Mar 19, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

From my perspective as a teacher fired for stating disease and not murder in a discussion on residential schools, a claim of mass murder or genocide (made unanimously by the political class in Ottawa on October 27, 2022) should be accompanied by evidence. The only proof adduced to date is from Sarah Beaulieu who found soil anomalies from a 1924 sewage bed. That her report is hidden to this day evokes a cover-up. Essentially, a lot of people are caught in a most preposterous lie of Christian teachers murdering thousands of their indigenous pupils without a single parent or community complaint.

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Toxic imagination on steroids.

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An excellent article capturing all the critical points. The appropriation of Holocaust lexicon to describe their boarding school experience is both laughable and deplorable as is "Truth and Reconciliation" a copy cat phrase borrowed from the South African experience of apartheid. Both reveal a rather cellophane attempt to garner undeserving victimhood status for personal gain. Even worse is the despicable unchallenged acceptance by government and their woke minions in their unrestrained pandering to and lavish spending on such an obvious and shallow pernicious deception. Perhaps a change in government will afford some future optimism for in the words of Mark Twain:

"Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently, and for the same reasons."

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

The TRC was a huge error.

And the woke left regularly attempts to alter language to suit its political aims.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

A Sunday with WWC yahoo going to be a great day indeed

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023

I just listened to the Roseanne Archibald broadcast from August 2021, as referenced here. She seems to believe that thousands of children were deliberately killed at the residential schools. She also says that it's too traumatic for the survivors to have a forensic investigation. You can't have it both ways. Either it is a crime scene and it must be treated like one - as Archibald says - or it isn't. If you make the allegation that thousands of kids were murdered, you have to have a forensic investigation to prove it, whether it be analysis of birth and death and school records, or digging in the ground for DNA evidence, etc. etc. This interview was from August 4, 2021 and there's been no criminal investigation into this, or forensic evidence found of any kind since. You don't stop a criminal investigation because the victim's family is traumatized, in fact, that's more reason to find out who did the crime! Archibald keeps talking about "deep trauma" because of this "assimilation and genocide." For one thing - what was it, assimilation or genocide? It can't be both. There's so many contradictions here.

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Honestly, it sounds just like the satanic ritual abuse hoax/mass panic that took place a few decades ago.

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