As always, James Pew boldly enters a frontier of rational thought that frightens away most other journalists. He writes: “It is false and damaging to see the indigenous of the Americas as anything more than the first waves of explorers who lived a primitive existence in a brutally harsh environment until contact with Europeans catapulted them into modern civilization.” He is the post Postmodernist. He is the Howard Cosell of our times, telling it like it is. There is no exceptionalism in indigenous history. It is the same history for us all, just further back for advanced societies.

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Or, as Mark Twain would put it, "sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”

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Since humans started using tools, it simply became a question of which tools you use, or invent or have access to - which determines a lot of the opportunity you have. Tool development varied across time and space. Many regions of the world were isolated for practical purposes, so tool the tool development processes (proto-engineering) took different paths and operated on different timelines, for a variety of reasons including environmental pressures. So by the middle ages some regions (and their peoples) had more and better tools than others. When those societies eventually met, conflicts inevitably arose, and different peoples with different tools would thus have unequal outcomes in conflict, especially armed conflict. It was ever thus.

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Better tools/technology and better social organization, together, is what wins. I agree with Stephen.

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The Rousseauist context is well-stated here--and of course it is not a unique attitude that has developed in response to the Indigenous question, but a redeployment of Rousseauist/Romantic thinking that has fuelled the Left ever since Marx. Romanticism, idealism and emotionalism all run together to bypass rationality in any and every area that "progressives" choose to rally behind. That's why arguing (rationally) against these "progressive" ideas is largely futile: those who advocate and agitate for them are simply not operating on the basis of rationality (though, perversely, their Theorists are hyper-rational when putting together their ideas--but that is only because they are working from an established emotional "argument" which has already "won over" those in power, and which is actually a moral argument based in the redeployment of Christian values: We are the victim or are helping the victim--i.e., Jesus--and are therefore "good", and you are the oppressive "Roman" and are, therefore, "bad". There is absolutely no counter to this argument, and it is in truth the unacknowledged root of all power strategies).

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This is a delicious critique that reveals its subject in terms so damning it is reduced to the level of lurid ideological pantomime & caricature, that might appeal to the sense of humour of asylum inmates & adolescents

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Reading your informative and highly intellectual article I can't help but see the essence of what Economist Bryan Caplan characterizes as "rational - irrationality, a theory that shows how absurd ideas and decisions obey a logic that contradicts the basic principles of reason," which in laymen's terms is simply believing what you want to believe irrespective of existing evidence. Certainly the subject of condescending to natural man is a prime example of subjective reasoning which is quickly propelling us into an age of unreason:

“This mindless tolerance, which places observable scientific facts, subject to proof, on the same level as unprovable supernatural fantasy, has played a major role in the resurgence of both anti-intellectualism and anti-rationalism.”

― Susan Jacoby, The Age of American Unreason

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Sadly, the hard suffering is being passed on to the younger generation. https://www.fnsb.ca/

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Great article. Great questions - what is the natural state of man? This entire subject is all about the 'noble savage' and its modern meaning and interpretation.

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In this video captured on July 8, 2023 an 87-year old man is randomly shot while walking down a street in New York.




And here are a few recent videos from France …








During the riots and looting in France, the memorial for a 12-year-old raped and murdered 2 months ago by an Algerian migrant was destroyed. Do you recall the rioting and looting when she was killed? … NEITHER DO I.





Take a moment to study Toronto’s MOST WANTED LIST for July 2023 …




Justin Trudeau has increased Canada’s immigration level to one million per annum, or from the traditional 1% to 2.5% per year. That will increase Canada’s population from 40 million to 48 million by 2030. Think of that in terms of fitting about 3 million more people into Toronto within the next 8 years.




 Do you live in Toronto or the GTA?

 While watching these videos did you give some thought to buying a gun?


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