Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

The flaw is not just in seeing anyone who is non-indigenous as a "settler" which has all the connotations mentioned in the article, but seeing all indigenous as having inherent virtues on the basis of race, what used to be called "the noble sa****" as if North America was a Garden of Eden before Western influence, destroyed by the arrival of the white snake, of Western technology, knowledge and culture, and its attendant perceived oppression. It's a philosophy based on blood guilt, "White privilege," and in fact as the article says, a sense that the indigenous are superior based on blood and race, "the noble indigenous" concept. The philosophy denies individuality, the idea that indigenous people have differing opinions and perceptions as individuals. The contradictions are everywhere. For example, if the indigenous are the "Stewards of the Land," why did the first thing the Tsawassen Nation built after they gained a section of B. C.'s best farmland under their new treaty B. C.'s biggest shopping mall?

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Wokeism is a history dysphoria that clutches glorious defeat out of the jaws of uncomfortable victory.

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Don't forget about Sean "settler historian" Carleton, or Andrew "genocide" Woolford. I think the list of Canadian academics who could be on this list would be quite long. They know which side of the bread has the butter, so to speak.

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I really had trouble dealing with the outright bullshit in Jourdeil’s piece which basically claimed that all of Canada’s Crown lands are unceded indigenous land.

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Lewis Carol, in his sequel to Alice in Wonderland, "Through the Looking Glass" introduced us to the concept of the alternative universe in which every thing we see is the opposite of reality. This is how I regard "Woke" thinking. We have truly regressed that much closer to the Dark Ages when speaking truth is regarded as "Heresy" and I confess openly to being an Apostate. Science tells us that First Nations people came from Siberia and settled in Canada after the ice age. This gives us common ground with our indigenous neighbors making everyone a settler with the only difference being a temporal one. In terms of nomenclature, John Wayne once famously said, "call me anything you want but don't call me late for dinner".

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Yeah, maybe, but we still need a fair and equitable solution for native land claims, which I believe to be legitimate. As a person of European ancestry, born here, I feel no embarrassment or shame about being white. That is crap.

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Excellent. All self-described settler whites offer is renewed racism and special privileges for indigenous, rent-seeking, tax-exempt people.

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