regards point #4 My relatives suffered greatly from this as we were some of the same people who were denied services that we all suffered greatly for. Our great relatives were castigated and looked down upon by the leader of the Church in our huge area and our children abused by the local cleric and whats more this was well documented in Parliament, in fact a huge outcry was made by district judges and the news was covered by every paper in the country and I demand to know why we have not been compensated for this not one penny was ever given in restitution..

Furthermore my Great great Uncle was bayoneted to death by the soldiers of the day and several more of my relatives and their friends were hung for their troubles. This is well documented in the book by P.G. Rogers "Battle in Bossenden Wood" This happened in 1838 and during the preceeding hundreds of years our children were denied ANY EDUCATION and were forced to work in the fields like virtual slaves in order to afford to eat.

Yes indeed the poor Injuns might be interested to know that the Colonials (The people in charge in England) did not make schools mandatory until 1838.

This is not a fairy tale this is not a knowing this is factual you can look it up. The minister (cleric) was the reverend WRIGHT from Hernhill in Kent, England. The full account was published in every single newspaper in England and you can still find the records of it from the house of lords records. My great Gt Uncle is Edward WRAIGHT these facts are correct I have his death certificate that proves it but for those who doubt it google it & the battle mentioned and you can see it for yourself.

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Another relevant and intellectually fresh article from this anonymous teacher. I find it most interesting that schools teach concurrently about “Indigenous exceptionalism and victimhood.” Which is it, or can they be superior and inferior at the same time?

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Dr. Lyell Asher's Youtube video from 2022 "Why colleges are becoming cults" goes a long way to explain how we got here. As usual, Canada never learns from the mistakes in the US -- in fact, it seems like we (a general "we," not to be construed as encompassing everyone) double down on this bullshit. We invite the devil(s) in the form of Coates and de Angelo (curse that woman) and the like right into our homes to preach their nonsense. We have created, as Jim says below, a powerful force of "exceptional victims" I'll call them, to combine the terms of exceptionalism and victimhood in Canada's native population to the extreme detriment of Canadian taxpayers. the July 25, 2024 "Overview of Contingent Liabilities" report lists 76 billion in payments in the next couple of years with an overall potential exposed contingent liability somewhere around 2 TRILLION taxpayer dollars. This is what bowing to a fictitious native exceptionalism god gets you.

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Great article! I purposely arrive 10 minutes late to Canadian webinars for this very reason….

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There has been a proliferation of DEI supporting positions in school boards and many conduct their witch hunts for racists from central board offices. Now all these positions have to justify their existence by creating more ways and means of monitoring eduction workers and asking staff to prove they are "true belivers" by challenging colleagues, virtue signalling in staff meetings and even underreporting potential child abuse lest you get a call from a school board DEI bureaucrat questioning your intent and purity of heart, if the child is Black. Prove you are not a racist or it will be assumed you are one! All this bloat in the central board office while special needs kids have to share educational assisstants who get paid a pittance. The machine needs constant grist for the mill to justify it's existence.

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Public schools in Ontario are eliminating field trips because apparently it’s not affordable for some parents. Well, firstly, don’t have kids if you are single, because obviously single parenting doesn’t work, secondly, quit spending, you entitled twats!

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Yes, they started having to charge for them because they ran out of money to help underprivileged kids.

You’re the twat.

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On June 30, 2021, the print edition of our local daily included, as a pull-out centrefold, a “Canadian Indigenous Flag” created by First Nations artist Curtis Wilson https://indigenouspeoplesresources.com/products/canadian-native-flag. Subscribers were encouraged to display it in their front windows to acknowledge “the subdued nature of Canada Day 2021.”

The explanatory text that appeared under the paper’s masthead that day, courtesy of the paper’s editor and publisher, had all the usual niceties about how this was a time for reflection and a commitment to do better, etc. And then the good editor added this bizarre statement (I kept the clipping):

“This flag is a reminder that none of us would be here if not for the Indigenous peoples who have lived here for thousands of years.”

Say what?

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Supported 100% by a Marxist PM who relishes in dividing our country making it easier to control the masses with left-wing ideologies while being brainwashed by Marxist Educators and so-called Social Justice Warriors throughout our educational systems! This has taken place over the past 30 years and it will take a long time to bring the pendulum back to center! Equality within any Nation is the only way to survive and find internal peace without racism and division!

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Your tax cuts at work, dude. Starve the system, then complain it’s broken. Mike Harris started it, Do Fo lumbered in to finish the job.

Never trust wealthy grifters to do the right thing.

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Capitalism. Your tax cuts at work, dude.

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Nah. DEI. Land acknowledgements. Unions. All marxist. Tax cuts too. The teachers may not be, but the union leaders are. Grinding away at capitalism. Are you a marxist?

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Tell us what "Marxist" means. Your words only.

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I see...the only word you know is "Marxist", so that's what you're gonna call everything you don't like.

Looks like you'd have been a good candidate for some DEI.

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Good points. I do find AI images distracting, however

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Funding cuts will do that. You’re at stage 2, where stage 1 was gut the system so that it fails.

Now you can point your fingers and say “Look!!! It’s failing!!!”.

All for more tax cuts for the wealthy.

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Everybody's gotta blame somebody for their woes. But surely it's the mass of mindless spineless teachers themselves, retired or otherwise, who have had a major hand in promoting these worthless ideologies?

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As long as human beings refuse to acknowledge that we haven't healed, nor attempted to, from the ANCESTRAL TRAUMAS that literally hold some mindsets hostage, this will continue to perpetuate a victim culture and our WORLD will remain on its current unhealthy trajectory. The entrenched tribal mentality that exists in some present day cultures who have been unwilling to accept the ever present changes into the 21st century, thrive on misogyny, abuse, hate and war and those leaving the countries where this abuse is present are also considered 'indigenous'. Although they leave their countries behind when moving here, they're carrying with them the inherent traumas of decades of war and violence from which they're NOT HEALED, and THAT is attributing to the many problems we're experiencing now as they're likely included in the DEI spectrum. Until people admit they're being emotionally affected from holding onto past traumas that may not even be theirs, and REFUSE to accept appropriate treatments to move beyond their ills, we as a society will be forced to accept what should have been acknowledged and reconciled a century ago. In essence, choose to heal and move forward or remain trapped in your own misery but leave us out of it because you're abusing others who had nothing to do with the suffering you or your ancestors experienced. This cycle of abusing one another by shaming and blaming must end or it will be the demise of humanity in general.

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I am shocked that RTO makes its acknowledgements to our indigenous masters in two colonial-setter languages. Why are they not making acknowledgements in indigenous language, or in many indigenous languages. In fact, why use the languages of colonial oppression at all? Instead, they should use only indigenous languages, all of them.

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