No absolutely not this conflict was started by Palestinians kidnapping raping and killing innocent civilians the Jewish faction is not rioting in the streets of Canadian cities, blocking traffic, assaulting other Canadians, dissing Canada, shouting death to America.

MY OPINION is any Canadian siding with Palestinians is a traitor and should be ashamed to be one.

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Well said! 100% agreed.

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Apr 18
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As previously stated I believe your views to be treasonous like others who are Canadian patriots we do not like your views so get over it.

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Apr 19
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Considering you’re not hiding your name, profession or face (photo has a quaff of narcissistic overconfidence), I’d say speaks volumes to the normalization of anti-semitism, which judging by your comments you clearly don’t hide from. It’s not the first time in history, that a frenzied hysterical mob participated in pretty gruesome atrocities on the few.

There’s nothing brave, about being part of a mob.

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They say “hindsight is 20/20,” that warnings are often missed. I always thought education was to remind people of signs of history repeating itself, but that clearly isn’t happening in Woke captured indoctrinated institutions. I’ve yet to meet a “progressive” who admits they were wrong about bad ideologies they hysterically bought into.

Those who drunk the Woke and Radical Kool-aid cannot see the Trojan horse is already inside the gates. Not long ago, Canadians from all walks of life had respect, made contributions, were proud of Canada and its history, tried to assimilate. However, after years of lies, dumbing down and propaganda Western nations are being fragmented. By canceling the truth, allowing racists to be racist, normalize attacking others by those who play victim, repeating lies over and over until accepted, appeasing fanatics.

The result will be a divided nation, followed by violence and medieval chaos. Look at a map of the Middle East and North Africa, with many examples, such as Lebanon, where Beirut was once known as “Paris of the Middle East.” Now that demographics shifted, it’s known as something far less flattering. A famous individual once said, “forgive them father, for they know not what they do.” Who are the real occupiers/conquerer’s? Looking at the map it is clear, It’s Not the Jews!

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These radical Toronto school boards are really out of control. They are propaganda mills, not schools. Need to be placed under trusteeship.

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If they truly believed in balance, there would also be an "Israeli Independence Day." But they have taken one side in an extremely controversial political issue, which I might add also has religious overtones.

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Apr 17
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Should your theory apply to June 21st, Canada's National Indigenous Day as well? Asking for a friend?

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That would be compatible with Canada's National Grave Hoax Day scheduled for May 27th, a day we all wear blinders and throw our money in the toilet.

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No. Indigenous Day is a National Holiday originating in Canada.

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I have to agree with Lecce that, "there is no room for influence of personal opinions or personal world views in Ontario classrooms" which includes Nakba Remembrance Day, Pride Flags or any other accessory" other than related to Ontario or Canada. As to Israel having high standards of human rights and rule of law, that sounds like a complete oxymoron. Israel is regarded as a genocidal, apartheid state, conceived in the womb of terrorism and governed by ultra-nationalistic theocrats. Netanyahu's Likud party is just the contemporary name for the Irgun party, described by the United Nations as a "terrorist organization" and by Albert Einstein, in 1948, as a "Nazi and Fascist party, terrorist, right wing, chauvinist organization". Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre that killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948.

Today the world sees the same terrorism no longer directed against the British but the helpless civilians of Gaza all in the name of the Zionist state.

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Israel has a high standard of human rights? Really?

Nakba Day does not belong in a public school calendar, agreed. But let’s stick to facts here.

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Israel considers Palestinians "vermin" and "animals" not as human beings. In doing so they are able to commit genocidal atrocities without tarnishing their international "human" rights record.

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This is found in the second holy book of Judaism called the Talmud:

"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts."

- Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

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Apr 18
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That and calling everyone an anti-semite if they oppose them.

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What facts? All you did was to infer that Israel does not have a "high standard of human rights" without bothering to back up your assertion.

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Try watching the news sometime, Paul, you will get all the evidence you need.

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The only news l care to watch is Al Jazeera or Middle East Eye. Even Tic Tok is a better source of information. Everything else IMO is Israeli propaganda.

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I will never understand why so many people ignore the obvious for the obscure. Israel is not hiding what its doing.

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Send me a friends request on FB @ Shelley Chadwick, Kenora, Ontario. I'm the old woman wearing a black n white head scarf.

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You are right. I am assuming people have seen photos of the hideous carnage in Gaza. I don’t like to post them because they are so distressing. A thousand pardons.

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That's your response? To blame Israel for casualties that are the direct responsibility of Hamas and the majority of Gazans who continue to support them despite knowing full well their eliminationist agenda and penchant for using their own civilian population as human shields?

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Israel's very success as a nation seems to have excluded them--as a Jewish country--from the Victim Club (of which they used to be charter members), and with the ultra-emotionalized activist Left slavering to exalt Brown Victims, then we see this ugly snowball of "Pro-Palestine" grow.

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It is a statement of fact that the Palestinians are rioting in Toronto and causing Canadians distress it is also fact that they kidnapped and raped and murdered innocent Jewish citizens is is also a statement of fact that they are chanting in America "death to Americans" perhaps you are having some difficulty understanding what "Statement of facts" means, I suggest you try attending a criminal trial for clarification.

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The left wing idiots who support Hammas and the Palestinian lot can go to hell where they belong, No doubt the likes of them all are Liberals and woke and in bed with Trudope and his evil fascist crew unfortunately it looks like we will have to put up with their hate filled comments but I must say it is interesting throwing some of their garbage back in their faces. Most if not all have a big hate on for Jewish people they can spout all the platitudes all day long. I think that it is also most likely quite a few are the crazy teachers trying to destroy our childrens lives in school, most of them do not have the guts to say so, right Geoff

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You sound like a kindred spirit. Unfortunately, I am not on FB, so I will look forward to your future posts. Salaam Alaikum

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I have a suggestion for all Pro Palestinians in Canada and that is if you feel that strongly about that issue then purchase your ticket and go to Gaza and be sure to make your feelings shown THERE because by far the majority of Canadians excluding our commie govt do not want you here.

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If Jews love Israel so much then why are they leaving like rats from a sinking ship? 80 flights a day out of Tel Aviv since Israel bombed Damascus and Iran retaliated.

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It is very obvious you hate people of the Jewish race how very un-Canadian of you.

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Jewish is not a race, it is a religion. I have been saying for 35+ years, l am not anti-semite but, l am anti-zionist. This Rabbi explains the difference perfectly. Listen to him talk about cultural appropriation.


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Shelley you are like a Kettle calling the pot black, you own it so admit it. DNA proves your theory wrong as Jews are indeed a race.

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you are so full of shit I bet you have brown eyes

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That is the Palestinians stupid

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You can wait forever I speak for myself , stop being an idiot.

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Since you live in Kenora, would you mind giving Greg Rickford a big piece of my mind and ask him where that 60 + 10 mil generous donation, to locate unmarked graves, has gone to. I bet the truck dealerships in Kenora are prospering.

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Religions of all types should be removed from Canadian schools and universities, period! https://youtu.be/3taXF-cjLBc?si=GecNLC5HtS2jAMRY

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Apr 17
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Israel is home to nearly half the world's Jews and that proportion is growing. In addition, the land of Israel has been central to Jewish identity and liturgy for more than three thousand years. Thus, to be opposed to "the Zionist agenda" (sic) is effectively to be against the Jewish people.

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Many Jews beg to differ sir

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That doesn't negate what I wrote above and in any case those renegades to whom you refer are a few very small and reviled minority. Jewish history is replete with such turncoats who made common cause with those who would annihilate them.

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Apr 17
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.“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do.” – Benjamin Franklin

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“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” – Bruce Lee

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They say that wisdom comes with age, but that is about it. Enjoy reading your posts.

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