1. Bill C-293 doesn't define Indigenous. Thus it is who the CCP Bill Gates globalists define.
2. A recent payout up north in Ontario landed 8 natives dead of overdoses the following week. Some missing. Toronto gangs on site. That was one reserve. Described by locals as the wild west
3. I'm told by natives in bc that where expropriation takes place complex holding companies get the land with complex shares hundred page long with expiry dates given out.
I believe the colonialism dei is cover for ccp globalist expropriation that is communism and involves most in smart cities dependent on the government for everything. Too many now earn a living from our own tax dollars spouting the ideology that will expropriate us all. Once the land is in first nation hands, their very lives are all that hold the globalists back.
First use the division to take from non native canadian and immigrant populations (while brining in record immigrants). Then have those deeds go to the natives through complex corporate structure.
Then take the wisdom held in elders.
Only the lives of the youth hold back then the entire transhumanism vision of the globalist architecture.
Excellent article, Michael. Personally, I support the idea of land back for indigenous people if it applies to origins. Certainly negotiations should begin at once with Russia to accommodate this entitled group to ensure they are returned back to their land of origin in the beautiful land of opportunity, Siberia.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man." ~ Mark Twain
"Resistance to colonialism is not terrorism" -- sure, not per se; except for sometimes, when it is. Kind of like, "resistance to colonialism is not telling lies" -- except when it is; and it turns out it often is. But whatcha gonna do? Liars gonna lie; it's what they do. And our society is awash in lies. It's part and parcel of our universal human birthright, our Blut und Boden, at this point, quite regardless of our land of birth or that of our recent or remote ancestors. That's real(ist) 'universalist humanism' for you. And if we can't be honest about that, then better not to say anything about it. One thing we could start by being honest about is that Blut-und-Boden guilt-by-association with the Nazis is kinda just BS. It's like, Hitler loved his dog; so people who love their dogs are just like Hitler: dangerous! Sure, right! Good argument!
Anyway, any honest universalist humanist should recognize that Blut und Boden are in fact pretty good candidates for universal human goods. So it's stupid to reject their importance by fallacious appeals to guilt-by-association with Nazis. Instead we need to have real conversations about what those things mean and why they're important, and how to honor their importance, issues for every single one of us, not just the so-called 'indigenous' special ones -- who increasingly(?) are themselves apparently a bunch of lazy, hypocritical, ideology-driven 'neo-colonialists' seeking dishonestly to appropriate land from those who currently own it -- welcome to world history, kids!
Love the intellectuals conducting their own brand of stochastic terrorism. The active divisiveness of these radical Critical Theory based movements has the potential to end very badly in Canada. We need to stop it now, and end 'land acknowledgements' which only breed resentment and/or guilt.
This essay makes good points but ultimately the modern world genie can't get back in the bottle! Humanity MUST learn to get along and live together without greed and violence, a tall order, but remember, We the People have been psyopped and socially engineered for CENTURIES by a small exceedingly wealthy cabal of psychopathic megalomaniac control freaks who have been lusting for total slavery over us peons!
Humanity everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons - think RESERVATIONS)! WE ARE ALL INDIGENOUS PEOPLE NOW!
"It can never be said often enough: “decolonization” is a foreign idea, developed in the context of wars of independence in Africa by trained Marxists who advocated organized violence from the start. It is itself hateful and racist."
Whatever tactics or ideology involved at the time, I can't say that Africans declaring independence in Africa is something to claim as especially hateful or racist. I imagine the Africans in question were the majority in those places, whereas the indigenous population in Canada and the US has dwindled to a tiny number compared to White, and now White/immigrant-of-whatever-race figures. Just on those grounds alone it's hard to make the claim that you and your people should have the entire country belong to you, if that is in fact what they want.
The Jews in Isreal have killed an enormous amount of people in Palestine of grounds that they're being threatened on their land, which is rightfully there's in their view. It's as if groups of people tend to favor their own and form their opinions around their being good and worthy of A B and C, entitled, perhaps...
Land back?
1. Bill C-293 doesn't define Indigenous. Thus it is who the CCP Bill Gates globalists define.
2. A recent payout up north in Ontario landed 8 natives dead of overdoses the following week. Some missing. Toronto gangs on site. That was one reserve. Described by locals as the wild west
3. I'm told by natives in bc that where expropriation takes place complex holding companies get the land with complex shares hundred page long with expiry dates given out.
I believe the colonialism dei is cover for ccp globalist expropriation that is communism and involves most in smart cities dependent on the government for everything. Too many now earn a living from our own tax dollars spouting the ideology that will expropriate us all. Once the land is in first nation hands, their very lives are all that hold the globalists back.
First use the division to take from non native canadian and immigrant populations (while brining in record immigrants). Then have those deeds go to the natives through complex corporate structure.
Then take the wisdom held in elders.
Only the lives of the youth hold back then the entire transhumanism vision of the globalist architecture.
Excellent article, Michael. Personally, I support the idea of land back for indigenous people if it applies to origins. Certainly negotiations should begin at once with Russia to accommodate this entitled group to ensure they are returned back to their land of origin in the beautiful land of opportunity, Siberia.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man." ~ Mark Twain
"Resistance to colonialism is not terrorism" -- sure, not per se; except for sometimes, when it is. Kind of like, "resistance to colonialism is not telling lies" -- except when it is; and it turns out it often is. But whatcha gonna do? Liars gonna lie; it's what they do. And our society is awash in lies. It's part and parcel of our universal human birthright, our Blut und Boden, at this point, quite regardless of our land of birth or that of our recent or remote ancestors. That's real(ist) 'universalist humanism' for you. And if we can't be honest about that, then better not to say anything about it. One thing we could start by being honest about is that Blut-und-Boden guilt-by-association with the Nazis is kinda just BS. It's like, Hitler loved his dog; so people who love their dogs are just like Hitler: dangerous! Sure, right! Good argument!
Anyway, any honest universalist humanist should recognize that Blut und Boden are in fact pretty good candidates for universal human goods. So it's stupid to reject their importance by fallacious appeals to guilt-by-association with Nazis. Instead we need to have real conversations about what those things mean and why they're important, and how to honor their importance, issues for every single one of us, not just the so-called 'indigenous' special ones -- who increasingly(?) are themselves apparently a bunch of lazy, hypocritical, ideology-driven 'neo-colonialists' seeking dishonestly to appropriate land from those who currently own it -- welcome to world history, kids!
Love the intellectuals conducting their own brand of stochastic terrorism. The active divisiveness of these radical Critical Theory based movements has the potential to end very badly in Canada. We need to stop it now, and end 'land acknowledgements' which only breed resentment and/or guilt.
The Indigenous Land Back movement mimics Nazi Germany’s Blut und Boden (“blood and soil”) racist ideology.
Of course, nice woke people will say that racist ideology is just more Equity, and who wouldn’t want more of that?
And nice anti-woke people will continue doing land acknowledgments, for they appear polite doing so.
This essay makes good points but ultimately the modern world genie can't get back in the bottle! Humanity MUST learn to get along and live together without greed and violence, a tall order, but remember, We the People have been psyopped and socially engineered for CENTURIES by a small exceedingly wealthy cabal of psychopathic megalomaniac control freaks who have been lusting for total slavery over us peons!
Humanity everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons - think RESERVATIONS)! WE ARE ALL INDIGENOUS PEOPLE NOW!
"It can never be said often enough: “decolonization” is a foreign idea, developed in the context of wars of independence in Africa by trained Marxists who advocated organized violence from the start. It is itself hateful and racist."
Whatever tactics or ideology involved at the time, I can't say that Africans declaring independence in Africa is something to claim as especially hateful or racist. I imagine the Africans in question were the majority in those places, whereas the indigenous population in Canada and the US has dwindled to a tiny number compared to White, and now White/immigrant-of-whatever-race figures. Just on those grounds alone it's hard to make the claim that you and your people should have the entire country belong to you, if that is in fact what they want.
The Jews in Isreal have killed an enormous amount of people in Palestine of grounds that they're being threatened on their land, which is rightfully there's in their view. It's as if groups of people tend to favor their own and form their opinions around their being good and worthy of A B and C, entitled, perhaps...