I give thanks to you, James, for your unstoppable efforts in writing and creating a platform for others to share their thoughts, ideas, and opposition to the madness that has infected the minds of many and has contaminated this wonderful nation, making it beyond recognition.

Keep writing, Keep fighting

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This is great. And I never thought in my life I would become part of the ACTUAL counter-culture. I'm down with it. Keep up the great work.

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Many thanks for all the great articles and important work you do. I look forward to reading every article I receive.

"may the force be with you" Obi-Wan Kenobi

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James Pew writes: “It is those parents and concerned citizens whom I lean on most to guide my writing and publishing decisions related to Woke Watch Canada. And it is that same group that I will continue to draw on when covering topics related to ideological indoctrination in Canadian schools.”

I am part of that “group” and can say with authority that we all draw on James for inspiration and insight. He is a tour de force. What he has accomplished on behalf of Canadian education, on behalf of school children and teachers and parents, is inestimable

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Thankful for this susbstack and the subscribers, too!! ❤🍁🍗😘

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Speaking of that celebrity shop teacher with the prosthetic breasts . . . For those who may have missed the update, Kayla Lemieux is now Kerry Lemieux and presumably his pronouns are once again he/him: https://torontosun.com/news/lilley-unleashed-teacher-who-wore-prosthetic-breasts-is-now-indeed-a-mister (Sept. 8, 2023). New school, new man. Apparently last year's hi jinx didn't even put a blemish on his teaching record.

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Thanks, James. I don't have links (to people or groups) to share, but want to suggest to readers to be watching for a few new books that should be helpful to parents and kids, and maybe even teachers (if they'll read 'em). I've just submitted requests to my public library to bring in these titles (I did the same with Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage, and the library initially declined to bring it in. Eventually there must have been enough people requesting it that they changed their mind and quietly put a few copies on their shelves; they didn't notify me or another person I know who requested it, but I kept checking the catalogue and was able to finally read it this summer).

https://www.amazon.ca/When-Kids-Say-Theyre-Trans/dp/1634312481/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VEB8SEZYFGI9&keywords=Stella+O%27Malley&qid=1696811671&s=books&sprefix=stella+o%27malley%2Cstripbooks%2C161&sr=1-1#customerReviews (October 31, 2023).

https://www.amazon.ca/Gender-Madness-Devastating-Struggle-Ideology/dp/1510778063/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2WMXVQUIK6DNS&keywords=Gender+Madness+Oli+London&qid=1696823160&s=books&sprefix=gender+madness+oli+london%2Cstripbooks%2C175&sr=1-1 (August 2023)

https://www.amazon.ca/Parents-Inconvenient-Truths-about-Trans/dp/1634312465/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3QB865BR96GK&keywords=parents+with+inconvenient+truths+about+trans&qid=1696823270&s=books&sprefix=Parents+with+In%2Cstripbooks%2C195&sr=1-1 (August 2023)

Most public libraries have online forms for requesting titles. This is one way we can let them know that the tide is turning, and they can no longer treat this like a taboo subject.

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Bravo all! Quite a year of pushback, using logic and the proverbial pen. Whenever I read this publication I'm always struck by how deeply Canadians care and feel about being bullied to conform and submit to hysterical trends of ideology we know to be woke ignorance. Why must we question the motives of minority coalition government and their appointed extensions as the hegemony of our generation? "...we see the rise, the True North strong and free." Press on. Happy Thanksgiving, indeed!

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