Well, the short answer is no, places like this shouldn't exist at taxpayer expense. But the native government spending portfolio is somewhere up around 7 percent of the budget. That's more than the budget of national defence. Billions given willy nilly to less than 5 percent of the population in some kind of guilt payments. with virtually nothing to show for it other than more grievance, more racism, more victim narrative. Somehow this has to stop.

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"Now what kind of an attitude is that, 'These things happen?' They only happen because this whole country is just full of people who, when these things happen, they just say, 'These things happen,' and that's why they happen! We gotta have control of what happens to us." ~ Ethel Merman

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That's probably the scariest part, right, the head in the sand don't want to deal with it, it will go away thing. like the frog in the pot of water. At the local horse club here in Victoria I run the summer dressage shows. One of the riders -- of course a BC government employee -- wrote a long email to the BOD saying we need to have a land acknowledgment before the September show, all riders need to participate, an elder should come and smudge the horses (this is a show on private land at a private facility), riders should wear orange, blah blah. The worst part of this is that the BOD didn't just say "no." they felt compelled to write a conciliatory maybe next year and whilst we agree, blah blah blah. Saying a flat out no would, they were afraid, cause problems. Why. Why would it cause problems. That is a big problem. I'm not on the BOD. If I were, I would say absolutely not. this is not a political organization. we don't ascribe to these beliefs. And then I would sit there at my show desk with my copy of Grave Error proudly displayed.

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Remember when they used to have costume classes at horse shows? If your horse was gray, you’d drape it with curtain tassels and dress up as an Arab. If it was a solid bay, you’d paint it to look like an appaloosa war pony, and garb yourself as an Indian. Never get away with that today!

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That is absolutely hilarious and almost beyond belief. Perhaps you might have agreed to the horse smudging if it was to be done to the posterior instead of the anterior part of the horses anatomy. It would make more symbolic sense to the veracity of this request.

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lol. true enough. The owners of the property would never have agreed to anything like what was proposed. The letter writer signed herself "a penitent settler living on stolen land." WTF. Give the band your house if you're so upset about it. God knows they don't spend any of the millions and millions that the local band has (and this I know about) on any refurbishing or building even the most rudimentary housing. A plumber friend of mine told me he got called once to the reserve and the toilet was just emptying into the crawlspace. He wasn't there to fix that. He just found it by accident. It didn't appear to be of much concern to the resident. He was there to repair the pex eaten by rats which resulted in no water in the home. Anyway. The "elder" who would likely have come is someone I went to school with. I grew up close to the reserve and more than half of the high school students at the time (mid-70s) were native. We were friends. Now we are not, but that's not of my doing.

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Sad, but true.

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The problem with places like this is they so easily devolved into vectors of the creation of resentment, which helps no one, except for the radicals who want to destroy western society.

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That will look absolutely great on your resume. Good luck with your future job prospects at Mc Donalds and Walmart.

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Developing the skills required to build a birch bark canoe will have tremendous potential for job prospects in a woke economy.

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“Land based learning?” Is there some other kind of learning for the earth-bound? These race-based projects are bound to fail. Native studies programs degenerated into race-based politics, where students learned to hate everyone non-indigenous and look at them only as a permanent source of funds. Indians are just Canadians, like everyone else. We have to get back to that

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If it were a good idea for learning to be grounded in “anti-colonial practices”,

I have to say I am SHOCKED that the University of Guelph EXCLUDES White people...isn't this what DEI was for?? Inclusion.

So people read up on 'Colonial'.. why does the government hate this form of lifestyle , the obvious answer is because YOU ARE INDEPENDENT of the Government. They villainized this word, and promoted a false narrative.

People that came here 'colony' were people that set up merchandise stores, community, schools, law and order (police/sheriff).Churches ... it was a means to create a community for everyone. It was a place for human beings and families to thrive. BUT because the government had no say in these areas, they the Communists in Canada, have created a fear surrounding 'Colonization' The Hutterites in Winnipeg, the Mennonites/Amish. Have a similar community right now. And they are being attacked in Kitchener and forced to give up land. PEOPLE not government built communities, and that was a good thing!

Now Peel District School Board, gives exclusive rights to these Indigenous people that smoke marijuana, have medical wheels, and do not PARTICIPATE in Canadian communities.. this is outrages.. this has gone too far!

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Somebody needs to study some anthropology. This is a way to make sure the indigenous people will go back to the Stone Age.

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I totally agree, they never sprouted from the ground, here in North America, I was shocked to hear that we have Princess Charlotte Island, WHICH was renamed because of the Indigenous..

they encroach everything in this Country, and yet participate in nothing.. free taxes, free land, self government, it is outrageous!

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Honestly, I don't think they ever left.

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Schools for natives only reinforce “Indigenous exceptionalism, victimhood, and dependency.” They should pay for them themselves.

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I just hope that if students happen to misbehave during their land-based learning exercises, the teachers understand that the proper (i.e., traditional) way to correct inappropriate behaviour is to humiliate the kid(s) in front of their peers and their elders. A good round of hooting and ridicule is always instructive and fun for the group. And if someone does a crappy job on their canoe and it clearly isn't watertight, let them launch it anyway in the deepest part of the lake. No better way to learn!

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Ah, lets not be to harsh in our appraisal. After all didn't we commit genocide against these people and bury their children in unmarked graves in an apple yard. Surely natural justice compels a certain degree of atonement for our sins, and teaching them how to make canoes is just a small token towards our reconciliation in the assistance required for todays job market. Surely the next step is to rename Canada, "Turtle Island" as part of our reparation for our sinful past.

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Subversive and dangerous, not to mention a waste of taxpayer dollars.

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The gift that keeps on giving.

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Don't you mean, "The Grift that keeps on giving"

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The concept reeks of United Nations!

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