James Pew writes, “When I was a kid, my school never attended a protest.” The reason is less safety than the manipulation of children into a political cause they know about from only one side, and then only superficially. The TDSB is a cover name for woke radicalism. It’s an insidious educational shell company. Its ultimate goals are to corrupt our youth and use them to dismantle western, democratic society.

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The simple answer is pull children out of public schools. The complex part is to get parents more involved in what is happening. Parents need to attend school board meetings. If there is issues with parents attending meetings and disclosure of Agenda is not provided. That is a clear alert to parents.

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The TDSB is clearly led and run by radicals.

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Here's a great recipe for social justice: disband the teachers' union, scatter the TDSB to the four winds and recruit new people - based solely on merit and experience

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When are TO parents going to grow a spine?

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