The UN-education in our schools started long before Ford not that is any excuse for his Non-action. My wife & I along with our children started educating our Grandchildren outside of the school system teaching them the basics that they were not learning in the classroom.

Going back before that we also took part in educating our children as even then the schooling was certainly not up to our standards, our first son is an accountant, our daughter runs her own business & our youngest son is an officer in the armed forces. Our Grandchildren are all doing extremely well and that is without any doubt whatsoever NOT due to the school system.

All of our Great Granchildren live well outside the GTA otherwise they would be home schooled.

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I love the article. I'm a retired vice-principal. I just wrote an article on the financial cost of DEI in the Thames Valley District School Board - https://londonagora.substack.com/p/taxpayer-cost-of-dei-at-the-thames as well as how embedded DEI is in Ontario education - https://londonagora.substack.com/p/how-embedded-is-dei-in-ontario-education and both articles follow the path you've laid out here. Thanks for writing!

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Ok Dave I will take a look. We'd also have to take a look at teacher schools like OISE at the U of T, a true crime is going on there with DEI , CRT and gender ideology being taught to teachers- I've seen some in class footage that is alarming-right up there with "speakers" who were brought in to talk to teachers that I witnessed.

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You may be right on a lot of points but the mixing of grades 6 and 12 is a false flag I was taught in a one room school by one teacher who taught all eight grades and the vast majority of the students ended up making it to and graduating high school

This thing about quality of education happened not because of all the crap you mentioned it was because too many were failing it did not look good for school boards so they lowered the standards so that nobody fails you can graduate grade 12 with grade 3 levels of ability that is the problem

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This is true , schools & school board regularly re do their failing grade info as so the Universities. I bet the quality of teaching you had may have been better than what it is now.

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Thank you so much for this. We can only hope that a government would crack down on DEI and its terrible consequences. I had hope for Ford's govt but alas he has allowed the DEI agenda full life as schools boards are rife with DEI, CRT and transgender ideology as least the tdsb is. I now see they are renaming schools like John A Macdonald CI , their excuse being that students are negatively affected by colonialism. Excise me? I don't think students really know about colonialism in Canada and certainly their teachers don't. A true muddle we are in. I wish the conservatives would stand up to this as its de-educating our students

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Unfortunately too few are in favour of increased educational improvement and outcomes.

Too few are for quality education.

Too few are for improving students' outcomes.

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All that money spent on making booze more available, and not one more family doctor or teacher’s aid.

What a buffoon.

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Feb 6Edited

This is really interesting with respect to Asians, lending credence to the idea that hard work, success and merit is what EDI is against, no matter what your race: (Quote from Aristotle Foundation Article by David Haskell) While the Caucasian majority is typically the focus of contempt in DEI instruction, leaving them feeling isolated and demoralized, increasingly participants of Asian ethnicity are also being targeted. In achieving, on average, greater salary and educational outcomes than the majority population (as Matthew Lau showed in his Reality Check) this community presents a problem to the major claim of DEI instruction that skin colour or ethnicity matters most for success.

The solution that some DEI advocates have adopted is to deny that Asians qualify as visible minorities. They claim that having outcomes similar to the majority population puts one in the majority population and excludes one from being a “person of colour.” Borrowing ideas from academic race studies, some DEI proponents have begun to refer to Asians as “white adjacent” (or near white) and have accused them of perpetuating “white supremacy.” On the extreme end, certain school boards in the United States have gone so far as to remove the category “Asian” from student profiles, lumping anyone of Asian ancestry into the “White” category.

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You sound like a Trumpie. Fail.

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Bernie Sanders is calling for a #revolution!

It’s time to be a #fighter against the 1%!


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re: Snap Election in Ontario Elicits Non-Sequitur Response from Teachers’ Unions

Igor Stravinsky 30 January 2025

A narrative that might have been from my own breath.

Mine is not written down but played out in front of my eyes, my experience.

Initially a victim of this political 'stance'.

Soon words will come.

Basically elementary education has still good worth compared to secondary school.

Mr Stravinsky's writing today is a well-organized fact-based testament to what this teacher dTb OCT from the largest school board in Canada has directly experienced. There is nothing I cannot disagree with but perhaps our contexts are different.

Don't believe anything; check for yourself. dTb OCT

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The unions are not giving up DEI (or AIDE) any time soon.

Why would they.

Its not cynical to them it is a devote belief in high class secular humanism.

We need to start understanding them and believing them when they say what they believe.

DEI is high class in Canada. Secular humanism is high class.

It shows one has virtue. The virtue to work with ANYONE for ANYTHING that the state demands. They are willing to burn their business down for the sake of diversity. That is how committed they are.

While we have obtained some victories our best victory will be making secular humans (Christianity without God) low class hysteria like Trump has done in US.

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Ontario doesn’t have an education system. It has a life support system for Teachers Unions. If ever any organization deserves the treatment that Ronald Reagan gave the Air Traffic Controllers union when they went on strike, (back at work Monday or you’re all fired) it’s the Ontario teachers unions. That great progressive, FDR, thought that allowing government employees to unionize was a really bad idea, and history has certainly proven him correct.

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The only hope for Ontario is Randy Hillier.

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