Sep 16Liked by Woke Watch Canada

In Canada it is now considered impolite to tell the truth about the secret burial and residential school “atrocity”claim. Anyone doing so will get the Jim McMurtry or Lynn Beyak treatment. This is not hyperbole. Our politicians, the RCMP and our mainstream media all know that the secret burial claim is nonsense - but none of them will say so. The fact that nonsense is now being taught as fact to our graduating lawyers chills me to the bone.

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I will not accuse Canada’s Indigenous peoples of outright lying. What they frequently do is simply omit inconvenient elements of stories, to give their ‘KNOWINGS’ the most favorable interpretation possible.


I have enclosed text below from two different articles. EXTRACT # 1 was copied from the Internet MIISSISSAUGA WIKI.


EXTRACT # 2 is from a speech given to a Canadian Senate panel, convened to investigate the matter of the 215 ANOMOLIES located at the Kamloops Residential School. This article does not delve into the matter of how 215 ANOMOLIES became 215 BODIES. It focuses on Kimberley Murray’s presentation to the Senate.


I have included 2 MAPS below. MAP A illustrates the extent of the IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY territories prior to 1600. MAP B illustrates the land occupied by the ANISH MISSISSAUGA tribes in 1800. So what changed ???


Firstly, the Iroquois tribes located in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, use guns obtained from the English and Dutch to attack the HURONS around both ends of Lake Ontario. By 1700 most of the Huron villages in Southern Ontario had been eliminated. Huron men were invariably killed. The Women and Children were either killed or taken as Slaves.


Kimberly Murray describes herself as a Mohawk from Quebec and an Independent Special Interlocutor at the commission. It was Kimberly’s ancestors who slaughtered the Hurons. Iroquois tribes subsequently occupied most of the Huron villages along the eastern part of the North shore of Lake Ontario and a few regions in Southwestern Ontario. Anish Mississauga tribes from the North migrated South into the now vacant land around Toronto and into Southern Ontario and the US.


The Beaver Wars … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_Wars


You may have guessed by now that Kimberly did not travel to Ottawa to discuss the Beaver Wars or Huron Genocide. She was there to talk about the 215 ANOMOLIES in Kamloops. Since June 2021 tens of millions of tax dollars have been allocated to search for buried bodies throughout Canada. Thirty months later, as of September 2024, no bodies have yet been found.


The official website for the Kamloops Residential School no longer describes 215 bodies. It states what is known, that ground penetrating radar detected 215 ANOMOLIES in the old apple orchard.


Those of you with an interest in INDIGENOUS folklore would enjoy ANISH author Tanya Talagi’s latest book entitled THE KNOWINGS. The thing I found most interesting about it was that Tanya made it to Page 81 before making her first mention of ALCOHOL.





According to the oral histories of the Anishinaabe, after departing the "Second Stopping Place" near Niagara Falls, the core Anishinaabe peoples migrated along the shores of Lake Erie to what is now southern Michigan. They became "lost" both physically and spiritually. The Mississauga migrated along a northern route by the Credit River, to Georgian Bay. These were considered their historic traditional lands on the shores of Lake Superior and northern Lake Huron around the Mississagi River. The Mississauga called for the core Anishinaabe to Midewiwin, meaning 'return to the path of the good life'. The core Anishinaabe peoples formed the Council of Three Fires and migrated from their "Third Stopping Place" near the present city of Detroit to their "Fourth Stopping Place" on Manitoulin Island, along the eastern shores of Georgian Bay.


The homelands of the Mississaugas were originally claimed by the Huron/Wyandot, who were driven off by the Iroquois in the Beaver Wars in 1649/50.[3] The Ojibwe Anishinaabe then moved into the area around 1700, pushing out the Iroquois.[3] The French had previously called an Anishinaabe band near the Mississagi River Oumisagai or Mississauga and for unknown reasons began to apply that name to the Ojibwe who took over the lands immediately north of Lake Ontario.[3] On the 1675 Carte du Mississippi et des lacs Supérieur, Michigan et Huron, the Mississauga were recorded as "Missisakingdachirinouek"[4] (Misi-zaaging dash ininweg: "Regular-speakers of the Great River-mouth"). This was not how the Mississaugas originally knew themselves,[3] but they eventually adopted the name and use it today.







Kimberly Murray, Independent Special Interlocutor, Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools: Thank you.

[Kanien’kéha spoken]

Good morning, senators. As noted, my name is Kimberly Murray, I am Mohawk and a member of the Kahnesatake Mohawk Nation, located in what is now known as Quebec, as Senator Audette mentioned. I would first like to say niawen’kó:wato Elder Barbara Cameron for doing an opening prayer for us before we started this important conversation. I would also like to acknowledge that we’re on the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin Nation, and I recognize that Ottawa has been and continues to be the home of many First Nations, Métis and Inuit. I too lived in Ottawa at one point as a First Nations woman, and I am very honoured to have had the hospitality of the Algonquin Nation while I lived here.

I want to say thank you again to all the senators for inviting me to share with you about my mandate about the Independent Special Interlocutor and some of the work that we have done in the seven months since I have been in this position. As noted, I’m joined with two of my colleagues, Wendelyn Johnson, Executive Director, and Donald Worme, who is one of my legal counsel, and he’s going to answer all of the really hard questions you are going to throw at me.

I wanted to start off by talking about when Tk’emlúps announced the recovery of 215 children in May 2022, the Government of Canada immediately said that we’re going to appoint an Independent Special Interlocutor. Many people wondered what the heck is an interlocutor, what do they do and what does it mean?

It took about a year for the government to get the mandate in place. I understand, from speaking with Minister Lametti and his colleagues, that a number of Indigenous leaderships were consulted on what the mandate should include and what it shouldn’t include. I was appointed for a two-year mandate, which commenced in June 2022.

As I started my work, one of the things that was really important to me as the Independent Special Interlocutor was to hear from elders and survivors about how they wanted us to guide our work. What were …



MAP A and MAP B can be found at the bottom of this SubStack post …





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The Kamloops band ALSO knows that the secret burials claim is nonsense, and their efforts to reframe the language without actually retracting the claim are bordering on the absurd.

The other day I came across a pamphlet, presumably produced by the TteS (or its language and culture department) and available through the Secwépemc Museum, that answers the question(s) “What is Le Estcwicwéy̓? Where are they located?” THIS WAY:

<< The anomelies [sic] of at least 215 children were identified in an unmarked gravesite adjacent to the KIRS on the TteS lands. This area is known as the apple orchard and has become a Sacred Site. >>

There’s no date on the pamphlet, but the use of the word “anomalies” suggests that it’s had a fairly recent revision. The front panel reads “an information pamphlet on the recovered burials at the Kamloops Indian Residential School.”

If I hadn’t seen it myself (the link is at the bottom of the FAQ page on the museum’s website), I would have thought someone was pulling my leg if they’d recited that sentence. I imagine it’s on the museum’s website as a resource that can be printed for visitors or downloaded by teachers planning to tour the museum with their classes.

The TteS leadership seems desperate to not let go of “the 215”; the myth has become such an article of faith that they aren’t able to contemplate moving forward without it.

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It's a bit like the fable 'The Emperor has no clothes." Everyone knows the facts are different from the narrative yet everyone is afraid to speak up, usually with good reason.

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It is indeed a fact that trials have become more like an "Alice in wonderland tale" they bare no relation to proper justice that has been dispensed in Canadian Courts for the best part of 130 odd years. Lets face it in the pre Justin Trudeau era trials for murder were concluded within about a month in court other than an extremely unusual case ie Bernardo trial. Public Mischief trials ie Tamara & the peaceful Truckers case can take years and the current trial just ended will not have an answer for 6 months due to the Judge having to think on that for SIX MONTHS. My question to authorities is WHY? They need to explain when for years that have been telling us that Justice delayed is Justice denied and throwing hundreds of extremely serios case out after just months of delay!

1984 has indeed arrived and with a vengeance, for anyone that has read Catch 22 will understand this article describes a scenario almost identical. The very scary thing is that this is now happening in Canada on a daily basis.

I find lately that I am getting banned on social networks for making comments no harsher than those made in public on television or radio and in movies or sit comms, yes I use swear words on occasion but so what? Yes I have made many statements about this subject ever since they first announced it but like in this case i keep getting shut down from giving my opinion.

We are stuck with a Prime Minister who refuses to leave office knowing full well that he is despised by everyone in this country who is not a current Liberal fan, we are being run by what amounts to a Coup style Govt of two minority parties and as the author of this article states we have a House of Commons full of idiots who all swallowed an extremely ridiculous statement from an indigenous person of no authority that a genocide occurred with indian children over hundreds of years.

To date i have posted under my own name as I have always believed that my statements have been truthful and to the point regardless of the language I have used. Enough is enough from this date forward I will continue my statements 10 fold, BUT they will be under nom de plumes from now on with my digital record hidden by VPN and other means. Underground tactics will be employed, I suggest everyone else do the same because sure as God has little green apples THEY are coming for you too.

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What now? This is actually scary..... They Spent $8,000,000 Without Putting One Shovel In The Ground

That’s how much money the Kamloops Band spent on…..exactly what we have no idea. https://fcpp.org/2024/05/25/they-spent-8000000-without-putting-one-shovel-in-the-ground/

Why Is Trudeau Sticking To The Unmarked Graves Falsehood? https://fcpp.org/2024/06/24/why-is-trudeau-sticking-to-the-unmarked-graves-falsehood/

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What is it about the West Coast in particular that makes them more crazy woke?

All the best, Jim!

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Many people still believe the narrative, in my experience. Your case was like the canary in the coal mine re free speech issues. Now there is this law society debate, if they vote to include what clearly has not been proved by evidence, this will intimidate more professionals to keep their mouths shut.

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I will not accuse Canada’s Indigenous peoples of outright lying. What they frequently do is simply omit inconvenient elements of stories, to give their ‘KNOWINGS’ the most favorable interpretation possible.


I have enclosed text below from two different articles. EXTRACT # 1 was copied from the Internet MIISSISSAUGA WIKI.


EXTRACT # 2 is from a speech given to a Canadian Senate panel, convened to investigate the matter of the 215 ANOMOLIES located at the Kamloops Residential School. This article does not delve into the matter of how 215 ANOMOLIES became 215 BODIES. It focuses on Kimberley Murray’s presentation to the Senate.


I have included 2 MAPS below. MAP A illustrates the extent of the IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY territories prior to 1600. MAP B illustrates the land occupied by the ANISH MISSISSAUGA tribes in 1800. So what changed ???


Firstly, the Iroquois tribes located in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, use guns obtained from the English and Dutch to attack the HURONS around both ends of Lake Ontario. By 1700 most of the Huron villages in Southern Ontario had been eliminated. Huron men were invariably killed. The Women and Children were either killed or taken as Slaves.


Kimberly Murray describes herself as a Mohawk from Quebec and an Independent Special Interlocutor at the commission. It was Kimberly’s ancestors who slaughtered the Hurons. Iroquois tribes subsequently occupied most of the Huron villages along the eastern part of the North shore of Lake Ontario and a few regions in Southwestern Ontario. Anish Mississauga tribes from the North migrated South into the now vacant land around Toronto and into Southern Ontario and the US.


The Beaver Wars … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_Wars


You may have guessed by now that Kimberly did not travel to Ottawa to discuss the Beaver Wars or Huron Genocide. She was there to talk about the 215 ANOMOLIES in Kamloops. Since June 2021 tens of millions of tax dollars have been allocated to search for buried bodies throughout Canada. Thirty months later, as of September 2024, no bodies have yet been found.


The official website for the Kamloops Residential School no longer describes 215 bodies. It states what is known, that ground penetrating radar detected 215 ANOMOLIES in the old apple orchard.


Those of you with an interest in INDIGENOUS folklore would enjoy ANISH author Tanya Talagi’s latest book entitled THE KNOWINGS. The thing I found most interesting about it was that Tanya made it to Page 81 before making her first mention of ALCOHOL.





According to the oral histories of the Anishinaabe, after departing the "Second Stopping Place" near Niagara Falls, the core Anishinaabe peoples migrated along the shores of Lake Erie to what is now southern Michigan. They became "lost" both physically and spiritually. The Mississauga migrated along a northern route by the Credit River, to Georgian Bay. These were considered their historic traditional lands on the shores of Lake Superior and northern Lake Huron around the Mississagi River. The Mississauga called for the core Anishinaabe to Midewiwin, meaning 'return to the path of the good life'. The core Anishinaabe peoples formed the Council of Three Fires and migrated from their "Third Stopping Place" near the present city of Detroit to their "Fourth Stopping Place" on Manitoulin Island, along the eastern shores of Georgian Bay.


The homelands of the Mississaugas were originally claimed by the Huron/Wyandot, who were driven off by the Iroquois in the Beaver Wars in 1649/50.[3] The Ojibwe Anishinaabe then moved into the area around 1700, pushing out the Iroquois.[3] The French had previously called an Anishinaabe band near the Mississagi River Oumisagai or Mississauga and for unknown reasons began to apply that name to the Ojibwe who took over the lands immediately north of Lake Ontario.[3] On the 1675 Carte du Mississippi et des lacs Supérieur, Michigan et Huron, the Mississauga were recorded as "Missisakingdachirinouek"[4] (Misi-zaaging dash ininweg: "Regular-speakers of the Great River-mouth"). This was not how the Mississaugas originally knew themselves,[3] but they eventually adopted the name and use it today.







Kimberly Murray, Independent Special Interlocutor, Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools: Thank you.

[Kanien’kéha spoken]

Good morning, senators. As noted, my name is Kimberly Murray, I am Mohawk and a member of the Kahnesatake Mohawk Nation, located in what is now known as Quebec, as Senator Audette mentioned. I would first like to say niawen’kó:wato Elder Barbara Cameron for doing an opening prayer for us before we started this important conversation. I would also like to acknowledge that we’re on the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin Nation, and I recognize that Ottawa has been and continues to be the home of many First Nations, Métis and Inuit. I too lived in Ottawa at one point as a First Nations woman, and I am very honoured to have had the hospitality of the Algonquin Nation while I lived here.

I want to say thank you again to all the senators for inviting me to share with you about my mandate about the Independent Special Interlocutor and some of the work that we have done in the seven months since I have been in this position. As noted, I’m joined with two of my colleagues, Wendelyn Johnson, Executive Director, and Donald Worme, who is one of my legal counsel, and he’s going to answer all of the really hard questions you are going to throw at me.

I wanted to start off by talking about when Tk’emlúps announced the recovery of 215 children in May 2022, the Government of Canada immediately said that we’re going to appoint an Independent Special Interlocutor. Many people wondered what the heck is an interlocutor, what do they do and what does it mean?

It took about a year for the government to get the mandate in place. I understand, from speaking with Minister Lametti and his colleagues, that a number of Indigenous leaderships were consulted on what the mandate should include and what it shouldn’t include. I was appointed for a two-year mandate, which commenced in June 2022.

As I started my work, one of the things that was really important to me as the Independent Special Interlocutor was to hear from elders and survivors about how they wanted us to guide our work. What were …



MAP A and MAP B can be found at the bottom of this SubStack post …





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"The Law Society is spreading calumny against Catholic Oblate priests and the Sisters of St. Ann who are the objects of the blood libel of having murdered and secretly buried 215 students at the school where they were conducting their life mission."

Yes they are, along with every Canadian bishop (except retired Fred Henry) and the vast majority of the current priests and religious. Disgusting. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." And they dare to pretend they believe in the God who gave this command!

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I went to the Law Society's website to find out when the membership vote on these resolutions would be concluded. Online voting is happening up to and including the day of the virtual Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, September 24, and presumably the results will be tabulated on that day or soon after (?) I would assume it's a secret ballot vote, vs. a show-of-hands type of thing. Let's hope there aren't a whole lot of abstentions.

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