Mark Twain once famously wrote, "a lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is putting on its shoes,". Perhaps this is an example of what he meant. It's mind boggling to think that so many people could experience the lemming response without question. There is no doubt that at least metaphorically speaking, May 27th / 2021 is the day the music died in Canada, no small thanks to the head lemming and former ski instructor, Justin Trudeau.

“If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.” ― George S. Patton

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Rumours spread very quickly in these Internet days.

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So does the truth. We just have to be smart enough to recognize it.

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Brian Giesbrecht is masterful and he exposes the full absurdity of the Kamloops hoax: “Annett’s other stories are equally preposterous — indigenous children clubbed to death by nuns, hung on meat hooks and thrown into incinerators. Annett’s numbers of supposedly ‘missing children,’ by the way, varied from telling to telling. His highest estimate was that 250,000 children had been murdered, and were buried between church walls, coast to coast.”

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All I see is a lot of new pickup trucks driving around the Res.

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No better time than now to buy Johnnie Walker stock.

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A related article, also by Brian Giesbrecht, provides a bit more information on the appeal of the bandwagon (truth be damned).


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An excellent essay by former Judge Brian Giesbrecht ! Many years back Kevin Annett tapped into our group of intrepid investigators and truth seekers. He sent us many emails, most I still have. It did not take us long to determine none of what Annett claimed was true or verifiable and he had an abject hatred towards authority and especially the Anglican churches, likely for his warranted dismissal. Lastly we cut off all contact with Annett when he started talking like QANON, claiming courts in Brussels had issued arrest warrants for many officials, and even execution orders, re Indian Residential Schools ! It was/is blatantly obvious to our group that Annett is seriously mentally ill, and should be prevented from making these insane allegations, none of which have been proven !

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Part 2 of 2 [Giesbrecht Still doesn't Get it! Continuing with Sinclair's believed Expert]

And that expert (Dr. Scott Hamilton, Ph.D. of Lakehead University at Thunder Bay) told Sinclair, Littlechild, Wilson, Murray and Worme and their friends of the AFN where to look for bodies in unmarked graves by writing a suitably named research article entitled: "Where are the Children Buried?" and delivering the report to them before their final TRC report of 2015. Hamilton's Report has been up at the TRC website since the time Murray Sinclair went on national T.V. and asserted that BODIES had been "discovered" at the Kamloops Residential School and that Canadians should "expect more" of such "discoveries"!

As early as 2016, Willie Littlechild was comparing the Indian/(actual Industrial) Residential School experience to the holocaust. See time stamp 36:57 with respect to a comparison to the holocaust in the video cited below. And if you listen to the entire video, you'll hear Littlechild's references to UNDRIP [which he and Leroy Little Bear had much to do with writing] and literally hear the game plan of some indigenous conspirators --- and not "secret conspirators" either. Willy sets out the program which got a big boost from the Kamloops bogus "discovery" of 215 "remains" (Casimir; 2021), "bodies" (Murray Sinclair; 2021) and "unmarked graves" in a "known" Kamloops CEMETERY (Scott Hamilton; 2013 - 2015; Reported in 2015) as early as 2015. These TRC people were too well-planned and forward thinking to require any help from Kevin Annett in executing their basic plan which was clearly detailed to a Lethbridge University audience in 2016 by Wilton Littlechild.


But Sinclair got "tripped up" when he alleged "bodies" given his trust in "expert" Hamilton. Kamloops was different from most other native school sites in that there was a Royal Inland Hospital at the Kamloops reserve [built in 1885 before the school's construction] and that the Catholic cemetery [built when the entire tribe converted to Catholicism in the 1870s] was located relatively far away from the school. The 5 TRC colluders realized fairly soon after Sinclair's CBC announcement that Hamilton had "goofed" in supposing that there was a cemetery at the Kamloops Residential School, while most other residential schools did have actual cemeteries in close proximity to both the school and a Church. Thus Donald Worme [former head legal counsel of the TRC] appeared as the Kamloops legal counsel in their July 2021 bogus-"News"/actual-"spin" event to help keep a lid on what transpired.

So in the end look at Giesbrecht's final summation and note who he missed among those who "failed" at their respective jobs, quote:

GIESBRECHT: "On May 27, 2021, all of our major institutions failed. Our prime minister behaved more like an emotional schoolboy than a leader, our legacy media failed to ask even the most basic questions, our RCMP hid in their detachment offices, and senior indigenous leaders made reckless claims. But it was the institution charged with the responsibility to find the “truth” — the TRC — that was ultimately responsible for this national tragedy. The commissioners bought into Kevin Annett’s conspiracy theory. All Canadians — but particularly indigenous Canadians — will pay the price for generations."

Indigenous Canadians will "pay the price"?!!! To use James Pew's interrogative expression: What has Giesbrecht been smoking? They are not paying. They are being paid! Notice that the retired Judge doesn't mention the Canadian Bar Association or Law Societies or the Canadian Judicial Council or the Department of Justice Canada. See. That is because lawyers are in charge of all those Canadian Institutions and we wouldn't want to ask lawyers to actually "think" about whether or not they are getting ill gotten gains along with their indigenous clients while fooling Judges/Justices of Giesbrecht's invincible intellect.

Sorry! I must cease "speaking". My tongue is stuck in the side of my cheek, at such a difficult angle, that I can't get it out.

Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne

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Part 1 of 2 [Brian Giesbrecht still doesn't get it!]:

Brian Giesbrecht doesn't seem to get it. He's close. But, as yet, NO CIGAR. At present he's wandering off in pursuit of the Kevin Annett utter "Red Herring", like some typical German Alsatian which has a much better nose & brain than anything resembling an actual intellect. He started by not "getting it" on June 5, 2021, when he wrote in the Winnipeg Sun, quote:

GIESBRECHT: "The residential school story has now been exhaustively told. Canadians have heard it --- and we get it. We have sympathized, and billions of dollars have been paid by people, most of whom weren't alive then, to people who mostly weren't either. It is time to move on."[Some Questions about Kamloops; Rushing to judgment without all the facts.]

Canadians, including Brian Giesbrecht himself, still don't get it after 3 years, despite how Giesbrecht "thought" that we Canadians "get/(got) it" in June of 2021. And he is still essentially telling people to "move on". For example, in the comment which Rose Ane from Curate and Disseminate provided, she also provided a link to another Giesbrecht article entitled "Kamloops... $8 million spent, no bodies and no proof of an outrageous blood libel", which concludes with:-

GIESBRECHT: It is time to get back to sanity. Treat those who claim — with no real evidence — that priests murdered and secretly buried children, exactly the same way that we treat those who claim that the Martians have landed, or that aliens have abducted their mothers. Be polite. But don’t finance their delusions.

So, it's not time to "move on" (after 3 years). Instead, it is now time to "get back to sanity" --- which means the same thing as "move on". In sum, Giesbrecht talks about money and then tells everybody to "move on" (grow up; reform themselves; go to prison; pay the fine; get sane, etc. etc.) because he is a lawyer and a judge who thinks a lot about money and enjoys telling people what to do. He does that because, if they don't do what he tells them, he is in the habit of gaoling them and/or fining them for contempt of his "Court" should they refuse to listen to his Honour. Like anybody, he has habits, and he is not all too bright because of the aforementioned fining/gaoling those who continue to disagree with his stubbornly wrong-headed legal or dialectical opinions.

How can Giesbrecht even dare "think" that where he "sees through" goofy Kevin Annett, Murray Sinclair, Wilton Littlechild, Kimberly Murray [Executive Director of the TRC] and Donald Worme Q.C. [Lead Counsel for the TRC from 2009 - 2015]; who are probably one and all seriously "brighter" than he is; might be "fooled" by such a charlatan crack-pot as Kevin Annett, who issues arrest warrants for "The Windsors", a.k.a. Great Britain's Royal Family; to whom all Canadians, including Annett, owe an oath of fealty?!!! Requote:

GIESBRECHT: It is clear that the commissioners became convinced that Annett’s tall tales — or at least some of them — were true.

Well, with what judgment ye judge ... it is only gullible Giesbrecht who "thinks" Kevin Annett's tall tales are believed by anybody other than those of sub-80-I.Q. gullibility.

Sinclair is not such a gullible guy and neither is Willie Littlechild. In fact all litigating lawyers believe that everybody is a liar and that it is their job to prove it with their usual "casting of so-called reasonable doubts" on the truth of anybody who produces an Affidavit or who takes an Oath on a Witness Stand. Judges are far more gullible than litigating lawyers (who believe no one) in that they only believe half of lawyers in any given Court case (and no litigant).

That is obvious since 50% of the dumbclucks with law degrees LOSE every case and only 50% of the same sorts of "dumbcluck" WIN each case. And they all are DUMBCLUCKS because not one of them has a clue about what is true (or even false for that matter), given that TRUTH is not their job at Court. Casting doubts upon the truth is their job.

Hence no lawyer nor judge believes witnesses or litigants [unless 2 or more witnesses can resist rigorous examination and cross-examination while sticking to their independent, but identical, stories]. Two of 3 lawyers at Court (1 judge and 2 lawyers), in any given case, don't believe the other lawyer/s. So is there anybody at Court that any lawyer actually believes? Yes there is! Who would that lawyer be? Answer: No lawyer. Q. Then who? A. The expert witness.

And Murray Sinclair found himself such an EXPERT WITNESS when he was told that he couldn't receive funding for a missing persons search. He found Scott Hamilton of Lakehead University who told him where there were actual bodies in unmarked graves via means of a very economical satellite survey of residential school sites and a mere 2 other researchers.

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Trudeau is a woke left, juvenile egotist that is tearing Canada apart.

Good piece - cheers!

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Canada To Impose $25k Fee To LEAVE? Is it Fake News?


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Why is Sinclair being honoured in Manitoba for failing to speak the truth about the TRC Report when it isn't the truth is beyond belief!

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Murray is a lawyer, Arthur. Their job is not the truth. That's your job. His job is to help his clients get "wins and money". And he is doing a great job for his friends, relatives and "race" because people like Brian Giesbrecht are too stupid to properly refute him. But collusion has that effect on Judges. The collusive process confuses "dumb clucks" on Courtroom Benches --- even after they've retired. It is the major note in the legal definition of collusion which fundamentally means TO DECEIVE THE COURT. If you doubt me look up the definition of collusion in the Divorce Act of Canada. The Definition is at Section 11.(4) of that Act.


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Definition of collusion

(4) In this section, collusion means an agreement or conspiracy to which an applicant for a divorce is either directly or indirectly a party for the purpose of subverting the administration of justice, and includes any agreement, understanding or arrangement to fabricate or suppress evidence or to deceive the court [*TO DECEIVE THE COURT K.B.*], but does not include an agreement to the extent that it provides for separation between the parties, financial support, division of property or the exercise of parenting time or decision-making responsibility.

R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 111997, c. 1, s. 1.12019, c. 16, s. 10

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