James Pew writes, “When I was a kid, my school never attended a protest.” The reason is less safety than the manipulation of children into a political cause they know about from only one side, and then only superficially. The TDSB is a cover name for woke radicalism. It’s an insidious educational shell company. Its ultimate goals are to corrupt our youth and use them to dismantle western, democratic society.

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This is a brilliant analysis. I'd like to add one more point. One thing I find particularly outrageous about this event is that a publicly funded school board in Canada allows students to echo the term "Turtle Island," a term which, for one thing, was not universally used by Indigenous peoples, as it is rooted in the pagan myths of only some native peoples, but a term whose intent is to erase the legitimacy of Canada by erasing our nation's name. A public school board should, without glossing over some of our nation's misdeeds, instil a degree of pride in our country. I arrived in Canada in 1968, and thought I'd landed on my feet in a pretty good place. It breaks my heart to see public schools teaching kids that Canada is better off erased.

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Here's a great recipe for social justice: disband the teachers' union, scatter the TDSB to the four winds and recruit new people - based solely on merit and experience

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The TDSB is clearly led and run by radicals.

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The simple answer is pull children out of public schools. The complex part is to get parents more involved in what is happening. Parents need to attend school board meetings. If there is issues with parents attending meetings and disclosure of Agenda is not provided. That is a clear alert to parents.

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Unfortunately, we live in a society where manipulation is the name of the game. The people and organizations that we stand true to on either side, seem to be be influenced or funded by the same side. The whole thing is sad. Children should not be taken to a rally during school hours. Yet, unfortunately children and youth have been given propaganda at school for awhile. What I am saying might seem strange, yet I think parents need to do some detective 🕵️‍♂️ work. Schools are not always forthcoming on what is happening inside the building.

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This app is so annoying but, l'll try again.

I was a teen in the 70's. I had to learn about the Vietnam War, the FLQ Quebec Sepratiste Movement, the LeDain Commissions decriminalization of marijuana, sex & birth control, etc. the hard way because "teachers" weren't allowed to discuss current events in the classroom.

We were taught about WWII and the Jewish Holocaust that had occurred some 40 years prior in a history class. Perhaps the TDSB teachers should ignore current affairs, let kids figure stuff out the hard way and perhaps history teachers in 2064 will have a class or two on the 2023/4 genocide in Gaza.

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Shelley, there is no genocide in Gaza. Genocide implies intent to wipe out a people, and the Israelis' intent is quite clearly not to wipe out the Gazan people. If genocide were their intent, they would not, for example, allow aid agencies in; they would not allow health services in to vaccinate children against polio. Major John Spencer, who teaches urban warfare at West Point , has stated categorically that Israel has done more than any army in the history of warfare to minimize civilian casualties. The term "genocide" doesn't mean "killing a lot of civilians," or the civilian death toll of the Normandy Invasion in World War II (35,000) would have been classified as genocide. It was necessary to stop Hitler; it was collateral damage; it was not genocide. Here is a quote from John Spencer: "And then the other thing, which is what the prime minister and other Israeli officials or government use, which is backed up by data, is that in this execution of this war against Hamas, a defender who’s had 15 years to prepare for the attack of the IDF, Israel has done more and has implemented more civilian harm-mitigation measures than any military in the history of war, to include the U. S., Canada, the coalitions, to prevent civilian casualties and destruction. Like evacuating cities, like dropping [leaflets], the use of daily pauses, the use of certain munitions. There’s a long list that I go through. There’s actually over 10 civilian harm-mitigation measures that Israel has implemented, some that have never been created before in the history of war, like tracking civilian populations with their cell phones on or off and then restricting them. " In fact, the High Level Military Group that visited Gaza stated the same, and that Israel, in its harm-mitigation, could teach the other armies of the West a great deal about how to do minimize civilian casualties.

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Marjorie Gann... OMG l can't believe there are still idiots like you walking amongst us. Obviously 40,000 dead Palestinians can not be a genocide. Shall we wait until the death toll reaches 6 million then call it a holocaust?

Go tout your Hasbarra elsewhere.

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Shelley, with respect, you have not engaged with any of my arguments or the evidence I offered. Instead, you called me a name, an "idiot." I don't believe that is what I am, but name-calling is not arguing a point. It is a fact that even the systemically anti-Israel UN had to revise its Hamas-sourced casualty figures downward. Hamas also counts all deaths as civilian, when in fact the Israeli ratio of civilian deaths to combatant deaths is unprecedentedly low, as John Spencer, an expert in urban warfare stated (see my quote). As for the Jewish Chronicle (UK) incident to which you refer, it is a shameful incident of journalistic incompetence on the part of the JC and of unethical behaviour by a reporter -- behaviour they should have caught. But that does not mean that all those who write in defense of Israel are engaged in journalistic malpractice. As for "hasbara," which simply means "explaining" in Hebrew, I believe you can trust hasbara as delivered by the Israel Defense Forces, and I'll explain why, as I encountered it first-hand. I regularly review books about Israel written for kids. (I'm a children's author.) A few years ago I encountered the accusation that the IDF had a policy of shooting at ambulances (Red Crescent) in the West Bank during the Second Intifada. I knew this wasn't the case, but I needed evidence. It so happened that my son-in-law had done checkpoint duty on the West Bank during the Second Intifada, so I asked him what their orders regarding ambulances were. He explained: The orders were, basically, not to shoot at an ambulance unless your life was directly threatened. The problem was that the Palestinians smuggled explosives and terrorists and weapons in some ambulances. So, if the IDF suspected that about a particular ambulance, they had to order it to stop. If it didn's stop, they threw down spikes to cripple its tires so it would stop. If that didn't stop it, they still weren't allowed to shoot at it unless their own lives were threatened. So, I had my information from a good source, but I wanted to pursue it further, from an IDF spokesperson. My son-in-law put me in touch with them, and I asked the spokeswoman about the accusation. She asked, "When was this incident?" Well, the book didn't say. "Where exactly was it supposed to have occurred?" Well, the book didn't say. Then, the IDF spokesperson explained, she couldn't verify it for me; she needed precise details. My take-away was that the IDF's reputation for reliability and accountability is important to them, and they take care to investigate and be precise. I think you can rely on their figures, but cannot rely on Hamas's, for the reasons I have supplied above.

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40,000 is not a reliable number. It comes from Hamas. Also, even if it were 40,000, what percentage of them were terrorists?

There is no genocide in Gaza.

The genocidal ambitions are entirely on the side of Hamas. Israel is conducting a just war. No serious person claims otherwise - only lefties and anti-Semites do.

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I'm neither a leftie, an anti-semite or foolish enough to tlisten to Israeli propaganda.

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It's clear you have chosen to listen to Hamas propaganda. You might not be an anti-Semite - although I don't know how anyone who feels Israel should not exist as a sovereign nation isn't an anti-Semite - but you have taken up the position of the anti-Semitic left. You do realize your opinion about Israel is the exact same opinion held by the anti-Semitic left, don't you?

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When are TO parents going to grow a spine?

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