Thanks Michelle for another articulate and informative article. We will certainly miss you when you are sent to the Big House for Denialism.

You are absolutely right, Canadians are sleep walking and our indifference and complacency is dangerous. The very existence of Kimberly Murray's position is palpable evidence of this. That she can, with veritable impunity and autonomy, viciously attack her benefactor is proof she is untethered and unsupervised by anyone. This, like so many other Liberal blunders, falls squarely on the shoulders of Justin Trudeau, who we all know affectionately as, "Mr. Dress Up". As for her mandate, she has only one, to be the winning contestant in the Canada Blame Game. To date, she is clearly a prominent rival to Murray Sinclair and Roseanne Archibald. Let us pray that the games sponsors, the Canadian Tax Payers, withdraw their unsolicited support and cancel this septic display of treachery, "ASAP".

"Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest." ~ Benjamin Franklin


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This whole Residential School controversy was a carefully created 'crisis' that was turned into a nightmare by Trudeau. Instead of engaging the authorities to investigate he lit the fuse that has exploded into what we have now. Reasonable studies like Nina Green's have been largely ignored. Obviously those who are profiting from this 'fake crisis' don't want the truth to be confirmed.

The saddest and most damaging part of all this is the GENOCIDE label that has been pinned on Canada.

This motion that was passed, unopposed, in parliament needs to be rescinded. Canada is not and never has been a genocidal nation....quite the opposite. We,so-called settlers have created a modern ,industrial country that has enormously benefitted all people who share these lands.

Unfortunately, elected officials at all levels in Canada are deathly afraid to speak out about this nonsense of 'genocide' and also about the ridiculous demands for a 'nation to nation' relationship with the Indians.

We need some leader with the courage to speak out on these issues. Until this happens Canada will become increasingly poorer and unmanageable.

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Remember Robert! When "they" say "Settler", you say "Apple" to the First Nation's person. If a white guy calls you a "settler", or himself a "settler", then you call him [e.g. Sean Carleton who is always "polishing" Niigaan Sinclair's apple] an "apple polisher". One good ad hominem deserves an equally apt counter-ad-hominem.

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I've posted this before, but here it is again: The Island Health Authority, which oversees Vancouver Island and some of the Sunshine Coast, has separated its client base on its website into three categories, which are, in order of their appearance (which may or may not be some kind of tacit acknowledgment of IHA's perception of order of importance according to the BC version of UNDRIP), First Nation communities, Metis Charter communities, and lastly (but which represents 99.9 percent of their client base), settler communities. I have written several times about this to IHA and received the usual blah blah blah platitudes about reconciliation, blah blah, and I see on one website page "settler" has been replaced with "English," which is an odd choice given that it leaves out any non-English "settlers," but still, the "settler" designation remains.

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The 3 TRC commissioners and Ms. Murray all "overstepped their mandates" when they received Dr. Scott Hamilton's Report, "Where are the Children Buried?", in 2015, and then used that Report as a "script" for the so-called "discoveries" of "remains" [Roseanne Casimir of the Secwepemc] or "bodies" [Murray Sinclair] in 2021, when Casimir's Secwepemc "Day Scholars" law suit (certified as a Class Action in 2015) had bogged down and was going to trial, later in 2021.

They [Sinclair, Littlechild, Wilson, Murray, Casimir, Cadmus Delorme of the Cowessess band, etc., etc.] thought that the GPR anomalies, which Sarah Beulieu had detected out in the Apple Orchard, in 2021, must be the "remains" or "bodies" which Dr. Scott Hamilton's Report suggested to them, in 2015, were in a CEMETERY at the Kamloops Residential School. But Hamilton arguably didn't know that the Secwepemc had built a Catholic Church and a graveyard associated with that Church (St. Joseph's), in the 1870's, long before lobbying Ottawa (in the 1880's) to have the residential school built on different land (completed and running by 1890) at their reserve in Kamloops. Also, when the Royal Inland Hospital was completed at Kamloops, in 1895, the remains of children from other reserves, who died at Kamloops, were sent home embalmed. Kamloops children's remains were interred at St. Joseph's graveyard. So there was no cemetery at the Kamloops school, unlike on other reserves, such as across from St. Mary's Church, at Marieval, on the Cowessess First Nation, or at St. Eugene's Residential School, at Cranbrook B.C., where the cemetery, Church and school were all located near each other.

Ms. Murray is simply playing preliminary "defense" by calling for a crime of "genocide denialism" because the more that people metaphorically "dig", the more they are going to inevitably realize that the 3 TRC commissioners, their Executive Director, Ms. Murray, and their friends of the AFN [Casimir, Delorme, Archibald etc. etc.) have colluded in order to, so far effectively, perpetrate one of the biggest frauds on gullible Canadians in the entire history of western civilization. And it would only take 2 questions for any investigator to prove that Sinclair was in on the fraud from the beginning. Those questions would be:

1. How did you know there were BODIES "discovered" at the Kamloops Residential School, when you made your video in 2021 for the CBC? [ https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1903872579996 ] ; at 27 seconds into the video.

2. How did you know that there were "lots of sites similar to Kamloops that are going to come to light in the future and we need to begin to prepare ourselves for that." (at 6:37 - 6:50 of the Video)?

Right on cue, shortly following Sinclair's video of June 1st, 2021, Cadmus Delorme announced a 2nd "discovery" of unmarked graves at Cowessess on June 24, 2021. Then, on June 30, 2021, the lower Kootenay Band announced the "discovery" of 182 unmarked graves on their reserve, near St. Eugene's residential school. But none of the announced "discoveries" mentioned the word CEMETERY, which was the word used by Dr. Scott Hamilton, in his report to all 3 members of the TRC (and to their Executive Director, Kimberly Murray) on the first paragraph of page 15 of his Report entitled "Where are The Children Buried?" [ https://nctr.ca/records/reports/#highlighted-reports ] All 3 of the first "discoveries" of 2021 were written up as known [Marieval and Cranbrook] or presumed [Kamloops] CEMETERIES by Dr. Hamilton, in 2015 --- 6 years before the alleged "discoveries" of 2021.

Right after Sinclair's CBC performance of June 1st, 2021, Casimir's and the Secwepemc First Nation's "Day Scholars" suit was settled out of Court, on June 9, 2021, for about 2.8 Billion dollars.

[ https://www.justicefordayscholars.com/updates-press-releases/ ]

Compare the announcement of February 18, 2020 to the announcement of June 9, 2021. And in her 2019 address to her fellow members of the Kamloops First Nation, Casimir was not shy about telling the Nation's members that the TRC was encouraging them in their Class Action "Day Scholars" suit at page 11, right column.

[ https://tkemlups.ca/files/2019/09/2019-Summer-Lexeyem-web-1.pdf ], quote:

CASIMIR: "The class action involves 101 bands across Canada, and the TRC has recommended that this file be addressed so we can move towards reconciliation."

Now it should be obvious as to who called Murray Sinclair from Kamloops when the R.C.M.P. wanted to interview Sarah Beaulieu about her "discovery" and WHY Sinclair told everybody at Kamloops to "lawyer up" as soon as the R.C.M.P. became involved. [June 3, 2021; Report to INAN] "Oh what a tangled web we weave when e'er we practice to deceive." These guys leave a "trail" to follow that even any green horn could detect without the help of a real "First Nations" tracker like Jerry Potts.

Kevin Byrne

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I really like that term residential school FACTUALISM.

This whole mess comes from the non Indig refusal to look at Indig straight on—-the belief these people will never measure up if held to human standards. So just give them anything they want, let them say anything they want (TRC), ANY outcome is deemed less painful in sparkling Canada than actually looking in the mirror and acknowledging the racism of low/no expectations for this race.

I think there was a ‘good faith’ aspect in there a couple decades ago—-of let them say anything, let them blame outsiders and wallow; this will be a stepping stone to recovering responsibility and beginning to look after their children. WRONG!

Look at a year ago: the Sanderson slaughter and within days the many, many chiefs were having a media event and a big fish fry and talking forgiveness—-of Indig behaviour. Because they had that old devil res schools to blame.

Do you think there’s going to be even one Labour Day lake you can camp at soon, as Canadians continue to mouth phony land acknowledgements, part of Canada’s grand plan to never have to look in the mirror?

This one’s on you, non Indig. Old Beverley got in your head and told you equity of outcomes is the thing/not equality. Nuh-uh. That’s anointed bullshit. We’ve got to deal with Canada’s racism and hold all humans to the same standards of behaviour: to look after our children, to work, and to stay out of jail. Time to step up now.

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Donna; You and Kevin and others make excellent observations and you deal in facts. I am disappointed in Pierre and why he doesn't shine light on this issue. I presume he plans to wait until he gets into office before he opens this up....or maybe not....I might be wrong. I did hand Pierre a letter on this issue at one of his rallies,however, I haven't heard a word from him. Politicians! Anyway it is a two-way street; If he wants support and money he needs to respond to folks like us.

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Not only has Pierre not shined a light on this issue, he has never addressed it in any way during his campaign. I guess that's to be expected at this point. But I sure hope it's in the back of his mind.

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Great article and great description of the written word.

Kimberly Murray is a mendacious grifter whose power exists because of the Canadian government's current woke crusade. Let's hope the worm will turn now that Justin Trudeau is being seen for the malevolent force that he is.

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Woh! I read your sub stack article entitled "Trudeau's case is weak.", on comparing Trudeau-dad's invocation of the War Measure's Act, in response to the F.L.Q. crisis and the murder of Pierre Laporte, in contrast to the trucker's-convoy Ottawa crisis which "murdered" the snoring of overpaid and under-worked Ottawa bureaucrats and annoyed Trudeau-the-Elder's spoiled-brat drama-queen "enfant-terrible", Justin, who "thinks" that Canada's Finance Department is a somewhat larger extension of his "family trust" account! BOINGGG!

Being old, this was the "Cat's Pajama's" sentence for me, quote:

MCRESEARCH: "There will be a few matters of police brutality to be decided (about the convoy KB) and then no doubt Trudeau is hoping for a miracle to come in the form of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine."

You published that sentence on your "stack" on Feb. 20, 2022. Russia invaded the Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022!!! You are not a "researcher"! You're a prophet!!!


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Such an important point: “Ms. Murray oddly claimed that the TRC had characterized Indian Residential Schools as genocide, which is not true. She submitted unsupported hearsay claims of extreme violence and nefarious deeds, lurid horror stories, none of which are in the TRC and none of which have been proven in a court of law.”

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