I can relate to the Metis as I am an anglo saxon also persecuted by the Germans who bombed us relentlessly during the WW 2 killing many of my relatives in London some of which are buried who knows where, missing persons & quite a few children as well I might add also prior to that we were abused by the Germans again during WW1 and before that it was the french who invaded our country in 1066 raping killing and making us speak French and before that it was the Italians who invaded making us slaves and building roads and such and before that the bloody Vikings had a go at us for a few hundred years I still have nightmares about that and i know exactly what they did because our secret and special knowledge keepers told me.

After all of that we were run by terrible Kings & Queens the rich and elite right up to the present day, very similar in fact to that bunch of Libs & woke nutbars up in Ottawa.

What I want to know is who is going to lavish money and special benefits on me & mine I think they should start with big tax allowances and perhaps a few billion $ for our hurt feelings wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhh etc ad infinitum.

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Impairing the principle of equality before the law is a very bad idea.

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Separate rules for indigenous offenders make no sense whatsoever, perpetuate community dysfunction, and endanger the people who live near monsters like Myles Sanderson.

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Just a typo alert. In your paragraph on Gladue reports, you refer to Myles Chartrand when I think you meant to say Myles Sanderson. Your fingers had Chartrand in muscle memory.

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While I heartily agree with your analysis dear Michael, as far as it goes, there is still the elephant in the room, which is that if indeed there has been a collapse in governance in indigenous communities leading to abnormally high incarceration rates, and isn't caused by what the Wokes say it is, which is the legacy of colonial oppression, then what is it?

The humanities trained Woke Ascendancy has been in charge of the means of social reproduction and administration for over half a century now, and the conditions under their watch have got steadily worse, which means they have had to work ever harder to firstly deny the problem and then shift the blame for it to anyone but themselves, to the extent that their more general and abstract accusations of legacy historical racist blame were not enough to cover the deficits in their regime,

There is nothing like a bit of murder and mayhem in residential schools to spice up a propaganda campaign, and it doesn't matter how slight the evidence for it is once enough outrage has been whipped up. In 1939, the Germans dressed up concentration camp inmates in Polish uniforms, shot them all and then laid the corpses in front of a German frontier post as if they had tried to attack it, then brought in the press and photographers, expressed outrage and declared war. Voila.

Woke administrators have known for years that indigenous communities were going to pieces, ritualistically wrung their hands, promised new programs and initiatives and they always infallibly turned to custard as their charges continued to disintegrate in front of them.

No one dared say anything and that worked for decades, but pretending that being 'judgmental' enough to say the emperor is wearing no clothes was 'unacceptably racist', would only work for a while. Outside that Woke ideological bubble filled with laughing gas, people who still had strong values and were old enough to remember when social authority was still in charge and mentoring its children with both a vision and firmness, were not buying the Woke excuses and cover ups for their self-serving lies and incompetence as rulers.

And when that came to a head in 2016 with not just the election of Trump, but the international rise of whole social movements that just didn't accept Woke social and sexual policy nostrams, the Woke panicked.

The Woke administration of social affairs is in crisis, and not just in matters indigenous. It just the indigenous went down harder and faster than anyone else, because they had less fat in the system in the first place, which makes it a key Woke vulnerability..... but also an opportunity to turn the tables and escape responsibility for really long-term shit social policy and practice, which is what they have done.

In order to undermine and undo that Woke counterstroke we have to be able to lay out not just how badly not only the Woke, but all regime platforms across the apparatus of Indulgence Capitalism, have screwed over social governance in favor of marketing algorithms that cover only a fraction of what it takes to keep a human population properly socialized and existentially capitalized, sufficiently to be secure, honest and decent characters who are capable of reliably paying that forward into the next generation.

That vital aspect of maintaining the human lifeforce that comes through its sociability, is dying for the same reasons as the natural world, because in the mortal rush to satisfy our consuming fantasies, we have forgotten the absolute basics of what makes a society fit to live in. The consumption of stuff is not only not enough, it diverts attention and care from what really matters.

It is the old biblical truism, that the wages of sin is death and we are drowning in it and indigenous communities were the first cabs off the rank.

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A very good analysis thank you

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