Listen to former Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli Military Governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist Movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah Party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)

“The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.”

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Back in the mid-1980s, Cohen even wrote an official report to his superiors warning them not to play divide-and-rule in the Occupied Territories, by backing Palestinian Islamists against Palestinian secularists. “I … suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face,” he wrote.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

The same argument could be made that the Allies created World War 2, because of the taking of German territory and assets in the Versailles Treaty, and the resultant hardships for the German people, and therefore were responsible for the Holocaust. The theory you assert, just like that theory with respect to WW2, gives the Palestinians no agency or choice.

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what choice do the palestinians have? theyve been locked in an apartheid situation, an endless harsh prison while israel slaughters them mercilessly for the past 55 years. every promise made to them by the US, israel, UN and other various entities has been broken while they die slowly usually while no ones watching.

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Gazans living under apartheid is a monstrous lie, one of many believed by ideologically possessed progressives who are blinded by their deep animus against the existence of Israel specifically and the West as a whole. The very idea that Israel is a successful liberal democracy, the kind exemplified by Western societies in the world, is an especial affront for being located in the Middle East. Thus it is subject to further lies that it is an oppressive colonial ‘white’ supremacist state committing ‘genocide’ against an oppressed minority. Progressives accuse the US, Canada, Australia, England, and half of Europe of the same thing and appear incapable of adjusting their simplistic template to fit unique and totally different historical circumstances. That inability or refusal to account for actual facts tells me they are more motivated by a hatred of Jews as such than by genuine concern for the so-called oppressed.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Hyperbole and over the top rhetoric....there's two million Arabs living within Israel, for starters. 17 thousand Gazans were set to work in Israel from Sept. 22nd, in a new initiative. The population of Gaza has also increased markedly over the past twenty years.

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"Israel wasn’t just the site of regional disputes—it was a Cold War satellite, wrapped up in the interests of the Soviets and the Americans."


"Nowhere was the impact of the Cold War more pronounced or pervasive than in the newly independent state of Israel. The triumph of the Israelis during the first stage of the Arab-Israeli conflict (and the revival of hostilities thereafter) is just one example of how the competition for regional influence between the United States and the USSR impacted rivalries and altered the political destiny of the Middle East. While the Cold War is long over, its ghosts continue to haunt the nations that were swept up in its tide."


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This series of essays should be read at every university in North America, Britain and Europe.

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I read: “According to the Pew Research Center in 2010, there were 50 Muslim-majority countries.” There is one Jewish state, and it has been besieged since 1948. Why Muslim Arabs, none of whom want Palestinian refugees/immigrants, feel a need for endless pogroms is beyond me. We’re called Islamophobes for criticizing them, but they seek total domination of Islam everywhere in the Middle East, and some aim for universal Islam, which means submission.

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not sure you got the memo but the only group dominating anything including islamic countries is the west, including the white people who moved into israel from US and europe and who are keeping the native arab population in an endless harsh prison for the past 55 years. why should other countries enable Israeli ethnic cleansing? arabs have been the majority population in palestians area for the past 1000s of years. white people moving in and slaughtering the natives is like what George custer did to the native americans. racists tropes such as "theyre savages" and "why dont they go with their own kind" are the kind of slogans that facilitate the illegal and immoral ethnic cleansing that is israel's only goal

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023Author


From a recent piece in the NP by Barbara Kay:

"In 1961, during Egypt’s Gaza-occupation tenure, Martha Gellhorn, an outstanding war correspondent, spent time touring Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Gaza, culminating in a 17,000-word article, “The Arabs of Palestine,” in The Atlantic."

Read Martha Gellhorn's account - there is far more nuance to the issue of refugees in Palestine than most people realize.

Here is a link to her essay (you don't need to pay, you can download a pdf version here - https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1961/10/the-arabs-of-palestine/304203/

Here is a quote from it:

“The Gaza Strip is not a hell hole, not a visible disaster. It is worse; it is a jail — with a magical long white sand beach, and a breeze, and devoted welfare workers (UNRWA ) to look after the prisoners. The Egyptian government is the jailer. For reasons of its own, it does not allow the refugees to move from this narrow strip of land. The refugees might not want to leave at all, or they might not want to leave for good; but anyone would become claustrophobic if penned, for thirteen years, inside 248 square kilometers.”

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James Collus McCrae , a white dude who lived his whole life enjoying the peace and freedom provided by the US says now in 2023 that slavery wasnt so bad. after harriet stowe published uncle toms cabin, white southerners printed their own messages saying how great slavery was for blacks. that you. your like the white slave owners saying slavery is great for blacks

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If Israel is ethnic cleansing, why has the population of Gaza doubled since the year 2000? There are also two million Arabs living within Israel.

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per internet "Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, and religious groups from a given area". the area the natives are being removed from is the areas the natives have lived in palestine for 1000s of years. who is removing them? white colonizers from US and europe. these white colonizers are keeping the natives in prison camps called the west bank and gaza. yes, the natives are allowed to breed while in the camps. but they continue to be illegally removed from their land which is text book ethnic cleansing. this ethnic cleansing is illegal and is done via war crimes and human rights violation on a massive scale.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Your screed could be interpreted as a case against immigration to any area. Re: ethnic cleansing: At a recent pro-Hamas rally in Vancouver, I heard Harshia Walid of the No Borders group praise Hamas for "breaching the wall with their hang gliders and bulldozers," then she screamed "Palestine Will Be Free, From The River To The Sea," as the crowd chanted.

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people are allowed to defend themselves. and when they do so its considered a defensive action and justified. the native arabs of palestine pose no threat to the nation of israel. their efforts amount to no more of an issue than crime in any US city. isreal is the cause of this crime by keeping millions of native arabs in an endless illegal prison with no hope for resolution. israel hopes these imprisoned natives fight back. when they do so israrl robs more of the native land, which is the real goal of the white colonizers from the start. starting in 1967 every nation on earth. including the US , has been telling isreal to end its military occupation of the west bank and gaza. so Israel cant do what it wants which is to simply slaughter millions of ppl. the only way they can rob the natives of the land they have been living in for 1000s of years is by creating the conditions that the natives have no choice but to defend themselves, and then slaughtering the natives and illegally robbing more land when they do. from 2008 to 2020, israel killed 6000 arabs. but the illegal land confiscation never stops. during this time, 250 israelis died. but these deaths cant be considered equal. the natives are defending themselves from illegal colonists who are conducting ethnical cleansing

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

It's all Israel's fault. Could be taken from the pages of Mein Kampf. Demonstrators in Toronto milled outside a Jewish business in Toronto screaming "Boycott, boycott." The massacre of young people at a peace concert is described as "no more of an issue than crime in any US City." And, in the words of writer Kurt Vonnegut, "so it goes."

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