A very informative essay, Jim. Reading about the dysfunctional smorgasbord that characterizes contemporary education makes me thankful I went to high school when reason and logic governed the curriculum. Hard to believe that such inspiring novelists like Hemingway, Steinbeck and Orwell have been usurped by such irrelevant verbiage and no longer stimulate the developing minds of students. As Hemingway once said, "There is no friend as loyal as a book.”

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Interesting story about that game and playing it with your students. And wow--that "ninth standard" is crazy, basically a moral browbeating, enfranchised guilt AND all the Hail Mary's that need to be said! Including that meaningless buzz phrase "truth, reconciliation, and healing" too.

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Anything other than equality before the law leads to disaster.

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This game is being played out all over Canada but I can tell you I am not playing as a protest I am flying my British Union Jack at my house above the Canadian flag, I am a colonial and proud of it.

When and if common sense returns and we get our Canada back then I will return to being 100% Canadian but unfortunately I doubt that will happen.

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'Whore of Havana' The Justin Trudeau Story (Premiere)

Premiere of 'Whore of Havana' The Justin Trudeau Story

A Film by Dean Ryan

Exploring the checkered past of Canada's notorious Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his deep rooted connection to Fidel Castro.


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In a comment thread earlier this month, StellaMaris, you shared an anecdote that perfectly illustrates the point in Jim's essay. I hope you don't mind me bringing it forward here (I had stashed it in my notes, but probably forgot to click "like" at the time, because I'm terrible at remembering to do that).

StellaMaris wrote: "A kid came up to me at work, which is a school, and said to me after an Indigenous presentation, "Did you know that I am Indigenous?". . . and I replied, "No . . . do you know that I am Italian?" They had a look of shock because every time any student proclaims this [that they are Indigenous] to any other student or staff, the response is usually, "Oh, wow, isn't that great!". . . or something along those lines. . . . I am done . . . so, moving forward, this will be my response."

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Thank you, Joan.... and for re-sharing.... unfortunately, it happens on a daily basis...just got an email from the principal that we should all wear our PRIDE jerseys, I mean t-shirts on June 7th and 14th.... I will NOT be participating..... 😘

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Every word in this “documentary” can be guaranteed to be a lie! Is there not enough to criticize Justin Trudeau and his government for, without degrading his mother?

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Why don't you ask the documentarian.... and as for the degrading, that's on her..... does Justin worry about how many mother's died during COVID alone at a hospital or care home? Does he care about your mother or any mother for that matter...why should his be exempt? His mother also has been paid handsomely for appearing on stage as his mother... so, there is enough blame to go around.....

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"Margaret Trudeau:

“I had to rebuild myself. I had an intervention. I had the police take me to the hospital finally strapped down because I was so resistant and so ill, but I didn’t know it,” she said.

Sounds rather serious, Ms. Margaret. Therefore, it's with great confusion that media in Canada have for decades treated her condition with abject jocularity:

“The sad part is why Trudeau, now a mental health advocate, brought her one-woman show to a Toronto stage as part of the Just for Laughs comedy festival."

"The four-show run called 'Certain Woman of an Age' is a candid account of her marriage to Pierre Trudeau and years of untreated bipolar disorder.”

Forgive CAP, but we don't think this is the sad part at all. What reeks of pathos is the fact that our press have omitted the potential for bipolar disorder to be passed on to family offspring:

"Bipolar disorder is often inherited, with genetic factors accounting for approximately 80% of the cause of the condition. Bipolar disorder is the most likely psychiatric disorder to be passed down from family."

In a half-century since Margaret Trudeau was spending time in the limelight, media have not once referenced this fact.

“Substance abuse and mental illness go together like this,” stated the former Margaret Sinclair in an article published at the time of Justin Trudeau's first term as prime minister."


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So, Margaret Trudeau has to pay the price of her son’s misdeeds? And she has to be shamed for her psychological problems, too?

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Thanks, never heard of that book. Agree that in this new world of preferential treatment based on group affiliation, color or ethnicity or whatever, has the potential to end very badly.

I honestly don't know these school admin types, etc, cant see that.

But then, these are the same types who think opiates should be legal and that police forces are unnecessary.

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Colour, not color in Canada. Please correct.

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The Color Game is American. I didn’t want to change the original spelling. 😊

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I was taught both ways in school. My teachers were of the opinion that knowing more than one correct way to do something was beneficial.

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You can know it, but not necessarily use it. In this case, being aware of the dangers of any more Americanization, is a

necessary survival skill for Canadians!

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Can't agree there. Canadians are so ready to give up everything just no one gets upset. We've given away everything that made Canada a good place to live.

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