Incredible research. The only problem is that only independent researchers, like Nina Green, are doing it. Where are our historians, senior journalists,etc? Why aren’t CBC and the Globe and Mail doing investigations on these indigenous claims? The answer is simple - they choose not to. Instead, CBC “reporters” promote these false stories. G&M employ activists, like Talaga, to deliberately misinform Canadians about “knowings” etc. Cabinet ministers, like Marc Miller, actually try to prevent researchers, like Green, from telling the truth. Canadians are being lied to with the full complicity of the government, CBC and most of the mainstream news media. Thanks for doing this, Nina Green. We are in a sad place when our own leaders and media promote lies.

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I am taking your previous suggestion to write more about CBC bias -- and to detail their terribly biased reporting on all things indigenous. Coming soon!!

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It would be 'interesting to know what the fire marshal's report for the fire at at Ste Anne's church in Toronto concluded.


The church was 2 1/2 blocks south of the Afro-Indigenous encampment at Dufferin Grove.


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Nothing at all in any part of the article or comments about how these residential "schools" and other usa, canada, aussie, kiwi, ,,, were doing deeply evil things that are part of the World's Genocide convention.

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

1. Killing members of the group;

2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

ALL these things were done, are still being done in the American Holocaust, Patagonia to the top of the Arctic. The world's largest Holocaust ever.


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Yeah, the virulently anti Israel Hamas backing UN knows all about what defines genocide.

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Many Thanks to Nina Green for the incredible effort in exposing the Lie and Manipulation that Sugarcane is.

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Another excellent piece of work by Nina Green.

I have some limited experience with these particular reserves. In 1998/9, as the result of my work, I had to assess a claim by a female “white” teacher for psychological injury that was the result of repeated threats she received while working in one of the reserve schools. Part of the evidence included one or two nearly incoherent notes / letters written by a youth of about 14 which threatened in graphic terms how he planned to assault her and kill her. I forget exactly what it said, but I was very shocked.

I was warned by my employer never to go near the place that it was very dangerous, even though it was part of my responsibility to investigate.

I forget if it was related to the same file, but I recall speaking on the phone to a woman from the same area and learning from her that she and her husband boarded their children in Williams Lake to attend school there. I was surprised by this. She explained she would never allow her kids to be in the reserve school and hanging around on the reserve because it was far too dangerous.

Whenever I read about Anahim and Alkali areas, I remember these stories with which I had direct experience, and others I would hear about. The only positive I ever heard came from former students who talked about good experiences until they were persuaded to change their account, such as Phyllis Wabstad who turned her previously good experience into the lie that led to orange shirt day.

(I have twice written to the Academy about this film. I fear it will win and be written in stone. It was recently screened in the Biden Whitehouse.)

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This is a prime example of psychological manipulation. Creating beliefs can't be done with data and logic and facts - it's done with symbols, images, stories, emotions, and the weapons must enter the subconscious. Sugarcane is a prime example of this. "Michelle Remembers" a book that started the whole "satanic panic" of the eighties, took years to debunk and many people still believe it, just as many still believe in other unproven conspiracies and plots. The "satanic panic" conspiracy entered the subconscious of North Americans for a number of years, and still lives in QANON. Brian G. has an excellent comment above, there's no mainstream countering of the Sugarcane accusations, in fact, the Government unanimously voted to call the Indian Residential school system a genocide, and there's a proposed bill to charge people who publicly express a different opinion. I do expect a serious backlash to the "progressive" trend, sooner or later, the Americans have just had one. I don't recommend going from one extreme to the other, but it can happen.

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They never look in the mirror do they? Government has them right where they want them. Segregated, & hanging on to perpetual victimhood. I have many indigenous friends, that are VERY successful, and trying so desperately to teach the youth to get off the reserves, get an education, be a contributing member to society. To get them to break the cycle of alcoholism, mental and physical abuse(from their own families!), & drug addiction. You don't have to lose your culture to do that. Blaming Canadians as a whole, has to end. Very few even alive from those dark years. Yet, the youth call my 12 year old grandson white trash? What are they teaching their children now? To hate us all, it seems. My ancestors had nothing to do with any of it, so I bear no guilt. I will NOT apologize for something I had no part in. I was taught and then taught my children and they taught their children to accept everyone for who they are, not the colour of their skin. I remember my father and I taking bags of groceries to his war buddy on the reserve here. THAT is what I learned. There will be no reconciliation without the ABSOLUTE WHOLE TRUTH.

"No good deed goes unpunished" ~Mark Twain I am now all out of empathy.

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The older we grow the greater becomes our wonder at how much ignorance one can contain without bursting one's clothes.

Mark Twain

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In the article is reference to Kamloops. The (Kamloops) newspaper CFJC Today reported in 2021 that 215 child bodies were found on the reserve and in 2025 that 200 possible unmarked burial sites were found. CFJC_Today cannot bring itself to honestly report that nothing was found, and neither can the makers of Sugarcane. Indeed most media lie about residential school deaths. It is as Canadian as maple syrup.

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Canadians are sick of this bull S. most if not all of aboriginal peoples grievances has been debunked. The real problem is family abandonment, alcoholism, family dysfunction family grievances vs another family tribal politics. The list goes on. Having them live on reserves in the middle of nowhere where getting transfer payments is not working. Canadians paying them to basically tear our country apart and go after our children feeding them a false narrative not based on truth or facts. The truth is the IRS did more help than harm. That a good chunk of the population of aboriginal people would not exist if it wasn’t for IRS. Now they are using the Grievances of land loss, IRS and culture erosion to go after Canada and Canadians. There needs to be an all out lawsuits against the TRC. Now they want to put a monument on parliament grounds and the only spot to put it a statue already exists so we will move it. I say no. Enough is enough I want my country back.

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This is going to win and then it will be harder to dispute because it will be another psy-op we have to break.... we need to educate and push back NOW..... more of these films will come out and more awards will be doled out....

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Brilliant critical dissection of this Oscar nominated documentary. The only thing to me that was conspicuously absent was Stephen Kings name in the credits, as story advisor. Perhaps Noisy Cat was reluctant to reveal his sources. Again, the silence of the Catholic Church is as deafening as the uncritical acceptance of the Oscar committee is deplorable. On a more positive note, I did like the picture of the indigenous version of the Village People, great costumes.

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Thanks for exposing this.

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"thou shall not bear FALSE witness against thy neighbor'....

sounds like the creators of Indigenous did not get the message,, we all know what this is Marxist ideology, to eradicate the original Christian teachings in Canada...this is the ONLY way we can totally become communist.. You have to remove God!

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does anyone other than me get the feeling that so much of the indigenous obsession with victim hood is just plain, garden variety GRIFT!

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Oh look another inaccurate article. Why do you think they are hiding school of the cross?

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What is inaccurate? If you can demonstrate that any of this is incorrect, we will fix it.

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Nina should have called her fact check epistle “A Viewer’s Guide to the Sugarcane Documentary.” If I could make one suggestion, it would be that she ask the viewer, at the outset, to consider, “what would ACTUAL evidence of ‘a pattern of infanticide’ look like?”

Does oral storytelling from very young, or very old, or very traumatized, alcohol-afflicted individuals count as “evidence”? The filmmakers are saying yes, and they want to bring the audience along on that ride. They’re very skilful, too; we’d better give them that. The cinematography is beautiful, the characters are charismatic, and the personal storylines are engaging and emotionally impactful. Furthermore, the directors (and/or their editors) do a great job of selectively omitting or obscuring facts and context, and at insinuating rather than saying outright anything that could be easily contested. Nina points out all these omissions and manipulations in her transcript and analysis. It’s exhausting just to read it, so I hope everyone recognizes the amount of work she’s done to open people’s eyes to what’s really going on in this film.

So: what WOULD constitute actual evidence of a pattern of infanticide? Well, it would be women reporting (either today or in the past, and in a documented way) that they had carried pregnancies to term WHILE STILL STUDENTS at the residential school, and that the babies they delivered there were taken from them and mysteriously vanished. OR: someone who was of sound mind at the time, or is today, reporting to police or family or their chief and council, in an official, documented way, that they had witnessed or heard tell of infants being disposed of in incinerators.

No fair saying that someone you knew (but not well enough to recall their name) had this happen to them, but they never told anyone because they were too “afraid,” or too “ashamed,” and then they died in an accident or committed suicide. And everyone close to them is also deceased, or won’t talk about it because it’s too traumatizing …

Also not fair: implying that young Indigenous women were only ever impregnated by priests, or were never sexually active outside of school (because yes, there were opportunities).

What we do have are two known (and documented) cases of adult women getting pregnant while employed at St. Joseph’s and delivering their babies in homes for unwed mothers (note: OFF SITE and under the care of doctors and nurses) and then those infants being either given up for adoption or not surviving. No doubt there could have been more such cases, because Principal O’Connor was apparently known to have assisted in making these kinds of arrangements for young women in trouble. News flash: It’s what was done in those days, all over the country and all over the world, and not just for women involved with the residential school system! It was done quietly, as a rule, for the sake of the women, but there was nothing nefarious about it.

Were there ever sexual improprieties by priests or clergy? Sure, some documented, some not, some consensual, some likely not. But that’s a whole different thing from “a pattern of infanticide,” for which there is no documented evidence. Sugarcane’s directors, and everyone who knowingly colluded in promoting the infanticide narrative, want viewers to believe there was a creditable investigation done that produced “evidence” of a “pattern of infanticide,” when there was only a staged examination and analysis of known facts and documents, taken out of context.

But they do such a nice job of this deception that it’s Hollywood- (and critic-) approved!

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Over 100 Churches in Canada have been set on fire. There is a very suspicious case in the western part of Downtown Toronto.


Ste Anne's church was about 100 years old and contained invaluable GROUP OF SEVEN murals. It is located on Gladstone 2 1/2 blocks south of a so-called Afro-Indigenous encampment at Dufferin Grove.


I have been watching for the Fire Marshal's report for over a year now. It is was an Anglican Church, however due to its name it may have been mistaken for a Catholic Church.


IMO Settlers were never the Natives problem, it was the alcohol they brought with them.


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