Peter Best writes: “But how can we hope to lessen distances between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians when our elite classes are doing everything in their power to increase them?” Special rights based on race or history is Canada’s worst idea.

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Our contemporary politicians are experiencing considerable difficulty in reading the crowd.

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This is the shortest book ever regarding native genocide.

Chapter 1

There was no so called colonial genocide of natives in Canada

This is all about money

No graves dug up proves my facts.

The End.

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Never let truth get in the way of a good story...Mark Twain

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Unfortunately, the incrementalist process that what we now call the Woke have followed since the 1960s has been exactly the same as the one described by Peter & his literary friend, Anthony Trollope.....which is why we now find it so deeply entrenched in our institutions.

The Woke cultural coup that started to noticeably roll out in 2015 was merely the final coup de grace on the world of The Enlightenment.....

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I'm thankful that Peter Best is still taking the necessary steps forward in his steel-toed footwear.

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We may be waiting some time for the appearance of our King Author to pull the sword from the stone and establish a new kingdom. Merlin the Magician would experience considerable difficulty separating the wheat from the chaff in our current garden of weeds.

"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." ~ Douglas MacArthur

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