A two-day reunion at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in 1977 involved 280 former staff and students. Activities included a “Salmon BBQ with Indian dancing.”
The point is this:
“If Residential Schools, and especially this now infamous Kamloops residential school, were really the machinery of genocide…why would anyone come back to the place of their ordeal to reminisce about the good old days?”
Bad news James !! Murray has just issued an arrest warrant for you with the charge of Res School Denialist. You are to appear before an unbiased tribunal of indigenous chiefs at the next AFN meeting. You may be required to run the gauntlet.
If the late Murray Sinclair is correct that there are “15-25,000, maybe more” missing indigenous children in unmarked graves - like the 215 alleged to be buried in the Kamloops apple orchard - than there would be a corresponding number of indigenous parents, family members, chiefs etc who would have raised bloody hell when each of those tens of thousands of children went missing. Instead, we have not one - not one! - recorded case of such a complaint between 1883 and 1998 when the last school closed. How would Mr. Sinclair have explained that? A better question would be why not one Canadian mainstream journalist, politician or senator thought to ask him such a question. Canadians have been gullible sheep, and their “leaders” are not leaders at all.
Thanks for this, James, and for the link to the interview.
Is it just me, or do these Woke miscreants seem to be hiding something vile behind their smug, self-congratulatory air of superiority? Hatred, perhaps? I never get the sense they're acting in anyone's best interest or seek to improve ... anything.
There is tangible hatred, jealousy and envy for the success and well being achieved by Canadians in contrast to their self imposed failures. The only people that are holding them back are themselves and their leaders.
In Alberta, I see instead the congratulatory aspect particularly toward people who have done and are doing well for themselves. "We can all do that," is the prevalent attitude, in the private sector for sure, but also to some extent in the public sector. "Work hard, get ahead."
My chief concern with the 'victim' mentality is that once a person has acceded to being labelled as such (and who in their right might would consent to it), how does anyone get back to or progress to being self-sufficient, proud, and confident?
This 'woke' activity is 100% communism. If you look at the Communist Manifesto and Marxist writings, you will see that causing division and destroying a nation are the main focus. In Canada's case, this movement is funded by the United Nations since 1985.
Contrary to the claim they want to protect and recover 'traditional' Indian ways of life, I have yet to met a single Indigenous individual who wants to return to the days of dragging their belongs across the land 3x each year on poles, or to run buffalo off cliffs because they didn't have guns. Not a single Inuit has claimed they would trade their snowmobiles for the privilege of running behind a dog sled team.
It was the 'settlers' who brought horses back to North America after they went extinct, it was settlers who provided the guns to Indians and snowmobilies to the Inuit so that they could hunt more efficient, it was settlers who brought medicine, better housing and protection against the larger tribes that were exterminating the smaller tribes by the hundreds.
Interestingly, a great many Indigenous people I have spoken to in Ottawa have said that they are aware of and hate the corruption, fraudulent behavior and efforts of most of the Chiefs that colonialism put in place to keep them poor and uneducated. However, they all also said that there is no recourse, because the federal government, especially the AG is complicit.
Although I'm well aware of the benefits provided by settlers (but appreciate the reminder of how bad things were before 'colonization'), I hadn't realized the UN was complicit in the attempts at destroying North America (I'm considering the US Democrats as marching in lock-step with Canada's Liberals / NDP).
Thank you as well for the insights regarding Indigenous attitudes. I'll continue to believe we can (and will) find ways toward economic self-sufficiency for all Canadians (our Alberta Premier is calling it 'economic reconciliation').
Here's also hoping that with the example of Trump and his team, Poilievre can at least start to make the necessary sweeping changes to reverse the damage done. I suspect it will take the efforts of us all.
Poilievre is the very Harper WEF shill who pushed through the Elections Act amendments in 2015 that negate Canadian votes by allowing migrants and others who have never paid a cent of tax, to vote. That action was to ensure Trudeau would stay in power as a single-party Chinese Communist-style communist government structure.
As long as everyone is entrenched in the idea that corporations masquerading as 'governments' will ever do anything but profit from enslaving us, we will never get free, prosperous or anything but poor and dead.
In a true democracy, the people do not have to 'hope'; they have the tools, such as recalls and referendums, to get rid of the trash fast before it does damage, and of course a death penalty for all those who betray the People. Harper/Poilievre/Bernier et al all ensured the economy would collapse by agreeing to several trade deals that sealed our faith.
One individual in a cabal of corporate scum dedicated to working for the UN World Government apparatus is hardly going to make 'sweeping' changes, except those directed by the WEF/UN and globalists. While Poilievre says what we want to here and appears to commiserate with our complaining, in fact, he has not put forward a single plan in detail as to how he is going to stop what is going on.
Thank you for bringing balance to the entire narrative. I cannot understand why all those graduates, if they are alive today, are not speaking up, and loudly about this fraud...after all, they are the ones who benefited the most.
What has amazed me is how the Aboriginal Industry fraudsters have managed to twist historical facts into a story about how Indians were the ONLY ones who suffered at the hands of the elite. I can tell you first hand that the ordinary white Euro-Canadians suffered then and suffer today at the hands of the globalists, with 68% of the homeless in Ontario being white.
The only difference in the suffering experienced by ALL our ancestors, aboriginal and non-aboriginal alike, was that non-aboriginals had to pay taxes, licences, levies and the like.
The entire IRS narrative is about wealth and land transfer...the same people at the top of the political food chain in Canadian politics, who have been outed as working for the foreign WEF/UN, are controlling the aboriginal elite today. They are all the same cats kittens and they use the same Marxist tactics in every scheme, be it the climate change hoax, the IRS mass grave hoax, the transgender atrocity, the MAiD eugenics scheme ...
Bishop Henry actually called out his brother bishops. Fr Bouvette just made lame excuses for them. His analysis obviously employed logic, but it was very poor logic. He commented on the false claims made by Casimir; but he studiously refused even to acknowledge that they were false! His so-called logic was: "There's no evidence it's true; but I can't prove absolutely that it's false; so I can't say it's false for them to say that it's true." How can any honest person applaud such a mealy-mouthed performance as "clear, precise language"? Anyone making that claim doesn't know what clear and precise language is. Bouvette's logic is frankly disgusting. The only reason people applaud him is a) they don't know any better (they have no independent grasp of logic of their own to apply to evaluating his poor logic) and b) he at least got over the low bar of being mildly, vaguely critical of the false narrative that the active bishops have entirely acquiesced in, even if he couldn't reach the bar of being actually truthful about the whole disgraceful, dishonest mess.
Lie, cheat and steal whatever and wherever you can to benefit yourself regardless of the consequences as their wouldn’t be any under this Liberal Prime Minister. Destroying Canada every step of the way no matter how illegal your actions are against a white Christian Society! Burning churches, destroying National Monuments paid for by Canadian Taxpayers and taking the taxpayers for a ride for everything you can. No MSM journalist, no senators, nor politicians regardless of party have questioned the truth since 2021! Passing a bill labelling Canadians as genocidal! Now be asked to pass another bill to prosecute anyone who denies or questions the TRC and the Kamloops grave error! Bypassing the Justice System we all expect to honour! Shame on you! Whatever happened to being a proud Canadian! Destroying everything our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for!
Any one who has watched the series time team on YouTube knows that the ground radar is there for laughs. What they think they will find is accurate less than half the time is it a building a ditch a rock? Until you dig you don't know and the last thing they want is to have people exhume old tree roots etc.
If it was my tribe I'd want someone to trace the DNA, and move them back to my reserve. Til someone calls for that it seems fishy.
Our disgraceful universities are front and centre teaching "decolonialism" and the hatred of Canada and Euro-Canadians. But the hatred of "oppressors" has a wide reach, as seen in the Islamo-Nazism behind the virulent Jew-hatred in universities and beyond. "Social justice" appears to be license, not only to hate and discriminate, but to persecute.
Trudeau Liberals and NDP made lying to the public legal by repealing Section 181 of the Criminal Code of Canada in 2019, just before he locked down the country with lies and misrepresentations. Section 181 use to read -- it no longer exists and lying and fraud are now legal.
Spreading false news
181 Every one who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and that causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to a public interest is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. R.S., c. C-34, s. 177.
A two-day reunion at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in 1977 involved 280 former staff and students. Activities included a “Salmon BBQ with Indian dancing.”
The point is this:
“If Residential Schools, and especially this now infamous Kamloops residential school, were really the machinery of genocide…why would anyone come back to the place of their ordeal to reminisce about the good old days?”
Bad news James !! Murray has just issued an arrest warrant for you with the charge of Res School Denialist. You are to appear before an unbiased tribunal of indigenous chiefs at the next AFN meeting. You may be required to run the gauntlet.
If the late Murray Sinclair is correct that there are “15-25,000, maybe more” missing indigenous children in unmarked graves - like the 215 alleged to be buried in the Kamloops apple orchard - than there would be a corresponding number of indigenous parents, family members, chiefs etc who would have raised bloody hell when each of those tens of thousands of children went missing. Instead, we have not one - not one! - recorded case of such a complaint between 1883 and 1998 when the last school closed. How would Mr. Sinclair have explained that? A better question would be why not one Canadian mainstream journalist, politician or senator thought to ask him such a question. Canadians have been gullible sheep, and their “leaders” are not leaders at all.
It is more than time to start issuing white feathers to our cowardice politicians and their cohorts in the press.
I terrific piece of analysis by a leading figure in the truth telling sector of the never ending “Indian problem.”
Thanks for this, James, and for the link to the interview.
Is it just me, or do these Woke miscreants seem to be hiding something vile behind their smug, self-congratulatory air of superiority? Hatred, perhaps? I never get the sense they're acting in anyone's best interest or seek to improve ... anything.
There is tangible hatred, jealousy and envy for the success and well being achieved by Canadians in contrast to their self imposed failures. The only people that are holding them back are themselves and their leaders.
Thanks for this insight.
In Alberta, I see instead the congratulatory aspect particularly toward people who have done and are doing well for themselves. "We can all do that," is the prevalent attitude, in the private sector for sure, but also to some extent in the public sector. "Work hard, get ahead."
My chief concern with the 'victim' mentality is that once a person has acceded to being labelled as such (and who in their right might would consent to it), how does anyone get back to or progress to being self-sufficient, proud, and confident?
A case of the self fulfilling prophecy.
Crap. You're right. Dammit. "-)
This 'woke' activity is 100% communism. If you look at the Communist Manifesto and Marxist writings, you will see that causing division and destroying a nation are the main focus. In Canada's case, this movement is funded by the United Nations since 1985.
Contrary to the claim they want to protect and recover 'traditional' Indian ways of life, I have yet to met a single Indigenous individual who wants to return to the days of dragging their belongs across the land 3x each year on poles, or to run buffalo off cliffs because they didn't have guns. Not a single Inuit has claimed they would trade their snowmobiles for the privilege of running behind a dog sled team.
It was the 'settlers' who brought horses back to North America after they went extinct, it was settlers who provided the guns to Indians and snowmobilies to the Inuit so that they could hunt more efficient, it was settlers who brought medicine, better housing and protection against the larger tribes that were exterminating the smaller tribes by the hundreds.
Interestingly, a great many Indigenous people I have spoken to in Ottawa have said that they are aware of and hate the corruption, fraudulent behavior and efforts of most of the Chiefs that colonialism put in place to keep them poor and uneducated. However, they all also said that there is no recourse, because the federal government, especially the AG is complicit.
Thanks for this, Grace.
Although I'm well aware of the benefits provided by settlers (but appreciate the reminder of how bad things were before 'colonization'), I hadn't realized the UN was complicit in the attempts at destroying North America (I'm considering the US Democrats as marching in lock-step with Canada's Liberals / NDP).
Thank you as well for the insights regarding Indigenous attitudes. I'll continue to believe we can (and will) find ways toward economic self-sufficiency for all Canadians (our Alberta Premier is calling it 'economic reconciliation').
Here's also hoping that with the example of Trump and his team, Poilievre can at least start to make the necessary sweeping changes to reverse the damage done. I suspect it will take the efforts of us all.
Poilievre is the very Harper WEF shill who pushed through the Elections Act amendments in 2015 that negate Canadian votes by allowing migrants and others who have never paid a cent of tax, to vote. That action was to ensure Trudeau would stay in power as a single-party Chinese Communist-style communist government structure.
As long as everyone is entrenched in the idea that corporations masquerading as 'governments' will ever do anything but profit from enslaving us, we will never get free, prosperous or anything but poor and dead.
In a true democracy, the people do not have to 'hope'; they have the tools, such as recalls and referendums, to get rid of the trash fast before it does damage, and of course a death penalty for all those who betray the People. Harper/Poilievre/Bernier et al all ensured the economy would collapse by agreeing to several trade deals that sealed our faith.
One individual in a cabal of corporate scum dedicated to working for the UN World Government apparatus is hardly going to make 'sweeping' changes, except those directed by the WEF/UN and globalists. While Poilievre says what we want to here and appears to commiserate with our complaining, in fact, he has not put forward a single plan in detail as to how he is going to stop what is going on.
Thank you for bringing balance to the entire narrative. I cannot understand why all those graduates, if they are alive today, are not speaking up, and loudly about this fraud...after all, they are the ones who benefited the most.
What has amazed me is how the Aboriginal Industry fraudsters have managed to twist historical facts into a story about how Indians were the ONLY ones who suffered at the hands of the elite. I can tell you first hand that the ordinary white Euro-Canadians suffered then and suffer today at the hands of the globalists, with 68% of the homeless in Ontario being white.
The only difference in the suffering experienced by ALL our ancestors, aboriginal and non-aboriginal alike, was that non-aboriginals had to pay taxes, licences, levies and the like.
The entire IRS narrative is about wealth and land transfer...the same people at the top of the political food chain in Canadian politics, who have been outed as working for the foreign WEF/UN, are controlling the aboriginal elite today. They are all the same cats kittens and they use the same Marxist tactics in every scheme, be it the climate change hoax, the IRS mass grave hoax, the transgender atrocity, the MAiD eugenics scheme ...
Bishop Henry actually called out his brother bishops. Fr Bouvette just made lame excuses for them. His analysis obviously employed logic, but it was very poor logic. He commented on the false claims made by Casimir; but he studiously refused even to acknowledge that they were false! His so-called logic was: "There's no evidence it's true; but I can't prove absolutely that it's false; so I can't say it's false for them to say that it's true." How can any honest person applaud such a mealy-mouthed performance as "clear, precise language"? Anyone making that claim doesn't know what clear and precise language is. Bouvette's logic is frankly disgusting. The only reason people applaud him is a) they don't know any better (they have no independent grasp of logic of their own to apply to evaluating his poor logic) and b) he at least got over the low bar of being mildly, vaguely critical of the false narrative that the active bishops have entirely acquiesced in, even if he couldn't reach the bar of being actually truthful about the whole disgraceful, dishonest mess.
Lie, cheat and steal whatever and wherever you can to benefit yourself regardless of the consequences as their wouldn’t be any under this Liberal Prime Minister. Destroying Canada every step of the way no matter how illegal your actions are against a white Christian Society! Burning churches, destroying National Monuments paid for by Canadian Taxpayers and taking the taxpayers for a ride for everything you can. No MSM journalist, no senators, nor politicians regardless of party have questioned the truth since 2021! Passing a bill labelling Canadians as genocidal! Now be asked to pass another bill to prosecute anyone who denies or questions the TRC and the Kamloops grave error! Bypassing the Justice System we all expect to honour! Shame on you! Whatever happened to being a proud Canadian! Destroying everything our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for!
Any one who has watched the series time team on YouTube knows that the ground radar is there for laughs. What they think they will find is accurate less than half the time is it a building a ditch a rock? Until you dig you don't know and the last thing they want is to have people exhume old tree roots etc.
If it was my tribe I'd want someone to trace the DNA, and move them back to my reserve. Til someone calls for that it seems fishy.
Thank God for these courageous Catholics!
Our disgraceful universities are front and centre teaching "decolonialism" and the hatred of Canada and Euro-Canadians. But the hatred of "oppressors" has a wide reach, as seen in the Islamo-Nazism behind the virulent Jew-hatred in universities and beyond. "Social justice" appears to be license, not only to hate and discriminate, but to persecute.
Trudeau Liberals and NDP made lying to the public legal by repealing Section 181 of the Criminal Code of Canada in 2019, just before he locked down the country with lies and misrepresentations. Section 181 use to read -- it no longer exists and lying and fraud are now legal.
Spreading false news
181 Every one who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and that causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to a public interest is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. R.S., c. C-34, s. 177.
Project 2025 is Dystopian