s gov said no.

2. Vaccines the science is sound in vaccines. It is because of vaccines no more scarlet fever whooping cough smallpox. Has all contributed to where we are now.

3. The relations between aboriginal ppl vs new Canadians. He bungled the whole affair. There was hardly any one here in North America disease famine and wars kept the aboriginal population low. What made us friends was the fur trade. Sir John A McDonald is credited to saving more aboriginal lives than any other PM

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We are talking about Canada 🇨🇦 when I bring up IRS only 30% went to IRS. When it comes to vaccines prey tell me how did we over come scarlet fever small pox mumps rubella ect. Before vaccines the child death rate was extreme with vaccines no more child death regarding diseases. We here in Canada were on friendly relations with aboriginal people because of the fur trade. We never War with them. We never killed aboriginal people here in Canada. Sir John A McDonald believed in the treaty process and he is credited to saving more aboriginal peoples lives here in Canada than any other PM.

I do believe an outside force has confused and corrupted the aboriginal peoples here in Canada. Unfortunately we have A PM who is completely stupid brainless and unfortunately an activist 🙄 the road Canada is on is not sustainable and the pendulum is starting to swing back. I hope.

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1. IRS - yes the IRS is voluntary, but they fraudulently entrap people who are destroyed in IRS courts and go to jail for years. The IRS form states if you lie on this form, it is a 5-year jail term for perjury. No one is told they can choose to not fill one out. Fraud definition:

Fraud is an intentional act of deceit designed to reward the perpetrator or to deny the rights of a victim. Some of the most common types of fraud involve the insurance industry, the stock market, and the mortgage market, but the targets usually include individuals as well as businesses. Key Takeaways. Fraud involves deceit to illegally or unethically gain at the expense of another.

2. Vaccines are a fraud because viruses are a fraud. No virus has ever been isolated in the real world. If I isolate red Smarties from the other colours, it is obvious what I am doing. When virologists say they are isolating viruses, the comparison would be that they throw in the whole case of Smarties bags, plus 3 more chocolate bars, and a bottle of whiskey and blend it in a blender until a liquid. Then they dry it and say see, we see brown, so since we started with red Smarties in there somewhere, we have proven red Smarties were in there. It is that stupid. Watch the documentary "Terrain".

3. European Settlers ( Fleeing the tyranny of the Catholic Church) were forced to kill Indians (under threat of death or imprisonment) large populations of American Indians, incentive was furthered with cash scalp rewards being provided by the British Government. This was a divide-and-conquer strategy the British Empire used in India, New Zealand and Australia to name a few. Starvation and murder killed the American Indians, not plagues.

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I applaud Widdowson's courage to once again enter the hornets nest and confront the angry mob. She should be aware, however, that there has been a run on pitchforks and torches at the Powell River Co-op.

" Marge, those people came after us with pitchforks and torches! Torches! At 4 in the afternoon! Homer Simpson

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Courage is in rare supply these days.

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It is not racism to have a different point of view from that of a person who has a different background from ours.

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Communists call everything they do not like racism to shut up their opponents.

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Government-created history is a fraud. Check out this podcast if you would like to get closer to the truth.


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