You can’t steal land from fifty years ago, that belonged to you 3500 years ago. Woke indoctrination, dumbing down, importing haters, vote for me and I’ll appease you, weak leaders with no morals.

You can’t be a refugee when your population started at 500,000 and is now 5 million.

Time for the woke and the radicals to crawl back into their hate filled holes, so the rest of us can enjoy life.

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What else can you expect from a 3rd world like country & that is what they are they are not Canadians and they do not want to be Canadians.

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I think it would be more than fair to same that Oct 7th did not occur in a vacuum and although tragic, has roots going back to more than 76 years of brutal Zionistic treatment by Israel to its Arab neighbors. Albert Einstein, the distinguished Jewish physicist along with other Jewish luminaires, including Hannah Arendt, published a letter on Dec 4th 1948, shortly after Israel declared its independence, denouncing Israel’s newly-founded Herut party and its young leader, Menachem Begin for its brutal treatment of Palestinians including the demolition of their villages and the expulsion and murder of their inhabitants. Einstein did not mince words. He described the Herut party as a “political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to Nazi and Fascist parties.” Shockingly, as if to add insult to injury, Einstein's wisdom went unheeded and Begin was awarded the Nobel Peace Price.

Sadly, the “Nazi and Fascist” mentality that defined Herut in 1948 now defines the most powerful ruling class in Israel. Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders speak openly of genocide and murder, yet they celebrate and promote Israel as if an icon of civilization, democracy and human rights. The hypocrisy is palpable. In 2023, prior to the Oct 7th event 450 Palestinians, including 106 children were killed. After Oct 7th and to date, 41,788 Palestinians, including 16,500 children have been killed, 96,794 injured and 10,000 missing. The world should have heeded Einstein's 1948 warning. Today, with Netanyahu's Likud Party and it's massive constituency of right-wing religious and ultra-nationalists, their is little regard for Palestinians, human rights, international law and such seemingly frivolous values as peace and justice. It is clear that the only lives that matter are Jewish ones. After all it is a tenant of the faith, described in the holy Talmud, that only Jews are true human beings and Gentiles are “goyim” (meaning cattle or beast). According to their religious doctrines killing of Gentiles or Goyim is permissible as the following shocking quote reveals: Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.” Tabarnak !!!!!!!!!!


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It seems neither Kay nor you read any French else you would know that writers like Richard Martineau and Matthieu Bock-Cote have zero patience nor tolerance for Islamists. How ok is that Kay piece anyway? Harper has been gone for more than a decade so not sure what this is relevant.

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