A very good analysis of the Critical Theories with Andrew in the TN clip. Nice to see the evolution of your understanding growing of these cynical political theories and the toxic social policies and practice they are espousing especially in K-12. I was interviewed recently about the 400% increase in homeschooling in MB and shared similar observations of the CTs and how some parents are feeling overwhelmed by them and opting for homeschooling. This will inevitably lead to political pressure on government to have homeschooled children’s public funding to follow them and away from the public school system.
I too have spent a good time this summer on significant reading. I found this book the very best and most current on the subject: Next Gen Marxism by Gonzalez and Gorka, 2024. Their What to Do is good and and should help leaders in the counter movement to do two things: 1) equip themselves better re the strategies and challenges they confront, and 2) help others to become more involved and confident by providing readable/understandable/obvious/commonsense information about the threats. The cultural shift to “stealth socialist movement” has been long-standing and well organized and already quite embedded in much of education. The average parent and public simply don’t know and can’t believe what is going on !
The above book depended on information about the transnational influences, which were collected by one of their contacts, Ariel Sheen (has a website online).
Furthermore, I would recommend people re-read the classic 1950 book, The God that Failed about 6 prominent ex-communists who describe the methods and conditions they experienced, and which caused them to see the light !
A very good analysis of the Critical Theories with Andrew in the TN clip. Nice to see the evolution of your understanding growing of these cynical political theories and the toxic social policies and practice they are espousing especially in K-12. I was interviewed recently about the 400% increase in homeschooling in MB and shared similar observations of the CTs and how some parents are feeling overwhelmed by them and opting for homeschooling. This will inevitably lead to political pressure on government to have homeschooled children’s public funding to follow them and away from the public school system.
James thank you for another excellent essay into this very important sign of the times, Wokeism. I sincerely look forward to your new series ! Cheers

I too have spent a good time this summer on significant reading. I found this book the very best and most current on the subject: Next Gen Marxism by Gonzalez and Gorka, 2024. Their What to Do is good and and should help leaders in the counter movement to do two things: 1) equip themselves better re the strategies and challenges they confront, and 2) help others to become more involved and confident by providing readable/understandable/obvious/commonsense information about the threats. The cultural shift to “stealth socialist movement” has been long-standing and well organized and already quite embedded in much of education. The average parent and public simply don’t know and can’t believe what is going on !
The above book depended on information about the transnational influences, which were collected by one of their contacts, Ariel Sheen (has a website online).
Furthermore, I would recommend people re-read the classic 1950 book, The God that Failed about 6 prominent ex-communists who describe the methods and conditions they experienced, and which caused them to see the light !
"But the education of parents is something I have put much thought into as well. "
Most/many need courage to stand up for what is right more than they need education.