There is so much that one can write in support of Chanel Pfahl’s brilliant, insightful article. Suffice it to say here that education is getting worse. In Social Studies, for example, it’s been over a decade that kids have been taught that their country is a racist and genocidal place. Kids are taught to take a dim view of most things, including themselves if they are white or heterosexual or Christian or a proud Canadian. People need to challenge every woke, virtue-signalling zealot they come across, especially those running our institutions.

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I thought about this more, and will add another comment about this wheel of 'privilege and power'. The only point of this kind of thing is to create enmity between people, and stoke resentment. Its not different than what certain people did in Rwanda, emphasizing supposed differences between Hutus and Tutsis. Stoking resentment by emphasizing that one group had been hard-done-by by the other. Look how that ended. These ideas are social poison.

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Well said.

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Thank you. These programs that school boards are presenting, like this, aren't hate speech by the legal definition, but they have the same kind of corrosive effect, over the long term. I am fairly new to Ontario, moved four years ago from Montreal, and with my kids in the OCDSB I am starting to see what is going on, both within the OCDSB and across most school boards in the province. Its truly shocking. I am getting involved with FAIR and other groups, to fight the madness. It appears that there is a growing number of parents and reasonable citizens who are starting to speak up. Which is encouraging.

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Ottawa Carleton, you say?!!! I have a son-in-law somehow related to that school board who assures me, when I ask him as to the extent of his "wokeness", that he is so WOKE that he has incurable INSOMNIA --- but he hasn't, yet, taken to wearing large breast prostheses, because my daughter, his wife, might not approve.

Of course its corrosive. Just substitute Marx and Engel's exploitive and oppressive bourgeois capitalist class vs. the proletariat worker class WITH an exploitive and oppressive White, Patriarchal, Male class (and allies) oppressing and exploiting the BIPOC [Black Indigenous persons of colour] Anarchical, Gender Fluid Classes (and allies). Marxism 2.0 [or perhaps 10.0 world wide] For Dummies.

Stay encouraged. And don't let them make you angry. That's their point. You can't foment a revolution if/when the opposition is ridiculing and laughing.


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And yes its Marxism rebranded, and the Bolsheviks used resentment as a powerful tool to take power. Because most people aren't psychopaths, they find it hard to relate to the toxic cynicism of the these Marxist wanna be revolutionaries. I certainly do. But in times like these, good men (and women) have to stand up against the psychopaths. Not that all wokes are psychopaths, many at the lower level are super-empaths/bleeding hearts being used as Useful Idiots by the leaders.

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Right. The only requirement for evil to triumph is for good folks to do nothing.

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And with regards to fighting the school board, I am deliberately non-anonymous. I don't look for (or really want) attention, but I am not going to hide, partly to set an example for others, partly to show them and others that I am not afraid.

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Yes that is right. Although the Establishment and most institutions have by now been ideologically captured, I still think it not too late if more responsible men and women get involved and speak up. But it has to happen now, and I do thank that because so much of this wanna-be cultural resolution has been hidden in plain sight, many people didn't see what was happening. More and more people now see it.

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Thx great comments. God advice to not get angry, and also in what in an asymmetrical conflict where the other party has more power, try to maintain the moral high ground. Within the board, the bureaucrats are as bad current roster of woke Trustees.

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In a rule of law country, no party has any more power than another, although different people have both different powers and different duties.

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The wheel of 'privilege and power' is just such a shitty thing. No serious, competent or fair-minded person would ever promote such a thing.

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A very powerful article, Chanel, the profession is privileged to have you as an advocate. It is surely an uphill battle to try and convince those currently suffering the mental delusions of pathogenic wokeness of the importance of basics in education. Charles Dickens was certainly an advocate of basics as the following quote attests to:

"Now, what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts; nothing else will ever be of any service to them." ~ Charles Dickens

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Facts. Just facts. That MUST BE why Dickens wrote social satire with fiction.


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Great article, thank you for more insight on Bill 98 issues sending this to my MPP

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Great letter - keep up the good work!

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That triangle of "covert Racism" is amusing. "Playing the Race Card" is at the bottom of the covert racism part of the triangle --- but its also at the top of Critical Race Theory's overt racism "jingle". These neo-Marxists are so stupidly-hilarious.


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regards these issues it should be obvious to all that WHITE people rule the world blacks indigenous and other races are at the bottom of the gene pool being worthless grifters who with collusion of misguided idiots think they can rule, this of course will never happen. WHITES need to stand up and take the power back by beating up the pansies, queers, blacks, injuns etc kick them in the testes at every opportunity or in whatever they got down there, put them in their rightful place.

There you go, get the idea? obviously this is racist so how do you like that. Time enough, time to get some, payback will be a bitch and you can count on that

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There aren't different races. A person can believe there are different races but that belief inevitably compromises their humanity.

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You write some reasonable stuff, which I just read. But its just plain dumb to say, requote: "There aren't different races." (Huh?) There are different races, just like there are different sexes. But being classified in either a different race or a different sex [ethnicity, political persuasion, religion, class, occupation etc. etc.] doesn't make anyone either more or less human. No human being can "compromise their humanity". They may be good human beings, like Pfhal seems to be. They may be evil revengeful human beings, like Peter John Wraight seems to be, above --- the guy who seems to be looking forward to white folks getting "pay back" for stuff their dead great-grandfather's may have done --- or not. --- or that we are doing today --- or not. And there may be "luke warm" individuals who "think" they are good "because" they are not as bad as other people. Those are the folks whom Peter and his friends are coming for --- so they get to pick which side they're on.

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The belief in different races is just that, a belief. To argue that there are different races of humans compromises one's humanity because believing there are different races of humans necessarily divides humans by the lowest common denominator - race.

"No human being can "compromise their humanity" A sampling of survivor accounts from Auschwitz would disprove that claim, if the fact of Nazism alone didn't

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Why is race the lowest common denominator? Sample Hanna Arendt. The most "common" of "common denominators", among leading Nazis, was their stupid banality. Eichmann, for example, loved trains. He would have been just as efficient, and happy, at moving trainloads full of grain headed for mills as filling trains with Jewish people headed for extinction at Auschwitz. He did not dislike Jews at all. He loved trains --- like any 6 year old kid.

Read the accounts of him by his Israeli captors. At first he tried to commit suicide and they stopped him. Then he tried to commit suicide by neither eating nor drinking. Know how they got him to eat and drink? They ORDERED him to eat and drink after they told him they were taking him back to Israel for trial. This guy was so stupidly banal that he would follow anybody's ORDERS, even when the ORDER came from a Jewish authority.

And that "stupid banality" FACT as well as unquestioning HABIT of following orders from anybody was what scared the crap out of his captors. Anybody could become a loyal Nazi type, if they were anything as stupidly ordinary, and as stupidly HUMAN, as Adolph Eichmann --- even you Mr. Melanson.

The first rule of PSYCHOPATHY is to DEHUMANIZE one's enemies or victims.


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Ah the irony of a 70 year old troll, who is probably a 20 year old gender confused Marxist. Life is amusing. Well done Chantal. And PJR is in his "rightful place" --- spouting racist non-sense!

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