The school board of dumb and dumber are at it again no doubt backed up by cowardly teachers who are incapable of teaching basic math but are experts on sex changes for young children. These self described know-it-alls who take a day off because of a solar eclipse and jump at any excuse to strike, agitate and annoy are leading our uneducated children up the garden path. This of course comes as no surprise when you consider their University education qualifies them only in Hip Hop, dreaming, and un-education whatever that is? (see TDSB quote)

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Excellent article, Jim, too good in fact that someone will want to ban it !!!!

“Any book worth banning is a book worth reading.” — Isaac Asimov

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The utter irony of all these books bans is that they still have 1984 & Fahrenheit 451 as required reading. Its as if the authoritarians are oblivious to the lessons taught in these books.

If the good and reasonable teachers put 200% more emphasis on the lessons of those books and correlate them to what the school boards are doing, this could offset whatever damage the boards are doing to the student body.

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Maybe it will be interesting for others that my dissertation in Educational Theory at the University of Toronto was A Case against School Censorship of Children’s Literature. That was in the 1980s! I am still in the same fight, but with woke book burners on the left, it’s a harder fight.

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Thank you! A very important read. I thought we already learned about the dangers of book burning. I can’t understand the mindset of the woke, left, do-gooders, who complain, cancel, blame others, force group think, and the dangers this can create to people and society.

I fondly remember my father reading Ten Little Indians to me as a child, reading To Kill a Mockingbird in high school and my favourite, The Catcher in Rye. I better keep my Dr. Seuss books, with all those dangerous rhyme’s, as they may not longer be available in the future.

I often tell my very woke sister teacher, who has drunk the Kool-aid, who doesn’t eat meat but feeds her kids meatless patties made of various unknown ingredients, to connect the dots and imagine life for her grandkids. The WW2 poem, “First they came…” and the book, “And then there were none,” should be a reminder to all.

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Control what people can read and learn, and you can then control them.

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It's disgusting how many people want to be censors and commissars. Really.

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I have spent years trying to figure out what would be most likely to trigger a low-level CIVIL WAR in CANADA, a loss in trust of the Legal System or Censorship.


Having seen the Liberal’s BILL C-63 I have the answer … It will be CENSORSHIP. I believe that Justin Trudeau and Arif Virani are both aware of that.


MATT GOODWIN recently published an article stating that it was time to draw a line in the sand, regarding the events of Oct 7th.


The same can be said of Canada’s Bill C-63. … IT IS DRACONIAN BEYOND BELIEF… PURE EVIL.


It is time to start identifying and recording the names of both those who DO, and those who MIGHT support Bill C-63. Begin with Legacy MSM Journalists.


RATIO’D Extract


The Trudeau government’s new online hate speech legislation spells the end for free speech in Canada as we know it. You could find yourself being given a life sentence in prison for having the wrong opinions online. You could be ordered to wear a tracking device by the Attorney General and forced to stay in your house if someone fears you might commit a hate offence. This is beyond absurd. This is downright frightening.


These new online hate speech laws, if passed, will almost certainly be interpreted through the lens of a radical leftist ideology and be used to silence criticism of the government, intimidate people into submission and protect the interests of leftist special interest groups.







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Nice compendium. As school districts flail in the last throes of 'regressive' convulsion before the lash of public revolt...We really need to purge this lot of rot. Start building the rafts and point them toward the rainbow of their design. Pot o' Gold on the horizon!

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