There is nothing like someone who really knows how to do historical research to debunk some of this nonsense. Thank you, Nina Green.

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Nov 6Edited

A well researched article. The ideologues are digging their holes deeper all the time. The recent US election may be a harbinger of the backlash that may happen here. I'm not happy about this, we need a reasoned, not an emotional approach, but politicians like Gazan fuel reaction with their extreme positions.

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What is the "backlash" you are afraid of?

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Well, it happened in the States last week with the election of Donald Trump. Extremism on one side creates extremism on the other. Enough people fed up with Woke may have given the Republicans enough votes to win.

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To me, Trump's policies are not "extremism," but common sense. Most Americans agree.

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“If Leah Gazan were to speak or write about these facts concerning her own family's positive experience with residential schools, and thereby 'condone, downplay, and justify residential schools', could she be criminally charged under her own private member's bill, Bill C-413?”

Let’s hope so.

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Unanimous consent? What is Poilievre thinking?

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Perhaps this needs to be forwarded to him so he can see the actual facts.....

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Nina Green, what a wonderful researcher you are, and a credit to Canada. You deserve at least an honorary degree from a university (if any) that still respects scholarship.

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Stupid is as Stupid Does ... she just proved that.

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Confront her with her lies in a public forum where she is put on the spot. If that is not possible, then deny her access to rhinoplasty for her severely elongated nose.

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The question as to 'why' Gazan is promoting this authoritarian measure seems entirely obvious to me: colonizing and economically pillaging the 'settlers'.

This 'denialism' psyop could not be a more blatant attempt to imprison Canadians in eternal economic and psychological debt. A narrative is being constructed in real time to justify the erosion of everything western people spent centuries to build: property rights, freedom from kings, and even reason/inquiry itself. This is why our corrupt Liberal government, and Marxist-leaning lefties, are on board: "Western civ has got to go".

We are already defacto tax serfs, giving nearly half our income to one form of taxes or another - taxes spent on many programs that actually hurt us, rather than make our lives better, with Maoist-inspired public education being but one example.

This narrative is on a mission to close that loop.

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Leah Gazan is not the kind of person I want to represent me as a Manitoba resident! I prefer someone with integrity and the intelligence to know what the real truth resembles! It is irresponsible for anyone elected to promote this kind of genocidal insinuations and hatred against someone that provided a reasonable good life to her and her family members over the past hundred years! Promoting division between aboriginals and white people that built this wonderful country in which we live! Shame on her, leaders of the churches and most of all present day politicians that allow this boil to fester untreated!

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