Another outstanding piece of solid writing and sound analysis based on hard facts

from James Pew.

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May I add that with Islam, which means submission, is the claim of being the final religion.” Its expansionist disposition makes it unsuitable for shared spaces. Many Muslim leaders talk openly of conquering the world, as though Muhammad and his immediate successors hadn’t taken enough land long ago by the sword. Neither Jews nor Christians (as with Coptics) will know peace until Muslims tear themselves from their 7th-century ideological and intellectual shackles.

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Martha Gellhorn's book, "The Arabs of Palestine (1961)" reads more like the fictional musical, "Fiddler on the Roof", than the tragic factual narrative of the catastrophic 1948 expulsion where Palestinian refugees were forced by Zionist militias to flee their homes during the 'Nakba.' Perhaps a more accurate and balanced accounting might have been had by referencing the work of Israeli Historian, Dr. Benny Morris, Professor of History, Ben-Gurion University, and distinguished author of ten books, including The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem and 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War, which received the National Jewish Book Award. According to Dr Morris, the Israeli soldiers killed roughly 800 Arab civilians and prisoners of war in 24 massacres. One of the worst atrocities occurred at Saliha where 60 to 70 unarmed civilians were killed after raising a white flag. The corpses were left to rot for four days, and then Israeli bulldozers came and piled them into the mosque, which was then blown up with explosives. Following the massacre, the remaining inhabitants of the village were expelled forming part of the Palestinian exodus of 1948. This slaughter has been going on for over 48 years with the present ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza merely a case of history repeating itself. Netanyahu recently quoted 1 Samuel 15.3 of the Bible to justify his current actions in Gaza. I have copied it below:

1 Samuel 15:3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[ a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”


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Benny Morris endeared himself to the antisemitic left when, as a Jew, he dug up historical evidence of Jewish war crimes. In his later years he came to see Jewish malfeasance as a drop in the bucket compared to Arab atrocities. And he also retracted various accusations he had made in the light of later evidence. Needless to say, having embraced Zionism and abandoned revisionist history, he is no longer a darling of leftists and antisemites. But we agree that it's a shame about those donkeys...

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Thanks for your excellent article! Apparently it was still possible in 1961 to write a book based on first hand research and experiences that was not congruent with the left's narrative. Twenty-odd years later when Joan Peters' book, From Time Immemorial, was published, the reaction to her unwelcome truths was so belligerent that she never published another word.

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you know that the other 8 billion ppl on the planet disagree with almost everything you've written right?

the other 8 billion people on the planet have been watching the catastrophy called modern Israel every day for the past 75 years. its clear to that the israel has zero interest in peace or fairness.

its surreal that people in canada,, who have no skin in the game, disseminate fascist propaganda that ultimately harm the ppl of the US. its biting the hand that feeds you.

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