One of many reasons why UNDRIP and the related “nation to nation” are illogical policy is this: The policy applies to rural indigenous people, but not to urban indigenous people. Here’s the problem - often they are the same people. There is much back and forth from the reserve to the city. How can it make sense for a person to be a Canadian when in the city, but then a Cree or Ojibway when he goes back to the reserve? This confusion is made even worse by the fact that the Cree man is somehow a citizen of one particular Cree community. None of this grand policy has been thought out. The founders of this country had it right when they declared the we are all equals. Indians were placed in wardship and tutelage only to prepare them for life as equals. Unfortunately our founders didn’t put a time limit on this temporary status, and it has now become permanent apartheid

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It was thought out, divide and conquer your enemies. This strategy was why Quebec stayed French and separated, so they could always be roused into division.

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Go take a drink. Quebec never separated. They are bigger fraud artists than modern indigenous fraud artists, who learned from Quebecers.

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Quebec has a separate legal system. They practice French, law which says unless something is expressly allowed, it is forbidden. The rest of Canada practices common law, which is the opposite, unless it is expressly forbidden it is allowed

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Since Quebec has, as you say "a separate legal system", then tell me all about the Quebec French Criminal Code, you confusing reformed drunk.

There is no such thing because Quebecers practice Napoleonic Civil Code in civil matters and in the Napoleonic Code, which is military, the legal presumption is GUILTY --- Napoleon being a military kinda guy. But the Criminal Code is ANGLO-CANADIAN (where the legal presumption is innocence) for Quebec. In short and in sum, WRONG AGAIN, but half right on minor unimportant details!!!

Every legal system is identical, given that Athens and Rome perfected legal dialectic long before either the Renaissance or the so-called Enlightenment!


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Only lawyers trained and certified in Quebec-specific law can practice there. The rest of Canada is wide open to regular law school graduates, as long as they get their local law society's approval. I am not interested in arguing about it, just make a phone call and find out. God Bless.

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Anyone with a law degree from anywhere may practice law in Quebec. All you must do is pass their bar exam --- like every other place in the world. Phone that one in.

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Quebec never assimilated into English culture. They remained a separate thing, identity.

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You know what was great about Christian culture before this time. When people were alcoholics they remained anonymous as per alcoholics anonymous BECAUSE it was both sinful and disgraceful to be alcoholic. Now people BRAG about being ex-drinkers, or sober, because of that old deadliest of sins called PRIDE. Take a drink, "sober-super-man". Assimilation is not separation. The French Quebecers have been running this country ever since Trudeau the Elder and before that if you know anything about Canadian Family Compact politics.

Unfortunately for us today, in the old days, one could get into a canoe or hop onto a train (whether a Francophone or an Anglophone) and get away from such idiots in central Canada, by coming out onto the prairies. But that was a long time ago. No one can escape these clowns anymore. However, if we had some intelligent lawyers and judges out here in the West, 10 honest Prairie Canadians with law degrees AND judgeships could throw a whole lot of those central Canadian clowns in prison.

But don't look to Brian Giesbrecht for any help. He's "on board" with the whole family compact legal "conspiracy", which OUGHT TO BE considered as a legal CONSTUPIDITY. As the famous "philosopher" Forest Gump once opined "Stupid is as stupid does.", which in Giesbrecht's case ought to be asserted as "Stupid is as Stupid does NOT get it --- it being COLLUSION among the members of the truth and reconciliation commission and certain Chiefs of the Assembly of First Nations.


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You might like this podcast on the untold history of Canada:


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I don't even like arguing with you. Why would I listen to you talk much more slowly than you can write?

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The courts are corrupt and will not save the day. Every lawyer owes allegiance to the BAR, not the people of Canada. The BAR is the British Accredited Registry and is controlled in the City of London, not London City.

You might appreciate this podcast on legal versus lawful:


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Dude! You are so confused. BAR stands for British Accreditation Registrar (not British Accredited Registry) and has nothing to do with law or law schools or legal credentials. Members of the legal profession known as Barristers can go to the BAR of Justice and address "The Court". Solicitors are lawyers who do legal work without pleading cases --- being poor arguers such as yourself, "Sober Christian Gentleman".

But all modern lawyers are BOTH --- Barristers and Solicitors.

Every citizen, lawyers included, is SUBJECT to the Rule of Law in Canada which is what it means to be EQUAL before and equal UNDER the law. And, of course, "COURTS" won't "save us". Courts exist to do RATIONAL INJUSTICES in a Court Of Law to those who are IRRATIONALLY UNJUST outside the Law Courts.

The only thing that any of those "clowns with law degrees" KNOW; whether SNORING ON THE BENCH or EQUIVOCATING AT THE BAR; is INJUSTICE. They don't know anything about JUSTICE or about just citizens. That's not their job. Their job is to sentence unjust citizens to gaol, or fines or both when convicted of law breaches. But you can bet your butt that they'll defend one another to the hilt when they even "suspect" that one of their own is a crook. That is because the majority of them DEFEND CROOKS for a living. It's just a HABIT. That is why Giesbrecht is the way he is --- a dumb lawyer refusing to notice the crooked behaviour of slightly smarter indigenous lawyers.

"Saved by Courts!!!" What an idiotic notion. Have you ever heard of Socrates, Aristotle, Christ, Thomas More, Joan of Arc or any of thousands of illegally convicted good guys, Mr. Alcoholic??? Everyone of my above mentions was killed at the whim of some dopes in diverse historical Courts --- excepting Aristotle who was neither too stupid nor too unlucky to flee a crooked Court at Athens in his case of mere indictment --- lest the Athenians sin twice against philosophy. Courts aren't here to "save us". They're here to save criminals --- from one another in most cases!!! Go talk to yourself in your own podcast.

Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne

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Do you specialize in being permanently dull-witted, Giesbrecht? PERMANENT APARTHEID, you say. So Murray Sinclair, Wilton Littlechild, Kimberly Murray and Donald Worme K.C. are all "victims" of "Apartheid"?

I swear to heaven! If someone gave you one FULL WIT in addition to what you have in your dull-witted legal "noodle", then you'd still only be a legal HALF-WIT, Giesbrecht. Everyone of those colluding so-called "apartheid" people has pulled the wool over your blind eyes. Lady Justice is supposed to be blind --- not her so-called "servants". Grow up Giesbrecht. And try waking up. Everyone of those clowns is a crooked colluding dip-stick-lawyer and everyone of them is smarter than you Giesbrecht.

Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne

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Take note. Judges are such witty "riposters" having forgotten how to argue about 10 minutes after their Bench appointments --- that is if they ever learned how to argue intelligently before they were appointed to the bench --- which is not that often.


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Thousands of MY PEOPLE (Romany) were killed by Nazis in WW2 at Sobibor, Treblinka, Sachausen, Auschwitz and many other camps so do I suffer from Genocidal rememberance, no of course not, how ridiculous what a load of horse shit, grow T.F. up and get over it, get a job, get sober and try to contribute something to society, what a bunch of lyin wankers.

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I think that calling them a bunch of "lying wankers" is an overly generous appraisal.

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The British Government destroys everything it encounters. Then uses the pieces to destroy what is left.

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Go forth and multiply yourself

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I am creating a Podcast to multiply the truth so people can see past the big lies that are ruining their lives. The truth shall set you free.

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It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words and if so, the teddy bear picture of Trudeau in the cemetery speaks volumes about the current delusional state of our government and our drama teacher P.M. Who would have ever thought that such a progressive country would succumb to the witch craft mentality that embraces stage craft over reason and common sense. There is no doubt in my mind that Canada is the victim of a genocide but not thru the medium of Res Schools. This holocaust has been perpetrated against every reasonable tax paying Canadian who are the true, "survivors" of the most heinous intellectual genocide ever committed against an unsuspecting and undeserving electorate. What else could possibly go wrong. Is it in the realm of possibilities that the Trudeau teddy bear picture could be made into a stamp to commemorate our national shame. Just saying you know.

"It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office." ~ H. L. Mencken

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Fake grave sites make the money flow to the right people.

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Trudeau was kneeling in an actual graveyard. But he was probably kneeling on the grave of somebody's GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, grandmother or grandfather. There are real gravesites in an actual graveyard, Mr. Sober Christian Gentleman. And he was kneeling in a known (for about 120 years) graveyard.

Have you been sober for 10 weeks or 10 years? Being sober doesn't make anyone much smarter --- but maybe somewhat less stupid.

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AUTHOR: The UNDRIP was created by the General Assembly of the United Nations, most members of which represent countries who do not have an identified Indigenous population.

That's how much you know, Stravinsky. You are so ignorant, you must be a Canadian "educator"!

Wilton Littlechild [Truth and Reconciliation Commissioner], Leroy Little Bear, a "Blood" member of the Blackfoot Confederacy [from Southern Alberta] and Murray Sinclair all played parts in the drafting of UNDRIP --- all being INDIGENOUS Canadian lawyers. Quote:

ALBERTA ORDER OF EXCELLENCE: One of Leroy’s most significant and enduring legacies is his work with the United Nations, where he helped to establish a working group on Indigenous populations. It was this working group that originated the concept and initial draft of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This declaration has since been ratified by 144 member states of the UN, and is being implemented by the Government of Alberta.


That is just about Leroy. Commissioner Wilton Littlechild has at least one Cree sister who married a husband who's a member of a Black-Foot-Confederacy "First Nation". Wilton and Leroy are old buddies. Grow up and learn about Canada's "Family Compact" style of governance. Even the indigenous practice that form of "government/governance".


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American Indians returning from universities are generally brainwashed communists, with American Indian characteristics.

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American Indians returning from universities are generally brain washed communists, with American Indian characteristics.

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You will appreciate this podcast on the American Indian Deception. They are being weaponized just as European settlers were once weaponized. Divide and conquer.


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