Incidentally, on the subject of being “forced to attend residential schools”, I wish the point would be made more often that compulsory education was legislated (and the year may have varied province to province) but this applied to ALL children, not only Indigenous children. The latter were obliged to attend IRS (ie boarding schools) ONLY if day schools weren’t available nearby, and even then follow-up was apparently not tightly enforced. “Ontario took the first step of introducing compulsory school laws in 1871. Parents were obliged by threat of fine to have children attend school for at least four months a year between the ages of seven and twelve.” https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2005251-eng.pdf?st=SaVEx1Dt

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The Truth and Reconciliation commission should have been called The Liars and Racist Commission against the white immigrants unfortunately in just a few weeks I and all others with beliefs and opinions such as ours will be at risk of being jailed and fined thousands of $ for even daring to offer any opinion that goes against our Fascist Liberal dictatorship and in fact it would not at all surprise me if they backdate that new so called hate law.

The senate will no doubt rubber stamp it as it (the Senate) is loaded with Lieberal toadies, so much for a free and just society, so much for our so called charter of rights which is thrown out with the bath water of every Supreme Court Lieberal appointed judges. We are all doomed to the control of the W.E.F. led by the billionairs who want all us lowlifes as slaves under their full control.

That will not bother me at age 75 I am not about to give up my rights and will go still fighting when they come to put the cuffs on and drag me away to the new Canadian Gulag

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Good information.

And the state of many reserves is just awful.

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A short comparison of treatment of Indigenous people between Canada and the US should put this question to rest. Contrary to the prevailing fallacious narrative that Canada used Residential Schools to murder Indian children as part of a systemic and nefarious plot of genocide, history speaks otherwise. Violent and bloody massacres of Indigenous people was a common occurrence in the American west. For example, in 1863 US cavalry massacred over 360 Shoshone Indians at Bear Creek, present day, Preston Idaho. A year later, the same military slaughtered 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians at Sand Creek, of which two thirds were women. Then, in 1890, as perhaps the last chapter in the book of brutal reality, the Cavalry massacred 146 Sioux Indians at wounded knee and took souvenir photos as mementos of the occasion. By contrast, Canada committed no massacres of Indigenous people throughout it's history. In fact when American whiskey traders massacred Nakoda natives in the Cypress Hills, present day Saskatchewan, the response was to create a national police force and dispatch it to the Canada west to restore law and order and eliminate the whiskey trade. This is the Canadian legacy to it's indigenous people which should be taught in school, not the blatant lies and atrocity propaganda motivated by financial gain.

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All Stravinsky’s articles are spot on!

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The Four Horsemen of the (Residential School) Apocalypse:

CONQUEST - “seven generations of trauma”

WAR - “kill the Indian in the child”

FAMINE - “cesspools of neglect”

DEATH - “murdered students”

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Fanon’s Fanboys: How the Violent Decolonization Movement was Brought to Canada

"If Canadians continue – complacently, or perhaps paralyzed by fear – to yield to the decolonization movement’s revisionism, we do not simply alter the complexion of knowledge; we undermine its very foundation, flirting with a dystopian intellectual future reminiscent of the oppressive shadows of the past: to intellectual stagnation, to the Dark Ages. To preserve the integrity of our scientific and mathematical domains is to protect the future of knowledge gathering, of innovation, of seeing the world rationally enough to build bridges that stand up. For if 2+2 really can equal 5, then no bridge – real or figurative – can stand."


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From an article on the History Reclaimed UK site: "“self-redemptive liberalism” that drives guilt-ridden whites to advocate for, or go along with, policies that sometimes do serious harm to the racial, ethnic and other minorities with whom they pretend to be sympathetic."

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